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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. it was just a little border crossing but I think that if we sent Sarah to pakistan the president of pakistan would cave in to her, he seemed to be gushing like a 14 year old with a chick in the photo shoot they did.
  2. my proposal is simple flat tax everyone pays and no deductions. Very simple form income * 0.10 = tax owed.
  3. the posts came down twice that year and I have a piece of the turf from the Miami win. The posts came down after a win over the rams in cold and rain and I recall the players coming out after and dancing on the field to many folks singing Talking Proud. There was also a game that year against Pitt and their fans were cheering one for the thumb theme, We started the chant "one for the thumb is pretty f*cking dumb"
  4. Maybe this is all a bad dream. Biden's mouth operates with his foot in it and Sarah's mouth works independent of her brain.
  5. As long as the plan has checks to ensure we arent funding CEO parachutes, company bonuses, personal debt and payback requirementsensure that it goes back to the taxpayers versus into general funds that can be raped I can support it.
  6. its all about creating fear. Both parties have learned that fear motivates.
  7. You not only get NOTHING your are required to pay back 20% of your last bonus to the US taxpayers. Its not just the parachutes its also the bonuses and option packages that need to be scrutinized
  8. Lou Dobbs, love him or hate him the guy makes it clear that the era of forcing fear on us to get an agenda passed must end. He also said it would be nice to see real clear leadership on all of this. Just wish the damn talking heads on other networks would start being blunt on how they feel.
  9. George Will last week was claiming only one choice that being McCain, my bet hes just trying to get people to read
  10. Cowards. Come out of hiding you b*rds. I really think the source of this is internal with plain old greed versus those cowards hiding in the mountains.
  11. Well its a start but unfortunately it almost feels like a true patriot would start a revolution. It really would be nice if we had a third choice that wasn't a wacko from a fringe party. We need another Teddy ( Roosevelt that is )
  12. all I care is that we cover a 1 point spread, just win baby. This is a trap game for sure but this young team seems to rally. I just hope we start fast another slow start gives an opponent too much confidence.
  13. just like running a campaign isnt aone man show. Folks fail to realize that washington staffers are involved in many activities and discussions as advisors to the congressman
  14. is napping multi-tasking I think that this is what the current president is doing
  15. well the can be king dick
  16. Good time to stick money in Berkshire Hathaway and watch what Warren is doing.
  17. Interesting item: The Obama campaign said Obama had called McCain around 8:30 a.m. Wednesday to propose that they issue a joint statement in support of a package to help fix the economy as soon as possible. McCain called back six hours later and agreed to the idea of the statement, the Obama campaign said. McCain's statement was issued to the media a few minutes later. Starting to look like a Abbott and Costello routine " Who's on first"
  18. McCain said "if Congress does not pass legislation to address the crisis, credit will dry up, people will no longer be able to buy homes, life savings will be at stake and businesses will not have enough money" YIKES This should help set peoples minds at ease. I can see panic setting in really soon
  19. Just like Naming Palin he knows how to grab the news cycles when he is clearly falling.
  20. Stuff like this could actually drive us into a complete depression. I can see folks now getting more worried sinc ethe candidates are responding this way and starting more runs on banks etc. Sometimes leadership requires showing calmness in crisis
  21. its a stunt and forces Obama to do the same. Just trying to show us those leadership qualities he has and how he has taken on worse than washington and wall street
  22. I agree with your statements about how the religious right and the neocons with unyielded spending have ruined the republican party. I am wondering if we could create DVD about how the radical right and how its the real danger of the world and get it distributed in many newspapers, just like this group did with this radical islam DVD.
  23. I dont know Darin, John is a bit older looking and Sarah has dark hair
  24. Biden has had a long history of sticking foot in mouth disease. He was added for foreign policy credentials just as Sarah was added to appeal to woman and the right wing. Neither was a good choice just as neither of the candidates themselves are good choices.
  25. Fiscal Conservative is there any of them left in Washington or anywhere within the ME generation???? What did China ask for on Monday did I miss something?
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