Three different stories
1) Circa 1976 I am attending a Buffalo Braves game and it is announced OJ Simpson is attending the game. So I start scanning the stands for OJ via a set of binoculars. As I start scanning I am tapped on the shoulder by the gentleman behind me none other than Reggie and he smiles and gives a finger point to OJ who is sitting just off my right shoulder. It was Reggie, OJ and Ben Williams. Still have the autographs on the lousy piece of paper I had.
2) 1990 - My younger brothers bachelor party Freddie and Haslett are there. Played some poker, smoked some cigars and drank a bit. My younger brother is good friend with Haslett. Two fun guys to party with.
3) Jim Ritcher goes to the same Chiropractor that I do. One day I am there very early sitting next to this guy, I am the bigger of the two. we start talking since I had on an NC State shirt and soon realize its Ritcher and we attended NCSU at the same time etc. We chatted for ever till the chiropractor finally said ok which of you big guys do i get to wrestle first.