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Everything posted by Sig1Hunter

  1. Dude, I would die if someone used that as a defense in court! “Judge, I request the case against the defendant be dismissed!”
  2. In my state stop is actually defined as “a complete cessation from movement”.. lol.
  3. Excellent article. I have Heather’s book “The War on Cops” , and enjoyed the tremendous amount of research she put into what she coined as The Ferguson Effect. Her viewpoint is even, fair, and fact based. I appreciate you sharing that.
  4. To further elaborate on the specific portion of the essay (which wasn’t his, actually. He quoted it as told by someone else to him) that you referred to, and actually was the same portion I quoted in a different thread. He isn’t saying that only cops are sheepdogs. There are plenty of sheepdog civilians, and unfortunately there are some sheep cops. The metaphor is basically saying that evil exists (the wolf). There are sheep (people that don’t believe the evil exists, are far removed from it, or just don’t believe it will ever effect them), and there are people that choose to believe evil exists and are willing to stand between the sheep and the wolf - with their life, if necessary (the sheepdog). Grossman expresses that it’s ok to be a sheep. A lot of people are sheep, and they live without a lot of stress because they are oblivious to the dangers around them. Being a sheep isn’t a bad thing...until the wolf shows up. When the wolf shows up, the sheep better find a sheepdog. Again, that doesn’t just mean the cops..or, the military. Your neighbor might be a sheepdog. You might be one. Would you give your life for your family? If yes, then you are their sheepdog. Grossman defines a sheepdog as someone with a capacity for violence and a concern for his fellow man. One willing to put themselves in peril for someone else. A wolf is someone with a capacity for violence, and no concern for their fellow man. A sheep is someone who just mosies along nibbling at the grass without a care in the world, except for themselves. The sheepdog looks like the wolf because they both have a capacity for violence (big fangs). One uses it to destroy the wolf, the other uses it to destroy the sheep. Grossman explicity states that any sheepdog that harms a sheep must be punished and removed - that’s the only way for our system to work. Sheep are people who would freeze or run when they would be forced to act to help someone else. We need more sheepdogs. In uniform, and out of it. That’s just my view on the essay.
  5. I’m well versed on LTC Grossman and have read both On Combat and On Killing. They are very interesting, and provide a TON of evidence to back up his point of view. The sheepdog metaphor doesn’t say, to me, “only I can protect you”. I actually quoted an excerpt from it in a different thread. I believe it is important, and it is accurate. Have you actually read it? Or better yet, read any of Grossmans books? If not, I suggest you do so you can make up your own mind about what he is saying, instead of taking someone else’s word for it.
  6. My experience was similar to yours. I went through a state patrol academy about 20 years ago. It was highly regimented, and very paramilitary. Beds had to be made to certain regs, furniture certain distances apart, lots of PT. Indoctrinated to think everyone is a threat? Hell no. Did you know that everyone could be a threat? Yes. The crazy old man that shot and killed Kyle Dinkheller. The unassuming Mexicans that killed the Texas State Trooper. We watched those videos. But we weren’t indoctrinated that everyone was out to hurt us. To the contrary, we we taught to respond to threats when they present themselves. As a result, cops get killed because action is always quicker than reaction. That doesn’t mean that I need to be staring down the barrel of a gun before I take action, so long as that action is articulable and reasonable.
  7. I believe the UCR calls for white/Hispanic, black/Hispanic, Asian, other. That’s what our traffic stop data reporting calls for, at least (a report that we fill out after every stop indicating race, gender, age, ethnicity, reason for stop, if searched, if arrested, dispositions).
  8. If you think policing is bad now, just wait until qualified immunity is removed. Contrary to what Greggy thinks, most cops are college educated. What college educated, military background (aka in demand in the private sector) person is going to risk getting sued at every corner whenever they have to take lawful police action? What decent cop is gonna be proactive in taking police action when they have to worry about getting sued at every corner? Greggy likes to make the joke about high school dropouts, but in reality those are going to be the cops of the future if this passes. The people interested in law enforcement with a good resume are going to go into private sector work. More pay, less risk.
  9. Straight out of the douchebag handbook. Nice. You sound just like every other low life loser that I’ve arrested and wants to tell me how awesome I am from the back of my car...I’ll tell you the same thing I tell them: “Enjoy your bologna sandwich. If you are extra good you might get cheese. When they ask you to squat and cough, it’s nothing personal. Good night!”
  10. Very original! What are you gonna say next? How I probably got beat up in high school? Great stuff dude! You are a real luddite!
  11. Dude is on here 24/7...I guess McDonald’s is still shut down and he can’t go back to work?
  12. I’m sorry, did you say something?
  13. Hmm let’s see go back to work for the same scumbags that just fired me and want me to take a pay cut? Or go somewhere else where I’m appreciated and paid commensurate with my knowledge, skills, and abilities? Tough choice..
  14. Great share, Levi. Thank you. The perspective is eye opening.
  15. When I went through the academy in 2001 it was 7 months there, plus another 6 months of field training.
  16. I see someone got a speeding ticket this morning!
  17. Lol...nothing wrong with that. It spices things up. At least that how I justify it myself. Cheers!
  18. Fair enough. My bad. Should I kneel, or will that apology suffice? ?
  19. Dunno. I’m not willing to jump to a conclusion based on a video providing no context or information. What do you think they were doing?
  20. I was referring to the intentions of the makers of that video. And their intentions are clearly to inflame tensions. By you linking the video, that means your intentions were the same. Enjoy your dinner.
  21. No, I meant you are playing a stupid game by linking a video intended to inflame tensions by showing brief scenes of police using force on people without any context or explanation of what is occurring. Your stupid prize will be revealed later.
  22. Is the title of this video “Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes”?
  23. You people? What is that supposed to mean? ”Hey, the cops are poorly trained and poorly hired. I have a good idea, let’s give them less money to train and hire more qualified people with, and then pay them less! That seems like it will work, right?”
  24. Yes. I just don’t believe that law enforcement is the root of it, and I don’t believe the evidence supports systemic racism in law enforcement. I believe to the contrary that things are the best they have ever been, in that regard, and we are continuing to get better. And I’m concerned that all of this mess is just going to set everything back. Two steps forward, five steps back so to speak. I believe that the mechanisms in place to perpetuate injustice and unfairness reside at much higher levels, and that is what we should be protesting against. Who stands to gain from minority communities remaining crime infested and in poverty? The cops? Every cop I know would love it if those communities prospered and crime became non existent. A safer community means more cops going home safely. And no cop is gonna turn that down as the end goal of their shift.
  25. https://mobile.twitter.com/therealahook/status/1269416096714485762 Werner Herzog + Mayor Frey = perfection!
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