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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. But don't people learn from their mistakes
  2. What is appalling is the fact many of these CEOs that frucked up will get huge bonuses for leaving. Look at the parachute packages these guys are getting for basically making stupid decisions. If you screwed up that bad would your boss say we need to let ya go and here is 50M for your troubles? Not sure about many of you but I would jump after that one.
  3. Corrupt governments and societies eventual destroy themselves.
  4. Hmmm this is the first time I have ever read something claiming Muslims and Mormans are the same. I guess since both supported having multiple wives???? Plus I believe Obama is a member of an offshoot of the United Church of Christ
  5. I always like Buchanan's comment " he will make cheney look like ghandi" So the hawks of the party think the guy is dangerous. But now we are on God's mission.
  6. no stream on nfl net or espn yet
  7. The first time I saw Palin on TV my instant remark was, Tina fey and her could be twin sisters. Tina mastered that high pitch shriek perfectly
  8. My parents response has been "Hes too damn old to be president he is almost our age"
  9. didnt find a thread on this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnrc_r69B2A. Amazing throw and catch with 3 defenders around
  10. Oh yeah he was the one leading that charge. Hmm I thought reagan was the one who brought down the Soviets and Bush senior lead the charge of the Gulf War. I guess John was right at their sides.
  11. I can't jump on her for not knowing what the Bush doctrine , I think George isn't sure what it is either. I was surprised she didnt ask senior or junior
  12. I like the point that McCain was away for a majority of the time....... So his wife is addicted and he doesn't even know it? Wonder what was occupying his time so much from 89 - 92??
  13. so much for a simple hockey mom, sure seems like the reincarnation of Jesse Helms
  14. looks like we will see alot of the billboard ads sitting in the lower bowl again. With all teh talk of Buffalo support and the Jags continue to underperform at selling tickets to real people sitting in the seats
  15. blueberry is likely to leave the best stain thats for sure. I would prefer a pie that removes that smirk from his face however.
  16. great article but people on message boards like this one would rather have gasoline to throw than to look at both sides and ask the real questions of how they will run the country. What policy changes will they make, what policy will the maintain etc. The talking heads of radio have made the situation of hate a daily ratings boost.
  17. and term limits. Without term limits we end up with what we currently have. Now why dont we have a presidential candidate talking about something like line item vetos and term limits? My proposal is simple 4 terms as a representative or 2 terms as a senator with no more than 12 consecutive years in the Congress.
  18. Remeber the good olde days when at a conventions an actual platform for the party was developed that defined the things that each party would do when elected? The problem is todays press and talking heads would rather talk about messiahs, pigs in lipstick, was someone for bridge/war and now against it versus real issues like how to get the economy back on track, what they will do to about alternative fuel sources, what their tax cuts/raises really look like, what they will do about illegal immigration and reform of the immigration policies. etc. We have no one talking about issues and resolutions to those issues just a bunch of spew and sheep swallowing it.
  19. actually I think he is teaching kids to abstain from sex before marriage, that seems to have worked well in the Palin family
  20. We dont need the line item veto we need a law to be about a single thing. Too Many times a law on health care gets ammended to include (add earmark here). So voting records are never a true indicator sicne I cant tell if they voted for the bill because of its original intent or because of the earmark or some silly pro/anti anything addition. If we had bills that only had one line item ya can first make sure ya know how to pay for it and also can tell who is really for or against it.
  21. The bigger question is not whether he is a terrible candidate is will he be a terrible choice for president. It irritates me when I hear people make a comment like "Well McCain is the only choice" Or "I am voting for Obama because I hate McCain" ( feel free to switch the names to match ). There are other choices and maybe if enough of the people disenchanted with the current process and candidates used their votes for people they like and agree with real change in the political process can occur. If your planning on voting for a candidate in my view your a supporter of that candidate.
  22. Now why wasnt that a option for the poll
  23. Pats win will give them life to think they can win without Marcia, Jets win will keep the press talking about God Favre and keeps us under the radar
  24. The daily show rocks
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