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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Animals. Maggots. Feeding on the death and decay of society. Thugs is too nice of a term.
  2. Aaaaaa-oooooooo Werewolves of London!
  3. The date on the link is the date that Chauvin was arrested. The article is also very vague. Is he saying he can’t charge the other officers?
  4. I’m laughing so hard at this right now! Thank you!
  5. I didn’t hear the DA say that. Do you have a link?
  6. When anyone dies as a result of criminal activity, the perpetrator should be charged. Probable cause must exist. In this case it certainly does. That doesn’t mean that the civilian mob decides when that probable cause exists, though. I believe he would have been charged in this case, even without the protest. Misbehaving cops are charged often. They don’t get away with things as much as the media would like you to believe. Just because the media doesn’t cover it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
  7. The answer is to criminally charge people in this country when a loud mob of people say we should, regardless of the actual evidence? *not saying that is the case in the Minneapolis case, but your post seems to indicate that is a good strategy going forward.
  8. Don’t you mean deploying US Military to quell violent riots and looting, and to prevent the further destruction of person and property?
  9. Well yeah, aiming for legs is a terrible idea for many reasons. Especially if it is an “unarmed person coming at ‘em with a knife or something”. Interesting definition of “unarmed”, but it brings other things into sharper focus if that’s how they define it.
  10. “‘Instead of standing there and teaching a cop when there’s an unarmed person coming at ‘em with a knife or something, shoot ‘em in the leg instead of in the heart,’ Biden said in an address to black community leaders in Wilmington, Del.” People are actually gonna vote for this imbecile? This is one of the most ignorant, moronic statements I’ve heard. And, it’s from a “presidential candidate”.
  11. Lol. I doubt they had a permit. I’m sure the DC Metro Police knew whether they did or not. Maybe read up on law, case law, and use of force? It’s not just the “police manual” that allows it. BTW - you crack me up on the main board.
  12. “Law Enforcement”. If the law is you need a permit to lawfully protest, and you don’t have said permit, the protest is therefore illegal. Er go, the cops *can* enforce that law. Carte Blanche? No. Either you don’t know what that means, or you don’t understand that tear gas and flashbangs are accepted and legal means of breaking up illegal protests.
  13. bingo. This is why it was ok for police to gas and flashbang the “peaceful protest” in Washington DC. Because even if it was peaceful, it was very likely still illegal. I doubt there was a permit, and even if there was I doubt the permit allowed them to block streets.
  14. Ironically, it is an approved method in Minneapolis. LVNR has gone the way of the Do-Do, mostly because of its appearances to the public. Also a reason that the vast majority of departments have gone away from the big, bad PR-24. Was a great tool for offensive and defensive, as well as restraint maneuvers, but after LAPD beat Rodney King senseless with them, they started falling out of favor.
  15. A 27 year old one, at that. Sarah Elliott. That’s if, of course, the media is to be believed.
  16. According to the article, top row second from the right is a chick. Hubba hubba!
  17. That’s my Sheriff!!!!
  18. Pieces of ***** come in all colors. The incessant need to judge each other based upon the color of our skin is baffling. All colors of the rainbow are participating in the destruction of our cities. I have no doubt that all colors of the rainbow come out to help rebuild them too.
  19. The probable cause statement does state that the initial autopsy did not find traumatic asphyxiation or strangulation as causes of death. And I agree that this could be a big issue for the prosecution, if it’s true.
  20. In my department, there are several mechanisms in place. Being a supervisor, one of my job tasks is conducting reviews of dashcam/ bodycam videos. The review is documented and flagged in the system. We also have to do periodic, random ride alongs with our subordinates. Stuff like that. Supervisors are responsible for their people, much like parents are for their kids. When issues, or the potential for issues, arise we do have resources to use to assist the officer and correct the behavior. Before I was supervisor, it was just about doing the right thing. If TYTT actually knew me, my name, and my department, a simple google search would reveal to him that I’ve been involved in the arrest of off duty police officers breaking the law, as well as outing bad cops misbehaving on duty. He’s right that the system relies heavily upon the ethics and morality of rank and file cops. The vast, vast majority of cops fall into this category. In my experience, the majority of agencies are ready and willing to dole out punishment to cops doing things they shouldn’t be. Unfortunately for people like TYTT, this rarely results in the public hanging of those police officers. Cops are punished, paper trails do exist, and those paper trails are public record for those who know how to search them (it isn’t hard).
  21. Nah. I’m good, thanks!
  22. I think he’s just saying that he hopes I’m shamed by good cops, since he’s deemed me a bad cop. It’s all good. He doesn’t know me. He just knows that I kick his ass at fantasy football every year and he’s bitter.
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