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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. normally yes but with 3 misses so far
  2. we did say we knew the guy and wanted an experienced HC
  3. The kicker is killing the Chargers and Jets are all out blitzing now
  4. so today we have positive ICE vs negative ICE. But it sucks we have to wait at least another week to find out.
  5. Stop tracking me guys. I wanted to grab some folks in Buffalo and enjoy a nice trip to the warm and sunny Cayman Islands.
  6. At the end of the roman empire it was reported that the emperor was playing his fiddle. There are times I get the feeling that the Buffalo Bills are burning to ruin and the owner is just sitting there playing the fiddle. The end may be nearer than many of us realize.
  7. Vanek is a head case
  8. Its the internet age make it up and maybe it becomes true
  9. Actually when he dies he wont have any money unless he has figured out a way to take it with him??
  10. Hey I would work him I would be making more money than I am today and I get to see Bills games for free
  11. What concerns me most of this statement is that we now have chosen a GM and CEO that we are concerned are not able to evaluate a coordinatior or college coach about ability to become an NFL head coach. YIKES!!!!! What the heck will happen when its time to bring in players etc. Is NIX GM in name only and without Cowher here leading draft etc we end up wit a bunch of Maybins and Whitners again? BTW if ye need the letters delivered in raleigh I will volunteer to drive them up to Cowher's house, he doesnt live that far away and I can have my car all decorated with bills stuff when the delivery occurs. If we dont get Chin this screams for Marty, Marty come and save us :-)
  12. The perfect name for the next Bills Coach. Coach Gerzowski ( Zerowski) can ya just hear the national media tearing that one up all day
  13. Well he has stated the same thing in threads of others, threads he started and now another. I guess he is worried his point is not getting across.
  14. Unfortunately we cant seem to get an answer, however on Rome is Burning Rome just claimed that Brian declined the offer to become the bills next head coach. I need to take a break and go away for a month trying to make head or tail of what the freak is going on is impossible. What concerns me are messages that we know the direction we are going yet we do not see any movement so one has to surmise we are chasing people currently employed by playoff teams
  15. Yeah its all the Unions fault. Agreed rookie salary cap is required I do not think the NFLPA is against that. The issues are on revenue sharing, pension and other matters
  16. Problem is when he Dies we have no clue what happens with the Franchise does it get sold to highest bidder and if it does it is the end of the NFL in Buffalo
  17. Agreed. Maybe Kelly is working to convince cowher they have a real plan but until Ralph says there is one it doesnt freaking exist
  18. PTR I was yanking your chain. We need to let the process work out however this board goes crazy with every Adam Schecter report and tweet
  19. Actually I was thinking that Promo The Robot is the main reason coaches arent beating down the doors
  20. Has he refused to interview because hes trying to stay focused on the playoffs or refused to consider our HC position??? Remember less than a week ago it was claimed Grimm refused an interview as well. Will we let the damn process work itself out instead of reacting to ever Schecter report?????
  21. I agree, at first I wanted COwher but lack of movement on that front just smells with something amuck. Brian and his Dad are my number one pick right now I think he has shown he knows how to develop QBs and has been around some good thinkers and motivators.
  22. Right now I would go with the Shotty Duo, Brian has proven he knows how to coach young QBs and Marty has been a winner, Marty can help shape the future and build the team up and get us that SB back with the team he won AFL championships with.
  23. 2 db's, an undersized DE and a QB back with questionable arm but is really SMART. Order is not important
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