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Superb Owl

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Everything posted by Superb Owl

  1. That's the thing you never know when a late round pick could become an excellent player like McGee or Kyle. So stockpiling picks makes sense. Even if the Evans trade looks bad this year, it will probably look like wash later, but could be a pleasant surprise. Nix is talking about Hairston being capable of starting LT this year and he was a 4th.
  2. Great topic OP. We have all this unused cap space, and it's viewed as a negative. But it could be a positive if it's being saved like money in the bank. If more and more cap space gets used as more players show consistent results, then we will think they were being smart about it to keep the team together long term. And, if you sign big name free agents that don't work out, they can take up future cap space that makes it harder to keep the team together. So it's risky and they are choosing the conservative way. If they consistently improve, even if it's slow, it will start to look less like Ralph was cheap, and more like he waited for a solid plan worth investing in. The bottom line is evaluating talent. Buddy has done pretty good but made some mistakes. He shook up the scouting department. The jury is still out.
  3. I thought JD Williams was good, but I was just a kid
  4. I don't think he was sidestepping, he put it in the open that CJ may not live up to his draft status. After hearing that I feel better that they won't make bad decisions just to save face if it turns out to be a bad pick. There was an article posted recently about Belichick being great about cutting his losses quickly with draft choices, and bad GMs having a hard time with that. I'll post a link if I can find it. My link
  5. I never listen, but thought I'd tune in for the round table. I also judged it to suck a** and I feel you are on the right track. They sound like people that somewhere along the way became very lazy. There was one guy on there constantly saying the other guy had great insight, I guess that is the yes man referred to above. I fear it will be a tough environment for Sal, they may feel threatened by the fact he is actually worth listening to :/
  6. Thanks OP. I hardly ever post either but have been realizing more and more this is my favorite Bills board. Great personalities, great debate, less flaming. It's a fun time of year when anything is possible
  7. Thank your boss for me!
  8. Yeah thanks! Loved it, but Tim left out the German neighborhood!
  9. Couldn't have said it better myself
  10. I don't see anything. Maybe he's not as good as he looked last game. Seems like the roster moves were circular last year too around this time
  11. It sucks for everyone, just when the Texans might be good enough to beat him :/
  12. I watched them both and feel opposite of you. Young's punch looks good. Smith looks like he's struggling all the time to get where he needs to be. He definitely tries hard though. Seems like Young could be a guard if he turns out too slow as a tackle, true?
  13. I really feel any new coach risk is negligible this year. Rivera had 6 weeks to install brand new offense and defense. It's new to all the players, not just Cam. It looks like the coaches have been trying to make up time - Steve Smith said his head was spinning with 50 plays installed per day (WTH?). Newton has honestly sounded overwhelmed in his interviews, constantly mentioning the steep learning curve and not really knowing where he's at with trusting the system and knowing where receivers will be. He did score a TD against the Steelers in the last preseason game but there were 6 backups on the Steelers D for that drive. The best way for the Panthers to pull a surprise would be to get a bunch of turnovers, but it's hard to see them getting a lot of pressure. In the 4th preseason game their announcers were saying their starting D-line had been "manhandled" in the two games prior. And then they went out and got run over by the Steelers.
  14. Lol, I might. Buddy is a good salesman and I can definitely be naive. But I'm pretty skeptical too. I really want to believe Buddy is a better talent evaluator than salesman. If so we're on to something
  15. Just maybe, Buddy is old and wise enough not to make excuses to look like a genius. You must agree he understands that he'll only look like a genius if the team wins. That would mean he would focus more on picking and developing players than conjuring up crazy scenarios. Man this Pollyanna-berry punch is tasty!
  16. I haven't been a big Jasper fan and was surprised by all that positivity. But if you are correct, why would he be motivated to make up trying to hide his skills from the league? That would be too over the top just to save face on a late 7th rounder IMO. He said they knew Jasper would take awhile so it makes sense to buy time.
  17. To answer your rhetorical question, it's not. He's either fooling the other teams, or us. With a little spiked koolaid, I could see it as bragging about pulling off a known GM trick. I agree with San Jose he's not worried about being outbid sight unseen.
  18. hairston blocks good & looks effortless
  19. John Butler kind of had that air about him of enjoying what he does. Hopefully their similarities don't stop there
  20. Yes, a little odd about the Senior Bowl. Made me worry about falsely up-rating players because of a warm fuzzy. I read the Bengals did the same though, maybe it happens more than we think. If I had time I would go back and see if it's the norm, and see how it turns out for the teams that coach there.
  21. Hooray!!! I remember talking to you about this a long time ago, cheers! I think the scouts he hired should be re-evaluated too.
  22. This could be old info for some, but Mayock said Watt is the best 5-technique he's EVER seen. Put that together with off-the-chart combine numbers = top 5 you would think http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/41813687/sports/player_news
  23. I'm not alone apparently. Interesting how this author uses a statistical model to determine which QB he feels is most likely to succeed in the NFL... http://www.fantasyfootballmetrics.com/Player_News/Content/NFL-Draft_2011_Stanzi_2-23-2011.htm
  24. Good point, he is solid. I think I would put him in my "Not sure" category because his stats dropped so much his last year
  25. He was not convicted. I stand corrected. Not trying to flame Newton, for all I know he could turn into a hall of famer. But there are red flags: Arrested on three felony counts (http://www.palmbeachpost.com/sports/content/sports/epaper/2008/11/21/1122gatorsqb.html) Not a great work ethic (http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/larry-felser/article359483.ece)
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