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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Texting fatalities? Or texting fender benders? Cuz my impression of the question had to do with which one risks my life more, not which is more likely to delay me on my way to work. Again, they both risk my life unnecessarily. My opinion is that a drunk driver risks it more...and, I believe the statistics bear that out - notwithstanding the anecdotal evidence that many in this thread are relying upon. That’s weird. I put in 5 beers over 3 hours for a 125lb female and peak BAC is .074.
  2. Lost in this great debate is when someone is texting while driving you can smack em upside the head and tell them to stop. You can’t smack the drunk out of someone. They are drunk until their liver does it’s work over a period of several hours. Those aren’t bologna numbers either. I’ve participated in many controlled drinking exercises both as a student and instructor that confirms those numbers.
  3. Happens. Either choice is a poor one. Drunks kill people every night. I don’t believe the fatal crash statistics support that texters do the same. Bottom line- don’t drink and drive, and don’t text and drive. Pay attention to the damn road!
  4. I’ve made a career out of arresting drunks. I’ve seen first hand the carnage it causes. Texting and driving is unsafe as well, but I have a difference of opinion as to which risks my life more. To those that say that .13 isn’t that drunk, and it doesn’t take much alcohol to get to that point....I invite you to use this link and see how much alcohol it would take you to get there. The answer is quite a bit (unless you are a small female). I’m absolutely sloshed at a .13, and it takes a ton of alcohol to get a 6’2 245 lb corn fed American male there. Functioning alcoholics wake up at a .13 everyday. https://www.intox.com/drink-wheel/
  5. 2. The drunk is always impaired. The texter is only impaired during the moments that they are looking at their phone.
  6. Wasn’t he a relatively high draft pick a few years back?
  7. What’s Colton Schmidt doing these days, anyway?
  8. Guess my buddy was at least half right. Vosean was laying some people out last night!
  9. Gamesmanship by the Bills forcing Reich to burn a challenge. Nice. Edit: nevermind lol
  10. Very interesting. I question the decision to play him at this point given his history, but what do I know? I’m not an nfl head coach. Hopefully he comes out unscathed.
  11. I saw it too...and then didn’t see a single thing about the Bills the rest of the show.
  12. Not sure, but I’m guessing it has something to do with a hypotenuse?
  13. His SI columns were a must read for me. Sports journalism is not what it was anymore. I had forgotten how much I missed his columns until hearing of his death. RIP.
  14. Maybe because they aren’t thankful for your “service”?
  15. Chick fil a is the only fast food joint I ever go to in uniform. Instead of getting this treatment, you feel appreciated. Customers and staff routinely “thank you for your service”.
  16. I’m white, and I love my nation. Does that make me one?
  17. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is a “white nationalist” anyway?
  18. Which celebrity will be the first to remind us of the dangers of high powered weapons by tweeting from their movie set where they are making millions of dollars glorifying such violence?
  19. Y’all didn’t see that Nate ended up numero uno on the Top 100? I knew he was great!
  20. Sounds like some of you guys are in the market for a Nut Bra, and its "patented ball hoisting technology".
  21. Not sure why, but I'm sorta looking forward to the 40 yard race between Billy Buffalo and Siciliano. Not sure which will be less aerodynamic - Billy's costume, or Siciliano's ears.
  22. Looks like some decent airtime for the Bills on NFLN this morning. Other than Nate Burleson calling the Bills’ backfield young, it seems to have been pretty good coverage thus far.
  23. I thought that these posts were supposed to go away once TC started?
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