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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. I just love this label that Rush and the brainwashed use. Do you folks ever have an independent thought or idea?
  2. I am more po'd that they get to play in the dome versus the outdoor elements
  3. No sounds like you were practical and didn't get lured into all the nonsense of 800K houses, 50K cars etc. I have seen my investments grow at a nice steady state and hopefully after this all clears will be able to enjoy retirement we have planned for.
  4. so is that how we got werewolves of london
  5. Actually I think he might be able to. If he gets elected by a significant margin his message to his party leadership is thing MUST be done differently. I dont see that possibility coming from electing McCain at this time. I dont know for sure that Obama is the guy but right now I am leaning in that direction hoping that at a another critical time in our countries history a skinny guy from Illinois can lead us.
  6. (Kevin Hassett, director of economic-policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, is a Bloomberg News columnist. He is an adviser to Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona in the 2008 presidential election. The opinions expressed are his own.) I am not a dem creating a response but the highlighted color should provide enough
  7. Yup and the scumbags that are running against um are just as scumbaggy as they are or wish to be. Real change will happen when real leadership stands up and elected officials worried about addressing the problems versus worrying about their next election
  8. Nope never knocked the guy as many others on this board
  9. it was an attempt at sarcasm The republicans are just as bad and the fact that Bush didnt veto the pork of his party shows lack of his and the congressional leadership on both sides. I am more appaled to hear that members fo congrass are looking fro ways to add their pork to these bailouts. The only way to fix congress and the government is for an event like in the Clancy novel to occur.
  10. looks like being inactive week 1 sent a message, I think john got the message from his coach loud and clear. BTW did Williamd get better or did adding marcus make the entire line so much better?
  11. its called leadership. Trent and Donte are emerging as true leaders for this team
  12. I think we are seeing the old and slow age of their D starting to show
  13. Trent is showing that even without great arm strength that between the ears he is clearly a great ( yes I will use that word ) player. I would love for crisper passing and play early on but this guy doesnt quit and clearly is developing into a very special QB.
  14. We Won We came out flat, raiders got great field possession \. Edwards led us on a great 4th qtr drive, raiders score on a big play slant and we come back on two more drives to win on last play of the game
  15. Wait doesnt the democratic party have exclusive rights to big government :-). So once again supply side economics has thrown the country into recession.
  16. Hell whats another Trillion to the already mulit trillion dollar debt
  17. the morons are running the show and that is both side of the aisles.
  18. we have railroads and public transportation????
  19. Spectacular!!! check this one as well
  20. Well Bush told us last week the economy was just fine, and John McCain echoed that this week. So the leadership is telling us nothing to worry about. Everything is fine.
  21. Glad I have my DTV, Remember friends don't let friends watch cable.
  22. Ahhh I think we just figured out your problem you have interpersonal skills and probably competent as well. Lose both and your integrity and your a shoe in for executive.
  23. I just love labels like liberal or conservative. How many people really meet either definition. I would say that on many social issues I am "liberal" however on many fiscal issues I am "conservative" however there are numerous "liberal" issues that I totally disagree with as well as many "conservative" issues. The problem we have is most of the noise comes from 5% of the left and 5 % of the right and the rest of us get to hear the bullsheet.
  24. Middle management isn't that an oxymoron? Ya get to take the employee sh-- flowing upward and the management sh-- flowing downward, I know from experience.
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