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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. I would like for someone in the party to stand up and proudly announce they are a fiscal conservative. Problem is there are not any more left they started spending like crazy in the 80's and took the entire country with them.
  2. No way is Poz moving outside he isnt fast enough to play the middle what a bunch of huey
  3. http://view.c.422x.com/?j=fe59157176600c7b...d&jb=ffcf14 NY State has cut funding to the universities and decided to raise tuition mid year to make sure that staff can be covered, now the corrupt NYS Governor is taking 90% of the tuition increase to spend on non education stuff. This is an outrage to basically use tuition as a tax on college students.
  4. No Way does he leave Indy, Peyton will take a pay cut to afford him
  5. IBM secretly has laid off over 5K US employees the day after announcing record 2008 profits. The claim to provide financial support sounds alot better than what is actually happening, the article is full of the IBM political machine at work. While the CEO was off kissing up to Obama he was laying of thousands while taking more and more in options and bonuses.
  6. I dont want to be next years Cards I want to be next year Steelers an organization that has been on top for a long long time.
  7. I hate the turf in Tampa in SB 25 many Bills players were slipping. Why cant the NFL get this stuff right.
  8. with the new rule should have slammed him OB
  9. Just give it to them
  10. NO WAy that was reviewed upstairs. Oh what the helll give it to them
  11. Come on Warner lets get a great return first
  12. He needs evidence clearly showing it WASNT and even though I hate to admit it, it was
  13. damn it thats a TD no way they over rule plus it looks like toe gets the ground
  14. how the hell he gets out of there
  15. Damn it they need to sack him
  16. Have we ever had OT???
  17. I think they set that up on the last play, Kurt told Larry go to middle
  18. come on ZOna D FENCE D FENCE D FENCE
  19. warner not looking sharp
  20. A clearly good call by the ref
  21. close close close
  22. Come on Arizona pick it off or get a safety
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