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Amarillo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Amarillo Bills Fan

  1. https://twitter.com/i/status/1310254042396930049
  2. I've always been a Bill's fan, since the early 70's. My Dad is from Silver Spring's NY, I was taught to love the Bill's and hate the Cowboys. It's been touch and go over the years, but I've never given up on them. The early 90's were great, and now, hopefully, we'll start another good several years.
  3. This is obviously a bit premature, however... Once the first playoff game's location and date are set, where's the best place on this site to coordinate? The tailgate section? I'm in Amarillo and Houston and Kansas City are both about an 8 hour drive, so getting there wouldn't be big problem. It would be nice to be with a group. Then again maybe spreading out in the stadium would be better. I was at the Thanksgiving game and we were spread out all over the place. If nothing else it would be fun to be part of the tailgating festivities.
  4. I saw two fights ( or attempted fights) from my perch in section 226. Security was involved quickly and kept them from really getting started. The best part... they were between Cowboy fans. ?
  5. Is there a specific lot others are gathering at? We'll start at the Sheraton and walk over to the stadium.
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/bills-mafia-hatchet-throwing-eagles-tailgate
  7. I bought tickets to the Dallas game the day the schedule was released. I'll never miss a game when the Bills come to Dallas. Our son lives in Dallas so we'll make it a family Thanksgiving instead of him coming up to Amarillo. I think Jerry's world is a terrible stadium. You'll end up watching the game on the huge 4 sided TV hanging over the field. I've been to Dallas, Denver, Jacksonville and Buffalo. Buffalo is the best of the bunch, Denver is 2nd in this limited sample. My wife, who's a native Texan, (and a Dallas Fan), prefers going to Buffalo, especially when it's snowing. That being said, it's a Bill's game, it will be a good time. Dallas fans are good folks.
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/bills-sean-mcdermott-patriots-bill-belichick-son
  9. Great story. I've never met the family but understand. I've been in the business of care giving for individuals like Robbie for the past 23 years and my wife of 32 years is a Special Olympics coach. With all my experience(s) I still don't think I understand the sacrifices families like Mitch's have to make. It's overwhelming to say the least.
  10. If a game is on CBS can I watch any game if I have CBS all access? or is it based on region? If I can watch any game that is on CBS this may be a good alternative to NFL Sunday ticket. The only issue will be when a game is on FOX.
  11. You need to go to here https://www.directv.com/ to check availability. I dumped directv a while back, but since I can install their antenna I'm not eligible for the streaming service. Since your family member is an apartment type setting, it may be available. Good luck.
  12. I 'BILLieve' they are sausages.
  13. I ordered here https://www.nystyledeli.com/cgi-bin/deli/search.html?mv_searchspec=Hots&mv_column_op=eq&mv_numeric=0&mv_search_file=products&mv_search_field=category&mv_matchlimit=50&mv_searchtype=db&mv_sort_option=f&mv_coordinate=1&mv_sort_field=dl_location&mv_search_page=results3.html I went with the 6lb special.
  14. Watch a couple Franklin BBQ videos. This guy has a line out his restaurant door everyday until the food is gone and it doesn't take long.
  15. A good smoked pork shoulder is tough to beat. There will be plenty of smoking on Sundays here as well. I'm sure there will be a pork but, packer brisket and ribs spending some time on my smoker this year. I have a primo charcoal smoker I use and when I'm lazy a green mountain pellet grill. It's just been a long time since I've had a white hot. They're kinda pricey to ship but what the heck, its Bill's football.
  16. I'm feeling pretty good about this season. I just placed an order for some Zweigle's red hots and white hots. It's been a long time since I grilled a white hot. The wife doesn't like them so more for me. I may have to place another order for tailgating at the Thanksgiving game. Go Bill's!
  17. I purchased my tickets on SeatGeek the evening the schedule was released. Section 226 first row, with end seats. So no having to stand up, even though we will. I wouldn't wait until the last minute to get tickets. This game is a lot easier to get to than a game in Buffalo. That being said, I would much rather go to a game in Buffalo. Tailgating and the fans are head and shoulders above other teams. The death star stadium sucks, New Era is awesome. Even the wife, who's a Dallas Fan, prefers going to Buffalo.
  18. Dallas for me. Hotel booked, tickets bought.
  19. How about they win the Super Bowl and Brady/Belichick decide to go out on top and call it quits. Wishful thinking of course. I'd be happier if Josh and crew can get it together and we start beating them with talent and coaching.
  20. O'Leary would have made the catch
  21. Amarillo, TX Family is originally from Silver Springs, NY. I was taught to love the Bills and hate on the Boy's.
  22. I'm going to the game as well, a good friend has season tickets. Flying up from Texas on Wednesday so we're not in a big rush on Thursday. I've been looking for the stadium and finally found it in the state of NJ. All this time I thought they were the NY Jets, turns out they're the NJ Jets.
  23. Heck it's dangerous for Bill's fans to go to Bill's home Games. We were trying leave the west lot Sunday and the line would not move. I was able to cut across and get in another line. Turns out the line was being held up by two car's (enterprise rental van and a black suv) who decided to empty and have a bit of a brawl, not sure why. I even saw a guy put a girl in a head lock as she attempted to steel magnetic decals off of the enterprise rental van.
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