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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. well at least sex is OK
  2. Rush and rest of the frindge dorks said it it must be true
  3. But see I do not see these folks hollering to be heard they are hollering to disrupt any conversation. They don't want to hear someone explain the bill to them they want to get on TV by making an ass out of themselves. If I was at a town hall I would have the actual bill highlighted so I could be direct with my question what does ______ mean?
  4. Vick the athlete I would love any day. However Vick the person and his whole involvement in dog fighting turns my stomach. If he was arrested on weapons charges, drugs and possibly other felonies I might be able to forgive, but this sh-- is an addiction and shows him to be a crappy human being.
  5. South Shore isn't a real country club its a dog track or it was a few years back when I played it. I would highly recommend canadian courses along the QEW plus ya can do your tailgate shopping on way back
  6. As I stated before all they care about is looking like they won. Debating real topics with proper point and counterpoint has been dead in American Politics for a long time.
  7. DC I expected you to know that Jeannette Pickering Rankin was only member of congress to vote against. Yes she was a Republican however was also a founder of ACLU and other peace movements. Her dissent was because she was a Pacifist. At least she votes no for a reason VS these numnuts today, they only vote in a way that helps them get elected next time around. As my wife said recently we have become a culture that just cares about winning vs a culture that tries to address issues popular or not.
  8. What is amazing is how seemingly educated people believe this crap about death panels and what ever other stuff the radio dorks spew
  9. So lets stop all the speculation and let the damn team report the injury
  10. wow we could use shoutbox for this sort of info
  11. members of Congress are on a currently existing program. All American citizens will be given the exact same plan. This way the shout downers cant complain because they are getting same plan as the folks they elected. If the plan wasnt any good congress would fix the issues since they have to live with the decisions just as all their constituents do.
  12. This just shows the problem we have with text messages, twitts and all these other quick information mechanisms. The full story is never provided. This is the same problem I see in business folks reading emails on Crackberries etc vs a full client and responding to the first sentence only. TO missed a practice with a sore toe, is it likely he was excused so the staff could take a better look at it and DJ didnt want to comment till report was in. It could be JUST a sore toe let the staff do their jobs and wait for the full freaking report.
  13. I love it because he devised a play that could evolve to having many options. Think about Roscoe as man in motion, could take a handoff and throw, run, Brian could just kick it, run it or pass himself. Using it on National TV might not been best moves in this copy cat league but what better way to practice it than in preseason, isnt that what preseason is for???
  14. Season hasn't even started and its sunk what a great attitude by many of the posters and board leaders.
  15. Game is on National TV but is a good link during season etc
  16. Hell I am nervous about the first game of the season
  17. Russ being a businessman should realize the sale of new jerseys, hats and everything else that would go throwbackish would be great. I like the old Blue better and still think the white helmet with the charging buffalo was best. Love the white top , blue bottom or and reverse of blue top white bottom.
  18. What I fail to understand is we knew about injury from college, probably had a physical around draft and the damn team docs didnt suggest he get it fixed right after draft vs now. I understand he may have been finishing school but to me this is his new livelyhood get it fixed and addressed. Oh well hindsight is 20/20
  19. hell on this wildcat stuff lets bring on the wishbone
  20. Keep the fight Fergy!!!
  21. In other news Fransico Franco is still dead
  22. 92 with projected high around 96 or so. A nice cool summer day
  23. One of the symptoms is not being able to stay awake, meaning ya can fall asleep at work, at wheel or anywhere. An yes I have first hand experience
  24. If you or someone you know has sleep apnea you would understand how Bruce may have passed out or fallen asleep at wheel or during an interview. Its a serious disease
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