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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. I am figuring out of sympathy she ______________
  2. Tenny the real question is did ya get any afterwards
  3. one good thing about the 84 and 85 seasons was the ability to put our names into lottery each year and getting better season ticket seats each year. Once we got to the 45 yard line and 35 rows up we stayed put.
  4. I agree with a poster that said most important thing is to hire a GM and talent evaluator. As much as I hate DJ and want to see him fired nobody on the staff is worth a damn. Let them attempt to devise game plans etc while the new GM and talent scouts look at what the team has. We need this ASAP so the new GM could possible do some trades to get some draft picks for overpaid under-performing players
  5. And Both are owned by members of the foolish gang. Just goes to show ya until ownership changes in Buffalo and Oakland things will remain the same.
  6. sounds like a good idea however in a few weeks the fans may realize they dont have any tee shirts etc and than go out and buy more exactly what Russ wants. I have no idea how to get a message out but if the FO can not tell from the callers, people at games etc. nothing else will work. They have to know that the product sucks the problem is the marketing guys are convincing folks that its the injuries that are causing the product to suck vs the zombie coaching and the morons who are directing the draft choices. Right now Maybin was a wasted pick, Levitre and Wood will come around, Bryd is a player, Nelson and Harris arent getting any chances to show ability. So between poor drafting and terrible coaching and injuries the product stinks
  7. Sorry first we need a GM and talent evaluators that can scout and give a coach the team he needs.
  8. Well when ya think othe rteam is going to burn the clock and y afail to put anyone from your punt team on the field ya have to call time out. If I was browns I would have hiked the ball and gotten the first down since we are so well coached
  9. Get over the we should have kept peters stuff already. He made it impossible to sign him and was a cancer for the team. Should we have done more to address LT YES but Peters was not the answer
  10. We took Maybin instead since we needed another undersized DE with high motor. Blame the FO on that one
  11. Its a tough league hard to win ever week
  12. To get hurt one has to be somewhere within the vicinty of the play. Ellison is never near the action thats why he stays unijured
  13. What are you wondering?? The story states it started in parking lot
  14. We will know more in the morning
  15. Agreed Guy and Modrak are terrible at evaluating talent but than again when your only scouting DBs......... We need a complete Overhaul but until the ownership changes we will be just like the raiders
  16. Wow I amazed I figured for sure it would have been rules Bradys hand was going forward or that the Broncos fumbled. Maybe these refs didnt get the memos
  17. Apparently our game plan was to use hard counts so to draw the Browns off sides. Apparently practice this week was as great as Trent thought since it worked great on the lineman, oops hard counts are supposed to get the D to jump not your OL.
  18. A caller into Sirius NFL this week was asking if there was a way to find out what crew is officiating a game, he figured he could base his betting on Pats games by knowing what crew was working. Apparently it doesnt matter from what I am seeing in this game against denver. We get called for a gunner being illegally downfield ya cant make this stuff up
  19. last week it was the roughing passer calls for hitting marcia. This week thye have a rookie play left tackle and the guys helmet isnt even close to the butt of the center yet Bell was whisteled for this at least twice when we pplayed NE yet NE not getting called for that today. The officiating in the NFL is clearly slanted toward their chosen team
  20. Add raiders fans to that same group. The foolish gang is still alive and well in Buffalo and Oakland and neither franchise will get better til the owner is gone
  21. If he had any guts he would resign for some personal reasons
  22. This team doesnt play to win they are coached by a coward, coward as a QB and and old man as owner
  23. The browns have won 2 games in the last 17!!!
  24. Can we forfeit now?? How many more starters need to be injured
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