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Amarillo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Amarillo Bills Fan

  1. That's the 1st of four rings.... 1 - Engagement Ring 2 - Super Bowl Ring 3 - Wedding Ring 4 - Suffer-ring...... Normally its just 3 rings, but in Josh's case we need to throw in the Super Bowl Ring.
  2. This is a good one... https://www.facebook.com/groups/787261452486426/permalink/1102857197593515/
      • 1
      • Haha (+1)
  3. I always enjoy listening/watching the previews every week. Who's the narrator for these previews? I did a search and came up empty.
  4. Tri-Tip's are awesome. We'll do one for Christmas day. On the Traeger until it hit's 125f then on to the charcoal grill, high temp, to sear it. IE the reverse sear method.
  5. Brisket. Low and slow. Use post oak with an offset firebox or the easy way with a pellet grill. Trim the fat to a 1/4" and hit it with lots of course salt and pepper. Smoke for 12 to 14 hours. When it hits 203 degrees remove it, wrap it in a towel and place in a cooler so it can rest for at least an hour. So start the cook around 9pm Saturday night. The guy makes awesome rubs as well.
  6. The wrong Sean is coaching the Bill's
  7. Going to throw a couple white hots on the grill. You either like them or you don't. https://www.nystyledeli.com/cgi-bin/deli/3161.html
  8. Great movie. I need to find it on a streaming service and re-watch it.
  9. The college football coverage on Saturday was outstanding. If your into sports YouTube TV is an option that you need to check into. They had several feeds showing 4 games at once or single feeds for a game.
  10. Steptide, I'm using my computer. I tried, as an experiment, changing my membership on my Iphone. It's a pain, so I gave up. I would try logging into your account on a pc or maybe an Ipad.
  11. Steptide, I'm already a YouTubeTV subscriber. I signed into my account and went to settings, then membership. Under base plan there is an option to add NFL Sunday Ticket at 4 equal payment option or a full price option.
  12. I haven't read all the previous posts, so this might be old news. I noticed on my YouTubeTV account that I can select 4 payments of $74.75 vs a single payment of $299. Just passing it on.
  13. I stopped watching in September of 1979.
  14. YoutubeTV + Sunday ticket is still cheaper than DTV ever was, in my situation anyways. Glad the switch was made. DTV made the mistake of not allowing DTV steam users the ability to purchase Sunday Ticket. If you were in an area that had their dish service, you had to have the dish service. TV setup is so much easier with a Firestick and WiFi. Good riddance to DTV.
  15. https://www.foxnews.com/media/congressmen-have-unusual-debate-front-reporters-capitol-steps-biden-wipe-floor-desantis
  16. Genny Screamers. Dad always had a keg of Genny Cream Ale in the basement fridge. Can't get it here in Texas, that I know of.
  17. Over all I'm happy that someone other than Directv is going to have Sunday Ticket. I went streaming and even tried the Directv streaming service which was cheaper than having traditional Directv and associated receivers et. Unfortunately they would not sell the Sunday Ticket as a stand alone to me as my physical location had access to the satellite service. I tried to BS them with my neighbors tree is blocking the antenna excuse, no luck. I canceled the service. At that point I piggy backed on my Sister in Law's directv service. I paid her for the Sunday Ticket package and watched it on the Sunday Ticket app on the firestick. Then the kneeling crap started and I didn't really care about watching for a couple years. The NFL got they're act together and solved that problem. Now that the Bill's are winning and popular I don't miss many games. This weekends game won't be on the local cbs station so I'll probably fire up NordVPN and watch the game on Paramount + Directv, Dish and traditional cable are shedding customers as more and more switch to streaming services. I understand that many will not be thrilled with having to move to YouTube TV, but it's still a cheaper alternative than Directv ever was. With Youtube TV Plus ( an extra $10 per month), you get to have unlimited streams on your home network and 3 streams outside your home network. Our son uses one of those 3 streams. I'm sure there are some creative folks out there to split the cost 3 ways to reduce the cost further... Put me in the 'I'm glad YouTube TV is going to win the contract' group.
  18. I subscribe to YouTube TV, so I'd be up for this. https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/nfl-sunday-ticket-rights-may-be-heading-to-googles-youtube-tv-report-claims/ I'm looking forward to NFL Sunday ticket being available on a streaming service and not locked into Directv. YouTube TV, Prime, Apple, what ever. I dumped Directv several years ago, too expensive. YouTube TV at less than $70 per month is a good option. Lot's of sports plus the local channels.
  19. Try here JerseyBills https://www.specialolympics.org/_preview?_cms.db.previewId=00000171-c230-d058-ad77-ce7ce60a0000&_date= Scroll down towards the bottom. There are links listed by State. I normally rely on my wife on when and where 😉 Rich
  20. Good on the Bill's and players to host an event for Special Olympics. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/special-olympics-flag-football-clinic My wife has been a Special Olympics coach for the past 26 years and she now works for Special Olympics Texas. I'm very proud of her. I've been in the business of providing care for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities for the past 26 years. I had the honor/pleasure of participating in a Unified bowling tournament a few weeks ago. My IDD partner and I came in first place, great fun. The following weekend I volunteered to keep score on a pair of lanes at an event. That was a hoot, great fun. If you get a chance to volunteer or participate in a Special Olympic event, please do. You won't regret it, you'll be back for more.
  21. I already subscribe to Paramount+ so I'll fire up NordVPN and watch it on a Buffalo station.
  22. Just checked the guide for Sunday and no early CBS game here. The only CBS game is the late game, KC and Denver. Go Denver.
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