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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Payback the Cowboys?! They should be trying to get payback on members of the Bills for blowing that game. The Cowboys did everything that they could do to give that game to the Bills. The Bills were like “no thanks, you can have it”.
  2. Man in the High Castle is flipping fantastic...it could just be the perfect blend of “history” and nerdy sci fi quantum theory to give me a real stiffy though.
  3. That mic’d up is my favorite of the year thus far. Love this dude!
  4. Pee Oh Ess. and, no Brady isn’t done. Like others have said, he’s average and manages the game. Won’t make any bone headed mistakes, manages the clock and does enough to let his defense win games.
  5. Maybe he was chagrinning thinking about that mustache he’d like to have?
  6. I’m glad y’all confirmed that I heard archuleta say he could grow a dirty sanchez on the air...wow..
  7. Actually, it was. If his stats are legit it basically proves you wrong.
  8. Praise in public, discipline in private. Seems like a basic tenet of good leadership to me.
  9. He shouldn’t have to be there? He’s collecting a fat paycheck, right? Yeah, you gotta be there dude. Just like the rest of us that are doing a job for a paycheck.
  10. I didn’t think that they did...I thought they counted when you were on a roster
  11. Yes. No coach in his right mind is going to talk openly and honestly about schemes, strategies, strengths, and weaknesses to the media. Especially in the middle of the season.
  12. Are you a a Bills fan? Seriously. Are you? I don’t recall reading a single positive thing you have had to say about the team. Being pessimistic (or “realistic” as some like to say) is one thing, but always being overly critical? I can understand the pessimism, at times. But, dude.... your schtick is tired and old. Is it possible they lose to the Dolphins? Of course. Predicting that that they lose? Come on.
  13. It’s all good baby. You do you. I’m a fan of the Bills so I’ll continue to root for a win every Sunday. It’s just weird to me that you waste your time on a Bills message board. Time is a finite resource, and you inexplicably seem to waste yours on a team that you aren’t even a fan of.
  14. I have a theory that no one, and nothing, is a 10 out of 10. ScottLaw can always be a better ScottLaw, and I’m sure he will continue to try to be the best version of himself in the coming days and weeks. There’s always room for improvement!
  15. Ouch...I find this thread hilarious. And, I’m not exactly sure why.
  16. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being a @Joe in Winslow and a 10 being a ScottLaw, you are a solid 9.5.
  17. Did Collinsworth play for the Cowboys? Good grief man...slob on that knob a little more, would ya?
  18. Alarm bells? Did you go into this season expecting a super bowl championship? If so, those alarm bells are your own fault for ridiculous expectations. If you went in with wanting to see growth and potential for a playoff berth, then there’s no alarm bells. The team is a 10-6 / 9-7 type team. Which is a helluva lot better than 6-10. The age of “I want it now!” is a lovely time to be alive.
  19. When a loss happens it’s like someone hit the lock release button at the insane asylum. It’s a loss. You know who else lost? The Saints (to the Falcons) and the Colts (to the Dolphins). Get over it. This place is a nuthouse full of ridiculous hot takes after a loss. The play calling sucked, Hauschka blew it. End of story. Nothing needs to be blown up. On to next week.
  20. Without even reading past page 1.... Get a grip. Good grief.
  21. You forgot the Brian Brohm love fest that was on this board for about 6 days
  22. What’s with the new avi? Did someone lose a bet...?
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