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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. Nope I think Palin exhibits how the extreme right have taken over the party. McCain caved into the right wing and because of that may lose this election. BTW Biden is an idiot as well and I was amazed that neither of these two bumbling idiots tripped over their brains or tounges.
  2. yeah but ya have one choice of going home alone and not regret the choice ya made.
  3. See I am not brainwashed to believe what the talking heads in the right wing of republican party tell me.
  4. a regulator, a mayor and a governor, how many times does she need to say that. Would she just answer a freaking question?
  5. sorry biden isnt my candidate hes the vp candidate for the democratic party and I am not a member of that party
  6. I dont understand the change in principle comment thats absurd. But ya must say that she has been primed well with the canned answers.
  7. Sounds like someone I know he has just followed what St Warren did and followed, not at the same investment level but he did very well for himself as a personal investor.
  8. Well ye he can be an optimist he has plenty of Billions of dollars to throw at the bargains in the market right now.
  9. I enjoyed Sarah's greatest hits. However in this VP debate I can see both sides cringing each time her or joe open their mouths
  10. McCain had a marriage license for his bride before divorce was settled with his ex as well. I guess one might claim his political career is dead.
  11. its all a plot to make sarah look bad, oh wait she already looks bad. So it must be a plot to set expectations low by claiming the deck is stacked. I am waiting for Biden or Gewnn to ask " what the hell did you just say" after she does her usual wondering on talking points. Maybe Sarah has been baiting everyone and is in seclusion just so it looks like she needs help and she is going to jump on bidens ass like white on rice.
  12. the likeness is amazin
  13. i was expecting a little more bush
  14. well daddy does know best
  15. the bridge to cumware :-)
  16. well the right wing is pulling out all the stops first hes the Messiah and now hes Hitler
  17. I heard its some wall street CEOs looking for new golden parachutes
  18. No the spectator is the most non partisan rag ya ever saw
  19. Not saying its a class issue its across the board people are borrowing more than they can afford in houses, cars, credit cards etc. Its amazing when I hear about someone who goes bankrupt and weeks later credit companies are ready to hand over a few more bad loans. The fire is almost out and throw some gas on it to see if it ignites.
  20. Not sure if ya saw the stat but of the 22 reps retiring from congress they voted in favor of the bill 18 - 4!!! The majority of reps that voted against the bill were thosewho either trail in the polls or faced close elections last time around.
  21. Shes a dumb ass and maybe a revolt will oust her but the republicans who's feelings were hurt acted like a bunch of whiny sissies as well. A real leader would have stood up brought in the votes and let the people know it was all done even though the witch was dissing them along the way.
  22. I posted a link to the article looks like Newt is playing politics as well and beginning to prime the pump for 2012.
  23. Like I said before many on the right were trying to say it was the loaning to the low income etc that create the mess but it was also the 100K a year folks wanting the McMansions. people need to self examine their own behavior before they start the mightier than thou attitude
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