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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. Pound the snot out of their receivers at the los and any other opportunity. Run right into the pick and take out both guys. Rush 4 and try to smack Brady around and rattle him keeping the quick passes away. Other than that score on every possession you get.
  2. It helps when the NFL invents rules like the tuck rule etc to help the cheaters. plus the blind eye refs seem to have of the offense penalties committed by them
  3. Could a bomb drop in the middle of them all and get rid of both teams? Always hated the fins but the cheaters have surplanted them
  4. The cheats have found some new way to dominate and I would bet a large wager that tommy boy is juicing using some new u detectable mechanism. That's why he destroyed the cell phone their was evidence of a lot more than the deflator on it.
  5. Percy and EJ and a seventh in 2020
  6. didnt hear this on WGR wish I had a link but this is coming from someone else.
  7. Hearing through grapevine that TT has had injury setback and concern he may not be ready next week to start against the Dolfins. If this is the case do the start the Putrid Ej, Johnson whom they just signed or some other guy off the street. If your the Bills what do you do?
  8. Doug Whaley is a genius. Traded for a WR to help a QB he picked. Traded for a RB gave him extension but didn't address putrid OL. Traded backup QB for a sixth round pick. Not sure Rex and Whaley are on same page and problem is they both report to the owner so expect a lot of front office disconnect as each tries to show their genius and blame the other guy.
  9. so your dumping NFLST?? You don't watch any other football and are not able to negotiate at least free NFLST? 10$ a game isn't a **** load. What I have learned so far this season is Rex isn't the defensive guru people claimed, he is t a good headcoach as many said or expected and Greg Roman scripts a decent opening drive.
  10. must be we were worried about Bortles passing game that they ran all over us? On last series we wee biting on the play action instead of playing all pass defense. Rex is a defensive genius just ask him.
  11. Wit this crap offensive line no running back can prosper and with a deer in headlights QB throwing at people's feet what do ya expect from anyone
  12. Yahoo widget on Samsung smartv would not load the game. Watched the last offensive series on iPad jittery, drop from HD and jittery. This was on a very fast internet link and wireless n router
  13. I am now rooting for the panthers go panthers just hate their first name is Carolina
  14. agree so ya put EJ in shotgun after a failed sneak and almost fumble
  15. Doug Whley is a genius traded a QB for a 6th round pick with faith that his failed first rounder isn't as bad as everyone in the world knows
  16. CBS was NFL and Than NFC , NBC was AFL than AFC. Now it's all spread out on fox and cbs
  17. i plan on calling in a month when some other credits I have disappear since I questioned them about this game and the agent ASSURED me it be on NFLST. I can see a lawsuit coming on this one I think the NFL is screwing the pooch here. What would be nice is live game on stream for those that want to watch at early time and NFLST broadcast say starting at 2PM. Remember the old days of the NFL where games started at 1,2 and 4PM eastern time :-)
  18. sure you can but wouldn't ya rather sit in your TV viewing room with your nice HD TV watching the game versus watching on a laptop with a crap display?? Or yes you could go HDMI from the crap laptop assuming ya have one and hope that the video driver really sends a nice HD signal. I know how to setup the app on my smart tv etc but I think many fans are going be pod since the only view of this game will be fuzzy at best, well it is bills and jags and with all our injuries fuzzy might be good
  19. the main issues I have is not having it in a recordable fashion. Also why couldn't this game be at 1PM or even noon thats prime time in England. I will be listening in via sirius radio I have and prefer listening to murph and kelso anyways
  20. won't be watching since at 930 AM i am golfing and since its the jags aint skipping golf on a lovely fall morning for football gam e that should be at 1PM EST. I pay for NFLST and am pissed that I will not get EVERY NFL game as advertised
  21. so we are regressing like our defense going from a nice HD picture on my large TV to watching from my iPad
  22. this was reported as a passport issue sorry to hear death in family
  23. but for so many it would be nice to have some sort of test stream to connect to to make sure the app or widget or whatever is configured and ready to go. Oh well this will become an NFL clusterfruck and hoping it's such a disaster that they do not try it again without capabilities to pause, rewind, record etc.
  24. What I can still not figure out is will someone be able to start watching the game at say 11am from the beginning or just join the live stream? tHis is such a disaster if only way to watch game is while its active. I am sure many fans record games for watching later or watching afterward or again. Glad I have Sirius so I can at least listen live while I am enjoying my golf
  25. statistics are like a bikini what they reveal is interesting but what they hide is vital. Yes stats show defense is about the same however the viewers see that we are getting no pressure on the QB. Look at stats like sacks, forced throws, hits and it's than compare to last year.
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