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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Yeah I get that. The broadcast introduced the song as “God Bless America”. I got primed for that beauty!
  2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that wasn’t “God Bless America”, as it was introduced as...wasn’t that “America the Beautiful”?
  3. Peppermint oil
  4. Maybe if you didn’t wear a speedo to the beach, you could get hotter chicks? Just a thought.
  5. Disagree. She’s a 5, to me. Decidedly average. And, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me. Nice girl, I’m sure though.
  6. My point is that no media outside of Buffalo gives a rats patoot about Buffalo - which is good. So, why the leading questions about “how did it feel to be traded from Buffalo and now be playing for a super bowl?” from the Buffalo media? I highly, highly doubt it is the national media asking those questions. I don’t give a darn about outsiders pooping on the team and town, it’s the city’s own media that seemingly wants to bring the fans back to “reality” about the franchise that gets under my skin.
  7. Yes. Huh? Because I expect more of a journalist than to bait someone into a predictable response so that they can point their fingers and say “Aha! Buffalo isn’t a great place to live, work, and play after all! If Sammy says it’s true, it must be!” It’s stupid, lazy, and disappointing.Thats not “feeling persecuted”.
  8. Is it the Buffalo media asking asking these ridiculous loaded questions? Who else would care about how these guys felt when they got dealt from the team? What is the media trying to prove? Very, very weird. The responses are predictable. Does the media just have a thing for hearing someone take a dump on Buffalo so they try to incite it at every opportunity?
  9. I was about to reply with just this exact sentiment on your original post. Well said!
  10. Dang...my iphone was ahead of the cops?
  11. I spent much of my adolescent years trying to figure out “What Is It”....still on my search, actually.
  12. Not a fan of Jerry Jones, but I’m not sure why Garrett should feel slighted by him. Jerry kept him on way too long, by any objective measure.
  13. It’s a common disposition for these types of cases. Those saying he is getting special treatment need to do a little digging into what real life actually is.
  14. Not sure why that targeting call would be questioned. Dude lowered the helmet, launched himself, and hit the receiver in the head. Wasn’t inadvertent at all. Dumb, dumb play.
  15. Exactly. They went to a lot of detail to figure inane details out, but without the ding ***** saying “the guy you are looking for is Luka so and so” they had no shot in determining who this guy was.
  16. Ever been at the bar at 2am, when there is only one chick left? She’s fat, and ugly...but she is still a chick, and you are still a dude... No? Me neither.
  17. Sorry to hear that Joe. Been there, done that many times over my life. I’ll pour one out for the homies today. Gretchen, Zeph, Ezra, Samson, Daisy, Kayla....and all the others we’ve lost along the way...
  18. What does “and” mean? Say you have the winning Powerball ticket, 500 million dollars was all yours. All you have to do is provide your winning ticket AND proof of purchase. But you don’t have your proof of purchase. Are you entitled to the winnings?
  19. Pride and ego? Or, ignorance? The rules clearly state what the elements of giving yourself up entails. Not attempting to advance the ball is merely one of the two required elements.
  20. Yup, by rule any offensive penalty occurring in the end zone results in a safety.
  21. Correct, Bills could intercept it (obviously) before it hits the ground, but once it hits the ground it’s dead and a penalty occurring in the end zone, which equals a safety and a free kick to the Bills.
  22. And I’m willing to bet in EVERY single one of those instances, the player went down to the ground - which is one of the elements required by the rule to give yourself up. I missed the part where any part of #14 went to the ground to give himself up... i.e. his knee.
  23. I think the point is that the Titans actually beat the Patriots 20-13, but I could be wrong?
  24. Somewhere in Jersey, I think..can’t you tell by his irritating accent?
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