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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. yeah but the founding fathers had alot of religious overtones as well. But today this sh-- scares me more than anything else. I really cant wait till end oft his election season problem is in about 2 years the junk starts all over again. When will the American electorate finally get disgruntled with the major parties and finally create TRUE opposition? Oh well living in a traditional red state I still think I am going blue just to throw the map off a little. I hate all this red/blue state stuff as well.
  2. Yeah a vote for Obama.Biden is a vote for Osama Bin Ladin. Its amazing what the right wing is trying to do at least McCain pissed all over the Arab comment however Ms Sarah seems to be stirring up the redneck crowd for sure
  3. About 15 registrations in NC look fishy and seem to be associated with ACORN as well. Its freaking amazing that in an era of RFID and card readers that we dont have a voting system proper for this century???
  4. looks like alot of the repubs nationally are starting to loath her as well, but she is doing great for Tina Fey
  5. Why not a write in?? The libertarians seem to have lost their way some The Constitution party platform is clearly laid out without all of the politico crap ya find in the major party platforms.
  6. Already a fact at least with the first wife
  7. And we are also hearing of attempts to remove dem registered voters from rolls in battleground states like VA, NC etc. We need a simple freaking national registration process for folks, you register as a damn citizin and ya get an ID card and along with that if qualified the right to vote. When ya go to the polling place your card is read and the fact you voted is registered.
  8. That McCain is the Manchurian candidate, recall he was a POW and did break. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming
  9. more amazing was seeing the video with the claims of 86% felt McCain won the debate. Its clear who watches Fox
  10. I like Cramer but I think he may be over reacting. next he may suggest we all run and pull money out of everything and stuff our mattresses. Cant lose money that way. My Motto Slow and easy beats greed
  11. And your the leader of the pack. Da Big Man
  12. many stations in NC area still without petro but last check was about 387. In VA this week seeing 339 however still alot of stations without gas to sell at any price.
  13. well video has been removed, must have been a classic
  14. I will be near williamsburg this weekend and looking for a bills bar near by.
  15. If Stevens gets ousted as part of his legal issue could she actually appoint herself to the senate? Not sure what the rules in Alaska are and not sure any sitting Gov ever named themselves a senator?
  16. Sorry Palin will disappear into the vast wilderness of Alaska probably keeping an eye on the Russians.
  17. I had to replay it a few times since we thought thats what she said live so had to go back and listen again. to make sure we heard it the way she said it. I was going to go back in the buffer and transcribe the exact quote but I forgot I switched over to the Cubs game and this is more painful than the debates have been. EDIT: Here is the exact quote " It is a crisis. It's a toxic mess, really, on Main Street that's affecting Wall Street. And now we have to be ever vigilant and also making sure that credit markets don't seize up. That's where the Main Streeters like me, that's where we would really feel the effects."
  18. I was just going through the debate again and Sarahs major gaffe may have been " The toxic problem on MAIN street is now moving to Wall Street" Sounds like she got the sound bite canned response wrong.
  19. Williams is a throwback for sure.
  20. neither totally blew it as many had suspected. In the past folks would talk about how they wish that the VP candidates would be running for president given the choices we had however this time around I am nore wishing I had a real thrid part choice. One of the talking heads on CNN said it well " these guys are lucky there isnt a Ross Perot lurking around" I am thinking we could end up with neither of the candidates getting the 270.
  21. I was figuring you were talking about the Cubs blowing it again. How can a team play so well during the season and basically get blown out by the Dodgers.
  22. My wife and I used the DVR alot since we had to rewind to catch the question again since the answer sometimes didnt match.
  23. I made a similar comment earlier that maybe the strategy was to make her look like a dope in these TV interviews so that she couldnt look worse in the debate. So they got alot of folks to tune in to hear a gaffe or two and maybe some now thinks shes got it.
  24. Actualy I think most of america would consider themselves in this camp problem is that neither party is fiscally conservative anymore.
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