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Amarillo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Amarillo Bills Fan

  1. If you have nfl network catch the game Saturday morning, I believe it comes on at 9am cst.
  2. I hope IK Enemkpali makes the team. I'll buy his Jersey so I can wear it to the November 12th Thursday night game.
  3. They can't 'contain' their excitement..... http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/04/24/police-chasing-small-herd-buffalo-on-loose-near-new-york-state-thruway/?intcmp=latestnews
  4. Just chatted with a directv rep, she told me the game will be shown on Sunday ticket, hope she's right. However, the game is not listed on the directv guide yet. So we shall see.
  5. No defensive holding penalty on Sammy? Bad Spot on the Goodwin catch, should have been on the 2 or 3 yard line, not that it made any difference.
  6. Tasker should have been part of the crew.
  7. You guys are a trip. He knew I was kidding around. Rich
  8. I just have to give fans of other teams flack, I can't stop myself. I had no idea he was an actual Giant, I figured he was just a fan wearing the colors. Link works here. It's just draft info on Weston Richburg. He was taken 43rd over all. Rich
  9. Was at lunch today and saw a guy wearing a NY Giants polo shirt. Being a Bill's fan I got up walked over to him to let him know that Buffalo is the 'only' team that plays in NY. He just looked down at me (I'm only 5'8") and said 'really'. Turns out this was the guy: http://www.nfl.com/d...burg?id=2543705 He went to Bushland High School which is just a couple miles west of Amarillo. Pretty nice guy and his Dad mentioned that he loves the Bill's. Rich Amarillo TX
  10. We went to a Denver game last year. I've been to a few stadiums (Ralph Wilson, Jaguars, Cowboys), and the transportation to and from Sports Authority field is outstanding. We stayed at a hotel in Cherry Creek. Union station was not too far from the hotel. A quick drive to Union Station, park the car and jump on the train to the stadium. It's a short walk to the stadium from the train drop off. After the game it looked like it was going to be hell to catch a train back, but I was quite impressed with the organization of the lines and the extra trains to empty the place. I'm looking forward to the Dec 7 game. We paid $350 per ticket for section 308 last year, not sure what it will cost this year. But it's a lot cheaper to drive up to Denver from Amarillo (5 to 6 hour drive) than it is to fly to Buffalo. On the flip side $350 per ticket bought us indoor tickets at the Ralph for the Thursday night game against Miami a few years ago. Ticket price wise, the Ralph is a bargain. Go Bills.
  11. I've always been a firm believer that the Bill's are the only NY team. Instead of the NY Giants or NY Jets, they should be called the NJ Giants and NJ Jets. I was glad to hear the LT. Gov state that very fact in the press conference yesterday. http://www.buffalobi...57-efcbf047e811 3:30 into the conference. Rich
  12. While I don't live in NY any more (I'm in Texas), I'd be willing to purchase a pair of tickets and have them donated/given to someone to use. Maybe this will help with selling out each game especially the later in the season games. I think that's the first step to showing a potential new owner that Buffalo is serious about the Bill's, lets be sure each game is sold out. My wife and I try to get to a Bill's game once a year. This year it will probably be Denver or Houston or maybe both. Denver is a 6 hour drive from here. Other than that its NFL Sunday ticket for me. Rich Amarillo, TX
  13. I'm not sure how to edit a youtube video but I think you'll get the point. Insert Brady for Parkman
  14. How about we get our act together and beat them straight up.
  15. The behavior is pretty rediculous before, during and after the game. We were sitting in the indoor M&T clubseats (great experience by the way and that's the way we'll do it from here on out). We didn't even make it to half time before one of the local drunks started with the F bombs that everyone could hear. I thought I was going to escape that by sitting in premium seats. Then it was off to the car after the game, it was a mad house. Drunks every where, f bomb that f bomb this, kicking bottles into cars etc. The next morning on the way to the airport we drove by the stadium and it looked like a local dump. I've been to three other stadiums, Jacksonville, Dallas and San Antonio (when we played the Saints after the hurricane) and none of them are any where near the level of the bad behavior as the young Bill's fans. We'll be back, just wished the behavior was better.
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