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Everything posted by jan

  1. Does anyone know if the game has sold out in Toronto? Not sure I can stream it on my DTV Sunday Ticket if it is not "sold out" thanks in advance.
  2. 1- M 1- L 2- XL 1- 2XL Thx Cindy !!
  3. Scott, So sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. We will keep you & your family in our thoughts & prayers. Jan & Bob Murphey
  4. well you are back on my list now. miss u cindy hope all is well.

  5. Congrats to you both. She must be an angel ! Here's to another 35 !
  6. 1-xl 1-2xl 1-lg thx cindy will paypal jan
  7. My sister lives in Bellvue area. Her home was submerged & she has lost everything. Said she was able to salvage a few baby pix of her kids. She spent yesterday & today tossing her belonging out of the house for the dumpsters. I had no idea this was happening until she called to tell me on Sunday. The Weather Channel covered it. All the others covered the oil slick & the bomb.
  8. Hope your knee is better soon, Jay !
  9. Just got off the phone w/ DTV. They said that they sent out a notice with a bill, but could not tell me which bill it was when I questioned them, because I never got any notice. Then she said they e-mailed a notice. I get e-mails from DTV, but did not get any about the old receivers not able to get the ticket. Sooooo, they are sending out new receivers - " free of charge" - which they better darn well be... I will get the receivers by Friday. Then I complained some more & they said I could have Showtime free for 3 mos. I said I would have no use for that. So she gave me 20 bucks off my next bill. Knowing how things work there , I will be checking my bill closely next month to makr sure it's applied.
  10. 1-2X 1-XL 1- L 1-M Thanx Cindy....will get check out pronto !
  11. 20 Mins from us Jack....seriously...ya gotta call
  12. We'll bring the blue cheese & celery, & a bag of wings. Oh, & of course the chocolate chip cookies.
  13. This letter written by his boss says it all...this was our son, Craig. “It’s blazing!” This was the thing Craig always said after traveling on his bike from Brooklyn to the Cathedral which is on the other side of the city. So, it was always “blazing” whether it was 90 degrees in August or 10 degrees below zero. Craig didn’t own a coat. He wasn’t known for wearing socks either. So, how was he able to keep warm. We at Cathedral Community Cares have decided that Craig’s big warm heart (in his tall thin body) was enough. Craig started working at the Cathedral in November of 2003 as a VISTA volunteer for CCC. He was 22 years old, just out of college, and excited about the chance to live in the very “heart” where everything happens. His task was to strengthen the work of the Upper West Side Colloquium Against Poverty, which consisted of 5 emergency food providers in the Morningside Heights/West Harlem area. The group wanted to have a VISTA coordinate its efforts. It was important that the group met regularly, that there were minutes, and an agenda, not just a lot of discussion about poverty. As soon as Craig started his work with the group, membership expanded and the group was able to accomplish a number of projects: a membership agreement and mission statement (as well as the changing of the group’s name to “West Harlem Action Network Against Povert (WHANAP), the publication of a resource guide, the sharing of a webdatabase, and a Community Support Agriculture Project, better known as the “West Harlem CSA” Through his ability to build relationships as an organizer and bringing together his creativity and intelligence he fundraised for the continued coordination of WHANAP and stayed on as the Cathedral’s Community Organizer after his VISTA year was completed. Just this week, we ended the first CSA growing season. This collaborative initiative ensured that fresh produce would reach low-income families and the emergency food programs he organized. This project was close to his heart. He was passionate about the issues of hunger. He understood that combating this issue was not just about feeding people but that it involved getting the freshest and best nutrition to everyone regardless of one’s income. He ran the WHANAP meetings as if he was an experienced organizer for 20 years. He knew that his job was not to tell people what to do, but to listen and connect folks, pull resources together and make things happen. The CSA project alone, involved 5 different organizations and 7 WHANAP members. Somehow he was able to juggle all of this at the same time. This week Craig also sent out the “Feed the Solution” e-newsletter. This e-newsletter informed church leaders, program heads and volunteers what was going on with social policy issues on hunger and the advocacy work needed to change the systemic issues that lead to hunger. He participated in lobby days in Albany and Washington DC, speaking directly to elected state and federal officials. He testified about his own experience with the Food Stamp program in front of the City Council’s welfare committee. He was in constant communication with the City Council office, working on setting up meetings for WHANAP members so that they had an opportunity to talk about what was wrong with the food distribution system and how to make it better. He worked tirelessly to make sure that these small emergency food programs had the tools necessary to do their job as best as possible. This included sending out pleas on “Craigslist” for things like computers, volunteers and materials. Although his dress to many screamed: hipster, youth and rebellion; his demeanor was completely adult and self-assured. The CCC staff sometimes poked -fun of his vegan lifestyle. However his lifestyle was consistent with his personal convictions. He was passionate about ending cruelty to animals, changing the food systems in this country, and was critical about how things were made and produced. Craig talked about the problem with sweatshops and labor and then unlike many others, he only purchased “non-sweat” items. He inspired us every day. He served as a mentor to many VISTAS at the New York City Coalition Against Hunger. Always taking the time to explain to them the projects he was working on and how they could create similar opportunities for others. In his free time he even started a volunteer service to make sure that someone was available to walk friends home from parties, clubs, etc. during the night in his Williamsburg neighborhood…so folks would get safely home. An active listener who would let you know that he understood when he gave his beautiful smile and someone who was the embodiment of what social justice means at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine….this is why Craig Murphey will be sorely missed.
  14. Bob & I will be there , as well as 2 of our friends.
  15. Hi Eric, 1 "kick azz". & 1 general please. Thank-you jan
  16. Thanks all. See you in September !
  17. 3-XL 1-L 1-M Thanks for taking care of this once again, Cindy.........jan
  18. Thanks for the link Lori, I just got 2 tickets in sec 314...I know people who have used Stub Hub before without any problem...
  19. Bob says he will stay @ Hammers again, so I only need 1 ticket....if anyone has 1 to sell...thanks
  20. It'll be our secret !!
  21. Back to page one !
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