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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Yes, I do. And, his comments in the thread further proved that his goal was to further that narrative. Not interested in derailing the topic at hand though, so I will just say this (like I said in his thread): stop drinking and driving, stop texting and driving. They are both incredibly unsafe, selfish, and destructive behaviors.
  2. I wasn’t just referring to your weirdly worded “poll” where you strangely tried to minimize DUI by pitting it against texting... There have been other threads where posters chimed in and claimed DUI was not really a big deal. I can justify in my mind those responses as from someone who’s just plain ignorant. Yours? You claim to be/have been a cop...so, it was just weird.
  3. Agreed. Title is poorly written and misleading. This story sucks all the way around. Someone reported drivers BAC was .08. I remember a recent thread where several posters claim that having that BAC is harmless, with some claiming that they drive more safely when they have been drinking. Quit it. This stuff is senseless, selfish, and stupid. Condolences to the deceased and her family.
  4. You were a pilot, I presume?
  5. FABULOUS article, sir.
  6. I remember. Sitting in the Florida Highway Patrol Training Academy, watching the television screens. We had just reported to the academy the day before, and were subjected to all manner of paramilitary indoctrination techniques. As such, I woke up in a daze that Tuesday morning - not sure what to expect from my first full day of academy life. When the TVs came on and we were seeing what was happening, everything got real very quickly. The pain and discomfort that each of us were feeling were immediately eclipsed by what was going on inside those buildings and inside those aircraft. Everyday people became heroes that day. I remember, and I’ll never forget.
  7. Sticks and mushrooms? Drugs. Gotta be. Now, is it you that’s on drugs or Josh? Hmmm..?
  8. Right. It’s pretty much coming from Derek, via David. A strong indication that the end is nigh. It will be very interesting to see the Gruden/Mayock power struggle play out if reports are true that they were split on bringing AB in in the first place.
  9. Wow. Carr said this to the media? AB is done in Oakland. Gotta be. Your QB is publicly saying he’s cool with getting rid of you? Hard to come back from that.
  10. Some other factor? Other than him being legit mentally ill?
  11. Great to hear, Rockpile! My best friend from work has a daughter that is dealing with cancer. Him and his wife put down everything and have been giving every second of their days to helping her with her fight. They moved from Florida to Philly to get her into the children’s hospital up there. Her recovery seems to be going generally well. Kids are so freaking tough! Heres a cool story about her and the support that Pennsylvania law enforcement has given them: http://www.fox7austin.com/popular/3-year-old-girl-battling-cancer-becomes-honorary-pa-state-trooper
  12. Just a taste of the real world, Antonio. No sympathy from me. I’m sure the team loves him airing this stuff on social media.
  13. Because he can pound his chest as the “highest paid RB in the league”, which is what is really important to most of these self-absorbed types like Zeke. Edit: oops wrong quote. Meant to quote @Bills2ref
  14. Poorly written article, IMO. Writer references Bills being 2-4 against the Jets since McDermott took over the Bills “3 years ago”. But, this is McDermott’s 3rd year. He hasn’t coached against the Jets in 6 games. Also, Bells statistical outburst against Rex’s atrocious defense in 2016 is completely irrelevant.
  15. I thought it was a little weird to see Senorise Perry not dressed for the 4th game. Maybe he was safe? Does he have ST prowess?
  16. Dang. Shady? In Beane I trust...but dang.
  17. I think that “arm strength” as measured by throwing power is more a function of leverage and flexibility - the amount of torque one can generate with the throwing motion - than arm muscle size. Larger muscles tend to limit flexibility, too. Randy Johnson didn’t have huge arms, but he did have long arms. So so I guess what I’m saying is that maybe length is better than girth?
  18. Either that, or they have the crab mentality. Can’t stand seeing someone else do something that they were never able to do, so they enjoy seeing them fail. I.e. “now they have to get regular jobs like the rest of us”.
  19. If your situation was in my sphere of consciousness, then yes I would say how much it sucks. These are guys that wear the colors of my favorite team. In that way, they are a small part of my life. Solely because of that, I have a level of care regarding their well being. I’m not saying to shed tears, but I am saying the OP’s article acknowledging that side of it was good and right.
  20. You mean Al Bundy? Polk High? All -City? Scored 4 touchdowns in one game?
  21. I thought the name sounded familiar!
  22. Huh? Just because they know that this is part of it doesn’t mean that when the dream is doused it is any less sad. They are humans, giving everything they have for their dreams. I imagine that it really sucks when they get told by the organization that they gave their all for that it just wasn’t enough. All those bonds that they built are immediately snapped. “It’s part of the job”? Geez dude. Have a little humanity.
  23. Nonplussed, to say the least.
  24. Sinner! Twice on Sunday? Sunday is the Sabbath. Rest, my liege.
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