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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. What amazes me is that Bills fans forget that it was jerry who was burnt often during the greatest comeback in football history. Oh well time to blow up the coaching staff and the front office.
  2. what someone have a gun to your head forcing ya to be a bills fan???
  3. was wondering whty he said he has no chice in being a bills fan. fans like him can go cheer for anyone else please.
  4. Throw the bags away man ur a real bills fan arent ya. did ya wear a bag during 84 and 85 and some of the bad years of the 70's. Come on Buffalo maybe its time we wanna be Talking Proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. That florida weather ruined ya man, Didnt you also bocott the Chiefs game as well for similar reasons. Why get a season ticket if the minute it drops below 60 ya end up like a dolphins fan and stay home
  6. Yeah the Bills Suck. I wonder why you are a fan of such a loser team???
  7. do u ever have anything positive to say on anything
  8. Tedy found Saddam after all those months of searching. He also is going to take off after Osama once he wins another SB all by himself
  9. the janitor at OBD eats at the mc donalds that my next door neighbors ex girlfriend also eats at and according to the word from the fry cook, who chats with the janitor all the time, its a done deal . just not sure what the deal is
  10. Lori, Thanx for the post about upcoming game since all the other posts are just the same ranting.
  11. Joe Six Pack becomes the Bills GM
  12. Nah just a die hard fan!!!!!
  13. I think loosing to Miami was far easier to take than what the Eagles did on National stage last night. Wait did I just say it was easier to take a loss to miami man I must be drinking again. But I am glad I aint an Iggles fan.
  14. Thanx Rock at least two of us will be cheering for a win on sunday.
  15. so we win, mia looses and than we still have that remote as hell chance. Beating the PATS would really be a great gift forget all the other ramifications this might have. Go Bills beat the Pats and mister Sportsman of the Year!!!
  16. hope this isnt what is happening but than again it was what got HB fired and many changes at obd
  17. These types of plays are why Pitt fans were glad he left.
  18. Better? Lets see franchise record for penalties? Or is it total meltdown last week? Oh wait they beat the Bills at home hmm yeah thats playing better. BTW remember in MM first year we beat them twice so Saban only has one win in his first year.
  19. I have a simple recipe but make sure the wife takes off her nail polish before ya start or ya end up pulling it out of the dough
  20. I am with you Rock a season with 2 wns over the felons always feels best, loosing yesterday felt like the 70's all over again when we could never find a way to beat the bastards. Must have been those CBS camera shots of the ring with the undefeated 70's team that forced the tide the wrong direction.
  21. Nate was battling cramps most of the day i guess he wasnt fully recovered from the bug or flu.
  22. I am just tired of the oh no this is all part of the grand plan to move the Bills out of Buffalo.
  23. I'd end up a Panthers fan cause the days the Bills leave Buffalo I quit being a fan, sorry I root for the Bills cause I grew up in WNY listening to games on the radio in the early 60's, traveling to Rich with season tickets in the early 70's, was at the 1980 opening day win over those DAMN felons after suffering thru the 0 for the 70s. sang talkign proud as the 1980 Bills made their run, sat thru the 2-14 seasons. Moved to NC however have had DTV sunday ticket since it came out and now with Sirius I can listen to Bills announcers instead of these other Morons they give us week in and out.
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