I live in NW part of raleigh, had lots of pea size hail and winds. I found debris in the yard that clearly came from homes and buildings however on my side of town do not see any home damage so clearly came from likely the sanford area were a lowes hardware store was ripped apart. Amazing no one was seriously hurt in that one. 22 dead is pretty bad. The sky was weird all day but for those that were here in 1988 the sky and air was much queerer that day than saturday. Folks in Southeast Raleigh , Holly Springs, Rolesville took alot of the damage around raleigh and as corp mention lots of damage in cumberland county. I think i saw 4 schools closed indefinitely due to the storms and many are still without power and homes. Thank god the weather yesterday and today is lovely however more rain and storms expected later this week so alot of work for people to secure belongings and try to batten down what is left.