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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Insecure creampuffs are the exact personality type drawn to social media, and needing that for their own validation.
  2. Been there, done that. Pulmonary embolisms are no joke. Had one about 8 years ago. What started out as a dull pain in my rib cage - I thought I pulled a muscle - became a sharp, searing, unbearable pain by the time I was in the hospital. I was told I needed to change careers, avoid likely physical contact, etc because of the medication. Not fun. Life changing.
  3. Exhibit A as to why professional athletes really should avoid social media. Too much noise, too many trolls. It’s not worth the stress. Life’s too short to worry about what a few keyboard warriors say.
  4. Im a little jealous. You don’t need to be invisible to enjoy the scenery in the guys locker room...and you still get to fly. Hrmph.
  5. Invisible. For obvious reasons. ?
  6. My issue with the whole CTE thing is what appears to be a double standard. The media. The fans. And yes, the players are all a part of it. We all want football to be safer for the players. The players preach about brotherhood and looking out for each other. But, then a big hit happens...crowds ooh and ahh, the media creates highlight clips that are looped over and over again, and players flex on the field like they are a real bad ass - all while their “brother” lays unconscious on the turf. Which way do they want it? Players know the risks. They have to. They aren’t slaves putting their bodies on the line purely for our entertainment. They are highly paid athletes that make the choice to play the game, and they get to revel in the glory of it. Until things go south...it sucks. But, don’t blame me as a fan.
  7. The Big Hurt? That “man boost” stuff of his really works!
  8. If I’m the Bills I’m laughing at your counter offer, and I’m out. Good luck with the Dolphins!
  9. No love for the kopi luwak? How could everyone forget the delicious coffee brewed from digested coffee beans picked out of exotic cat feces?
  10. Hey man, it’s customary for you to post a pic of Calie for the rest of us to enjoy. Well, maybe not “customary”...but, I’d enjoy seeing a pic of her and the joy she brought to the world.
  11. Retiring at halftime? I highly doubt it was Andrew Luck’s preference to have the information that he was retiring leaked in the middle of a game - since, he had a PC scheduled for the following day supposedly. Who leaked that info? And why? Irsay? His agent?
  12. Maybe Gruden swings em Carr for a pick, and he starts the Peter-Man?
  13. Mumble Gumble and Trent Green on the call.
  14. Summonses aren’t issued for felony offenses. In Florida, we don’t field test white powder substances anymore. We have to wait for lab results and then file paperwork with the State Attorney, who in turn files charges. It’s more likely the scenario around his situation is similar to this.
  15. I thought he resembled James Franco aged by about 60 years. I guess he was working on the sequel to 127 hours?
  16. ...and he’s a repeat offender? That’s ballsy.
  17. Chick fil a does everything right...including their new Mac n cheese!
  18. New or used? I’m willing to part with mine if the price is right. Not only does it have stripes on the outside, but I added some on the inside too. Lemme know!
  19. It’s better than dying in your sleep though, no?
  20. I don’t think Leslie is head coaching material. The guy seems best fit for a coordinator. If he did get hired away, I’m confident his successor would be fine. It would likely be an internal promotion and running the same McD defense. Daboll might be harder to replace. I think he’s at least two years away from getting serious HC consideration though.
  21. Inaccurate title. Non-life threatening injuries is what is being reported.
  22. Fast cars and slow women
  23. If eating burgers will guarantee that Miami will end up under water, count me in!
  24. I don’t disagree that it happens. If your point is that texting and driving can cause fatal crashes, I agree 100%. I also know that those crashes garner a whole bunch more attention than the typical drunk / impaired driving fatals that happen dozens upon dozens of time each and every day in this country. The video linked here is interesting to me: This gentleman struggled with substance abuse, and came clean with his struggles in a brutally honest video. I was involved in the crash investigation where he was killed near Orlando, Florida early one morning in 2012. While driving at speeds well in excess of 100mph, he rear ended a box truck. It was gruesome. I’ve been involved in hundreds of these investigations over my career. I can count the number of times I’ve been involved in fatals involving texting or other distracted driving on one hand..or maybe two. This happens way, way, way too often. On average, 29 people per day are killed by impaired drivers, according the to the CDC. Much of the time, innocent people get caught in the crossfire. Texting while driving is the “crime du jour” of the media today. Let’s not forget that impaired driving is a massive killer of people in this country every year. Both crimes are completely preventable.
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