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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. I didnt listen to Sirius NFL Radio, watch NFL network or get into any other hype around the Bills. I may have made a mistake of listening to post game show on radio I did that after Pats game so will see if that changes things this coming week.
  2. I don't care how we win just that we win. What I am loving about this team is the never give up attitude. They dont seem to get down and just get up strap it on and get back to work
  3. Bill one play you didnt comment on was the sneak by Fitz. What a headsy call and he just tapped Eric to let him know this was the call. Hairston looked solid all day and I was surprised how well he read the d. One play you could see the Eagles DE split way wide and this would cause most LT to jump. He held strong and did a great job of sealing the edge off. Urbik, Wood and Levitre really are solid and Pears is playing much better than expected. Maybe a smart QB and a great RB like Freddie just make these guys look better but I am seeing big time push.
  4. Glad you asked because I was about to. 2 pages of ranting and only one clight hint that its an ankle issue and may be out
  5. Kyle was out for much of the 4th quarter and Chan implied someone else was going to be out for at least next weeks game. Any word on Williams injury or who else Chan was referring to?
  6. summary chan said out for a while but not for rest of season, probably high ankle sprain
  7. just like week before by Pats OL
  8. local SI down here had Walter Payton on cover. Does SI now do regional covers I havent subscribed now for almost 10 years after collecting Si since 1970
  9. A rookie QB has put up over 400 yards on his first 2 games in league and almost had 400 again yesterday. Are you trying to imply that all of a sudden the Panthers have a potent offense? I think we are seeing poor defensive play due to lockout yet didnt people always contend that D is way ahead of the O in preseason?
  10. I can not believe that conclusive evidence didnt show SJ with a catch however conclusive evidence showed Dalton getting that extra 2 inches.
  11. I watched on Sunday ticket mobile since I had a golf tournament plus I ordered new magnets for car and new banner for the house
  12. Plus Pats did this with Welker behind the TE
  13. Brett thanx for stopping in. As many have expressed we love Corey the guy is a warrior and love the hit last week. Let him know that the fans appreciate him and even though he isnt on the field enough we can always see his impact when his is on the field. I am sure he is setting a great role model for the younger players on STs
  14. I want the megamillions numbers for friday
  15. sounds like this would be a great sign "Welcome to the home of the mis-Fitz!!!!!!"
  16. Mike I agree and the center of this family of misfits is Fitz ( no pun intended ). Whats neat is that after games the crockpot dinner is with the neighbors not just other players and high profile agents etc. I am sure bills fams will be scouring the real estate ads to see if any homes are available in that treeless part of town.( that part kinda of irritated me the writer made it sound like a trailor park
  17. yeah but we beat them in regulation!!!! As others have said previous history means nothing
  18. I saw on one formation in Wildcat they had Fitz split and seemed to me totally uncovered by a corner with everyone sneaking up to the line. If I am Chan I have Fitz take 2 steps back , Have Smith Lateral pass it to Fitzy and hit Stevie or Donald streaking down the other side. Plus be neat to see sort of some option type runs with Smith pitching to freddie or CJ
  19. he and fitz are operating on their own frequency no need for radios when ya have 2 guys connected on the cerebral front.
  20. yeah Peyton said hmm we could get andrew luck to replace me in the future all I have to do is get 3 neck surgeries and not comeback ending my start streak and any chances our team has this year
  21. would have been better if he had a very bloody and bruised face and his right arm in a sling. Sorry I hate this guy
  22. you guys have some pretty damn good eyes or very vivid imaginations.
  23. NFL net is replaying game tuesday sometime check listings unless ya dont have NFL Net
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