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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. he was a much better passer behind Wisc line than he was at NC state
  2. I voted Bills as a dream but doubt he would go here. I can seem him going to Arizona or Jets.
  3. Sad to see him going this way I figured for sure they could work out a deal. I wish him best of luck and hope he doesnt get injured and is recovered fully to enjoy the life ahead of him. Irsay is a idiot and never liked him or his old man
  4. All I can say is WAY TO GO Buddy and Stevie things are looking up for the Buffalo Bills :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  5. Rams dont think they need a QB but adding our #10 slot 3rd and fifth give them room to build team. Could we throw in a player Rams would want to free up the other picks?
  6. Heard a discussion today that Rams want a Manning like deal to give up the 2 spot. Thats 2 firsts a 3rd and a 5th. So we could use our 2012 and 2013 first round picks along with 3rd and fifth to land RG3. Reports say Rams have discussed the trade with Clev, Miami and Wash and one wild card team one would not expect to be considering. Personally if Buddy and Chan think this guy can be the franchis Id make the trade. we can get pass rusher in 2nd round and FA.
  7. maybe he falls to 4t or 5th and we snag him and thats the kick in ass he needed.
  8. Didnt Larry start out at the Courier Express???
  9. Manning is down here in NC working out with the DUKE football team. Maybe I should head over and do some scouting.
  10. damn it got caught on that link :wallbash:
  11. My bet is Billycheat utilized taping back in SB25
  12. I hate the Giants but so glad they knocked off Marsha and Billycheat. Plus looks like the refs pretty much were a non factor except for that holding call on Gmen in first half. Amazed they called grounding on that saftey.
  13. Another reason to hope the little whiny puke gets his head broken on Sunday
  14. I am not rooting for Giants to win I am rooting for Patriots to lose badly.
  15. would make ralph and the bean counters happy, plus lots of national exposure etc. Maybe we can make a slogan like on statue of Liberty
  16. it would sell tickets and jerseys so the acountants might get the idea
  17. I still blame their coaches for not running it on 2nd and short, 3rd and short to ensure if ya missed it you were in center of the field for the FG. Plus they had one TO left and didnt use it to me Ravens acted like they expected Pats to call last second time out and rushed the kick. I am still POd mainly because of my hate for Brady and Billy Boy
  18. all I care about is whomever wins crushes the cheatriots
  19. absolutely Kraft would have called it in himself and it would have been ruled TD
  20. sure did sort of look like a catch and step before getting it pulled out
  21. **** ****. did Ravens have a Timeout they could have called seem to be rushing the kick
  22. hangnails or that time of the month for Marcia
  23. Shows ya that with a good pass rush ya can beat the best QBs in the game.
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