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Kim Jong Il

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Everything posted by Kim Jong Il

  1. Happy Birthday Comrade Monkey.
  2. DO NOT stifle the patriotic dissent of Comrade PastaJoe!! The rigged fraudulent 2000 and 2004 elections prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that the criminal US imperialists of the Bush clique of dirty doggish demented deranged diplodocussian mentally cracked bourgeois consumerist colonial provokers of criminal bellicose wars of aggression troughout history, are nothing more than thieves, since the very nature of war-crazed greed-based individualist capitalism, contrary to peace-loving altruistic Juche-based man-centered Korean-style socialism, is to steal everything from everybody.
  3. Criminal Bush will stop at nothing to forcibly impose his criminal illegal fraudulent rule. The social turmoil caused by the massive flooding, provoked by squads of undercover secret CIA-backed US Special Forces disguised as looters looting commercial buildings (just like they did in Baghdad in 2003, the criminal Modus Operandi of the Bush clique always repeating itself) gave him so called "justification" for imposing martial law upon the US, the necessary pretext to round-up progressives and political dissidents and summarily stifling dissent.
  4. Survivor – Yoduk Extreme Bunker Makeover: Yongbyong Edition The Lighter Side of Songun Girls Gone Wild - Chongjin Kim Jong Il Comedy Hour
  5. It is undeniable that criminal Bush is to blame for the flood. It is not just a coincidence that Operation Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans but not his multi-billion dollars oil ranch in Crawford, punishing the disenfranchised poor black population of the city for not voting for him in the rigged fraudulent 2000 and 2004 elections.
  6. Happy Birthday Comrades.
  7. What is so funny, Comrade? Criminal Bush and Dick Cheney's Halliburton oil industry reaps immense profits from the inexplicable and sudden gas price hike.
  8. The criminal Bush clique and their Halliburton oil industry masters in Tel-Aviv control the weather with banned by international law weather control satellites that they routinely use to provoke droughts and floods to steal the world's water in order to steal the world's oil. Operation Hurricane Katrina was long planned for some time, as the criminal pentagon accomplices had removed the Louisiana National Guard from the area months ago.
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