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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. Work whats that oops boss just walked in
  2. wonder if at least he has his bags packed not Like Reggie Bush failing to get to camp for 2 days.
  3. Buffalos Got the Spirit Talking Proud Talking Proud Talking Proud
  4. 1964 I was 5 years old living near buffalo and Bills were the top of the AFL, my older brother bought me a bills helmet for christmas and I was hooked.
  5. I am with you Joe I think this team is better than last year, we will see as training camp rolls out with preseason games and a tough opening game at NE. I was debating a friend the other night that we made upgrades on defense and that the OL is better than last year but all based upon assumptions versus proof. I think the big question mark is how well can the OL perform and can the coaches create game schemes that allow JP to flourish. Last year seemed like when the initial game was scripted and focused on first plays JP was relaxed and poised. His getting down on himself in camp might be his way of boosting himself up hopefully the coaching staff is doing the proper coaching and mentoring of thsi kid and developing a long term solution at QB. Unless injuries catch us early and the safties are a bust I really think we are at least a 7 - 9 team.
  6. damn you wonder hpow that will show up on the phone bill
  7. amazing we dont have the freaking phone number for the guy. Someone needs to get Whitner by the neck and shake sense into him sign the freaking deal a hold out hurts you.
  8. if your comng in from toronto stop along the QEW in NF and hop on Dalys new course or Legends of Niagara, I also saw many other advertised on the QEW. Shadow lake in rochester was one of my favorites sorry didnt play alot of golf when I lived in rochester.
  9. I think the message was fire the agent. get your ass in camp and sign the deal
  10. if the yard is infested as Jack describes good luck doing a "hand job"
  11. If ya lived in raleigh heres what ya would do. Buy some round up and kill everything in sight, in a week or so fertilize the dead stuff, water if needed and if anything green pops up again kill it with roundup, repeat till nothing is coming up, might take 3 total weeks since its weed seed that doesnt die with roundup but the fertilizer and water will get it to sprout. Once your sure its all dead rent a power seeder and put down a good quality fescue, rebels or any other blend is great. Fertilize with seed starter, water and by end of sept your lawn will be an award winner. Followup by winterizer at thanksgivin and spring fertilizer no later than valentines day. If ya get any weeds after that should be able to control with spot weed killers that wont harm the grass.
  12. sounds like just another summer day in places like raleigh. I understand the rigors of camp etc but wont at least some practicing in this heat help for those road games in the warmer weather? when I first moved here over 20 years ago I couldnt stand being outside now its not uncommon to work in the yard, walk the golf course etc all in the same day. sometimes I think being out in the heat and humidity aclimates one to the conditions. just my 2 cents but does seem like a smart move given how intense training camp can be and the extra issue of helmets, pads etc
  13. How can you not be pumped up for the upcoming season. I plan on flying my flags, decorating the car etc for the season. Man cant wait till the season starts and hoping for a major upset on opening day as a young and fast Bills team squashes the Pats. One can dream and hope
  14. Anyone have the details of whos signed and not and prognosis?
  15. what amazes me is hoiw many are available here and yet 30 minutes aftre they went on sale on friday all were gone, someones making some money
  16. I tried friday at 10AM for Pats game same thing only single seats came up. I am sure I can find a deal on ebay
  17. so getting old time to bump that thread to first page again
  18. had to do something against that nice guy image
  19. Companies are moving jobs from NY and other states but not to sun belt etc, the real move is to India, China, eastern europe, look at IBM recent announcement of 6B$ investment over next few years. Jobs wont be moving anywhere except offshore face that fact that those who moved out of WNY will be seeing the same thing happening in the place they moved since companies only care about one thing and that is making sure the execs get rich.
  20. Ok so how many people do you know that are 6'6" or more? Do you realize that folks this tall tend to have very broad shoulders? Some of us have shoulder and waist sizes that make buying a suit only a possibility at a mens shop with a decent tailor who can take a 52 inch shoulder measure and taper it nicely to a 36 inch waist. So before ya start saying that someone is obese ya better make sure they are, 290 isnt alot of weight when ya stand 6'7" and your body fat is less than 6%.
  21. glad to share this day as my bday
  22. well its not like I have become a caniac but i figure i got a free jersey and free tickets so why not root for the home team? I am seriously praying and hoping the Sabres win so I can be smug about being a sabres fan versus accused of jumping on a bandwagon
  23. man that damn avatar of yours keeps me from reading your posts
  24. Tivo this is how I do it, pause tivo till radio feed or sirius feed cathces up
  25. agree so when sabres play canes I root for sabres, otherwise I wear a canes sweater I received for free!!!!!
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