turnover the ball 4 times you wont win against a pop warner team. Edwards has a serious issue of missing wide open receivers not even trying to throw the ball to them. Also we now have played 10 games without a SINGLE play action pass.
looks like OP is getting some based on the radar wondering if we get to see another browns/bills snow game? We need to kick some ass tonight and get some positive mojo going
Hillary should stay in the senate this is a major mistake by Barack if he lets her near the white house. Same with Kerry and Daschle neither is a choice for sec of state. I see Richardson as a decent choice
Correct we need to create an environment that the unfriendly OPEC nations can drown on their valuable crude however we do need to address issues around CO2 emissions and overall cleaner air.
especially those retirees that at times made sacrifices for better pensions. Maybe not in auto but I know of many union worker getting reduced pension snow and they gave up higher wages for that promise. Just like many of us working for companies and accepting lower salaries with a promise of a pension to be later raped by executives and the fed just looking away while it was done.
Mouse isnt the answer he was supposed to be this genious and he couldnt take these all stars and do much with them either. This line is very highly paid and right now they look like a bunch of 220 lb weaklings
1) You can not rush the football
2) You can not get off the field on 3rd down
3) You turnover the ball more than you take it away
4) Your play calling doesnt include play action passes or down the field throws
5) You are playing a team that has only ONE penalty against them and only 25 for the year
The lack of flags and the bullsheet cal on roughing Moss is pure crappiola and than the failure to call roughing of Edwards. Also how many times have you seen a defensive lineman called for holding on a running play going the other direction. I am sick and tired of the NFL and the Patriots this is not the reason we lost but its impossible to play a game when the hanky is not thrown on obvious plays of pass interference etc and they huddle to overrule their own calls of fumble recoveries without the benefit of replay.
This team sucks right now but not getting any calls from the refs doesnt help much either.
I dont understand this at all. I had plantar fascitis as well and it was very painful however one week off and a good orthodic solved the problem for me. Now I know I am not a pro athlete but seems that that injury isnt serious enough for IR.
the problem is that conservative ideology has turned into right wing religious and radical ideology. The educated republicans are leaving the party or speaking out the rest follow Limbaugh, Hannity etc. like a bunch of sheep.