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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. Ross has been silent over the last few years wonder when he might chime in? I remember how strong he was against NAFTA and tax cuts for high income etc.
  2. You will be celebrating an Obama win and super majority as much as Limbaugh will be. He needs something to keep the ratings up and new stuff to brainwash the wingnuts with. Long live right wing talk radio its the best thing that could happen toward forming of a new moderate party or finally the moderates taking back the Grand Ole Party
  3. actually its more like finding out that the spouse of 20 years has been cheating on ya for the last few and ya finally wake up and smell the roses.
  4. Agree 100% I was a solid republican until the 2000 election after that and the work of Cheney and Rove decided it was time to end my party affiliation after Mccain chose rove to work on his campaign and than over the edge when sister sarah was brought forward.
  5. Next Joe the plumber will be calling out Petraeus as a traitor. One big mistake by Obama was addressing the question the way he di has given McCain something to fix on for the last two weeks. Today Sarah introduced us all to Joe the chocolate maker. Why couldnt she have used something like Stas or Guido
  6. I think drink heavy is the best choice right now
  7. Chef when is the time to get out of cash and go all in?
  8. so get on the bandwagon and vote for the winner, than you can tell people you had a direct impact on ending the recession
  9. Its interesting that this youtube comes out today, McCain is talking about it on the trail and Limbaugh is ranting about it how Obama is the one that taught Ayers and Wright the disdain they have for the constitution and america. :lol:
  10. All I know is one juror had to go home for a funeral and today the verdict came out. Wasnt sure the question was legit or slanted
  11. Provide the link that makes this statement, just read the article find no such evidence
  12. have you looked at what has been happening the last 8 years? Can you find a call center for a US company that isnt in India or southeast asia? Havent you heard about jobs moving to China? Have you not heard of the major investments that the US govt and many US corporations are making in job moves to Dubai? What rock do you live under,and o by the way these arent just low wage jobs but alot of software development and research for major corporations is now in places like India, China, Vietnam.....
  13. However many of the foreclosures I am seeing around here are mostly in the "high educated" wanting more than they can afford, fresh out of college, new cars and 600K house.
  14. well the commies got to the jurors and bought them out by promising to pay them off this way the dems commies will have a super majority
  15. Or reports that the Viet Cong have been controlling him since he was captured in Nam
  16. because he tweaked his freaking knee earlier and was having it looked at on the sideline. Get a grip folks
  17. but you seem to only post anti obamastuff these days. were are you posting all the anti mccain garb as well
  18. Man u need to get away from that radio and the daily brainwashing your getting
  19. I think the book is a newer book but hard to tell since I wasnt listening that well to the ad till it was almost over and figured I would hear it again. I am sure it was during radio broadcast since I use my Sirius to listen to the Bills coverage each game
  20. check your link rick astley doing a dance......
  21. I am with you on that one now McCain in flames might resonate for his firey temper. Now Sarah as a scarecrow works for me.
  22. Good one thanx for the after lunch laugh. Limbaugh cracked me up this PM claiming that Obama born of virgin birth was the real teacher of Ayers and Wright. That he was the one who taught them their socialistic anti-constitution views. The last thing the limbaughs and hannities and other of the far right want are educated people since ignorance is better to spew the hate.
  23. So are you telling me sell everything and get into cash . Plus I thought the world doesnt end till 2012?
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