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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Sabres. What kind of ridiculous question is this??
  2. Nice job calling this DB out. He comes on here acting like he’s a fan that wants to have genuine and open discussion, but then runs backs home and talks smack about us to his buddies. Troll.
  3. Uh oh... activating Webb?
  4. So, you are telling me it tasted like poo? That’s weird...my dog seems to really enjoy those delicacies. He is, typically, a fine judge of character...less so on flavor.
  5. I think that’s pretty much the line. Bills +2.5 is the same as Titans -2.5.
  6. Van Noy is annoying as hell. But good for him that he gets to play on the Pats*.
  7. Meh. Who cares about the opinions of a proven cheater?
  8. Riveron was a ref on field for what, 5 years before he got promoted? Bring back that dude on Fox!
  9. If you wanna say it wasn’t malicious, and there wasn’t intent to injure, and that it was just a football play...fine. I could be with you.... Until, Jones celebrates / flexes / says something over Allen’s obviously unconscious body. That - right there - shows me there was intent. Just like POS Landry celebrated over Aaron Williams after needlessly lighting him up. Brotherhood, my ass.
  10. I opened this thread to find new info about this weekends game and I find two people fighting over who found the dog poo first?
  11. Big whoop. He was a third tier FA acquisition. Sucks for Kroft, but pardon me if I give the GM a pass for taking a gamble on him.
  12. After the cartel decides its mrags time to go, these girls step in and finish you off?
  13. A must win? No sir. The season is not doomed with a loss. Stop setting up your tent on the ledge. Makes it that much more tempting to jump off if they lay an egg on Sunday.
  14. Have you guys read some of the moronic posts on this forum? Especially during the game threads...sheesh. Some of our lovely posters are fodder for other fans, as well.
  15. Judging by the vinyl seat burns on her face, I’m guessing it was a rear end collision? Face down...something something...that’s the way he likes to...something something...
  16. Whenever I see “hear me out” in the title, my sole purpose in opening the thread is for the comedic value that TBD is going to inevitably provide.
  17. Bojo has been the biggest surprise to me so far. Hopefully, he keeps it up!
  18. OMG. Blueberry pie would be delicious right now!
  19. That number doesn’t seem right. maybe the OP has this answer too?
  20. What is the equatorial circumference of the Earth, as measured in cubits?
  21. After 50 years, Monday Night Football is dead. Between Booger and the halftime “shows”, it’s a horrible mess. What is ESPN thinking? Do people actually like these halftime “acts”?
  22. Again, I submit an impaired driver is more dangerous. But that’s my opinion. Ive personally investigated hundreds of fatal traffic crashes. The amount of those that were due to texting I can count on one hand. The amount that were the result of alcohol/drug impairment is probably 30x greater. On the flip side, I’ve investigated thousands of non fatal traffic crashes. It is more even with texting/distraction being a factor with alcohol being a factor (40/60ish) in these less traumatic impacts. But, again...that’s just my experience. This experience, along with training, has led me to formulate my opinion.
  23. I agree that texting is more prevalent, and I agree that it causes a lot of crashes. Some fatal, most of the fender bender type that are inconveniences. My point is, and the supposed question posed in the poll, is which one is more likely to cause you to die. An impaired driver is more likely to cause death. Anecdotal evidence notwithstanding, the objective statistics prove this. Impaired drivers are often driving at higher speeds, with decreased inhibitions/increased risk taking, impaired decision making / judgement skills, impaired visual perceptions, etc etc. Medical studies have proven (and documented findings in medical journals) that significant physical and cognitive impairment exists at BACs of .05. This is my point. I’m an not arguing that texting and driving laws shouldn’t be more stringent and that they aren’t a scourge on the highways of the country.
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