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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. You obviously didn't read my post. I don't think JP sucks. Never said that. Just wanted to see him finish off the game. It wouldve meant a lot to the team and for the rest of the season. I thought JP made some excellent throws today and maybe our lack of running game put too much pressure on him. I thought he had enough time to make that throw, but apparently you were on the field and saw better than I did.
  2. Fair enough. I promise to never expect a 200 yard+/1 TD game from JP for another 6 games. As if we'll get rid of MM. All along I thought Tom Clements was the reason our offense sucks. Now it falls on MM's shoulders. TD signed him to a 5 year deal, I don't think he's going anywhere.
  3. typical PTR post. no explanation or reasoning. i want to believe JP is our guy as much as anyone but everybody's been praising the guy for his play today. i think he "progressed" and i want him to start for the rest of the season hands down but he had a chance to win this game and save the season. it just didn't happen for whatever reason, and i simply asked what is that reason. no blaming JP. as i said, "just wondering."
  4. I am shocked no one has ripped Losman yet. He did play an okay game but he still didn't throw for over 200 yards. He did not throw a touchdown. And when it came down to it - he missed on a deep ball to Moulds that wouldve put us in position to win the game. The play after that, he throws a questionable interception. I'm a big JP fan but this was a typical JP losman like game, stats included. Is it playcalling? Is it our offensive lineman? Is it the lack of a running game, again? I'm sure it could be a combination of all that or... Is it JP Losman? Just wondering.
  5. you mustve forgotten about jeff posey. he was awful all day today.
  6. sam aiken = best practice wr ever </Greg Williams>
  7. excellent observations by everyone. give the kid some time and he could become a reliable, solid quarterback for years to come. although the line isn't doing the guy ANY favors. well, at least this past sunday they didn't. hopefully they don't get him killed before he can become a good quarterback. some people on this board (flea17) will insist that this guy and mcgahee are total busts and would never be accepted on any other nfl team.
  8. so basically inactive? what an impact player! seriously what's the point of george wilson being a bill if he's not even going to get a shot to catch a ball when it matters. all of those 'circus catches' in pre-season don't matter.
  9. George Wilson may have technically been the guy that beat out Haddad, not Josh Reed (if that was what you were implying). Because of Roscoe's injury, Reed was a lock to stay on the roster. As for Wilson - he hasn't even seen any game action as far as I know. The dude's been inactive all year. Not even Drew Haddad would have made a difference today because the Bills will continue to go with Reed until they either forget that he was a 2nd round draft pick or Tom Donahoe gets canned.
  10. it's sad to think the highest paid Bill this year was on the bench for most of the game.
  11. if you really want to know what the old man has to say, i think he's on wgr on monday mornings .. or something.
  12. excellent stuff. the thing is - it's people like him who keep TD employed.
  13. gaymaker can't even cover an injured randy moss let alone some tool named parker.
  14. Never suggested our run D was comparable to Philly's, pal. Just brought up the fact that there IS a way to stop LT. If LT goes over 200, we lose. He won't. And no, I'm not saying we will win. I just don't think he's going to bust out 200 yards on us.
  15. Denver might be a bit better but they are coming to our territory which is an obvious advantage for the Bills. A few weeks back I really thought San Diego was going to be the toughest team for us because of the clobbering they gave to the Pats. I think they are a very physical team which we don't normally match up well against. LT is a freak but Philadelphia did shut him out completely. Think Jerry Gray will study that tape or what? To Philly's credit, they also shut out Dallas' running game yesterday so maybe they have a really good run defense. I don't know what to think anymore. I'm scared. I want the Bills to win desperately now that JP is back in. What a huge step that would be for JP and this team. The fact that San Diego is coming off a bye doesn't help either.
  16. this thread would only be worth it if mario lopez had a curly mullet again. RIGHT HERE.
  17. Thanks for clarifying. That's exactly what I thought. People are acting like he's Jamie Nails or something.
  18. How could he be so good last year (i'm not saying great) and then so.... crappy this year. Crappy to the point where they are trying to find a new position for the guy. Anyone have a legitimate answer for that? Can it be compared to if Lee Evans injured his ankle early in the season and wasn't getting open enough because he was playing with an injury so Roscoe Parrish comes on strong and they decide to promote Roscoe to #2 and change Lee's position to TE. Wouldn't ever happen for 15 million reasons but isn't that what they are doing with MW? The guy was playing good last year. Moments of dominance.
  19. As I originally said you should have stayed away from this game, E-dog. That or go with the team that beat the hell out of Philly the last time they played this season. 2 of my buddies bet heavy on Dallas and I thought for sure with the way the Cowboys offense was looking they were out a bunch of money. But that's how gambling goes. The only result that matters if the final score. Better luck next game.
  20. You probably wouldn't shed a tear over a guy you've never heard of. Would you? To show a complete lack of sympathy toward a human being like Coward did was just stupid. His dislike for wrestling should have nothing to do with his opinion on someone dying. By the way - to accuse Guerrero of being a "drug and alcohol addict" is unfair. It is believed he died of a heart attack which was probably a result of his past addiction with pain killers but still, he was fired from the company at one point for being involved with that crap. He had to clean up to get rehired, which he did.
  21. Reed is no doubt, the happiest guy on the team now that JP is playing again. Before you know it, he'll be our leading receiver once again. All kidding aside, expect MM to not announce anyone until he has to. Remember that 2% advantage?
  22. that just about sealed your fate on this board, bud. might as well quit wasting your time, you're embarassing yourself in everyway.
  23. Still not the greatest time to be a Pats fan. You're a few years late. If they even make the playoffs (hey, a Bills fan can still believe) they will get whooped by a good team in the playoffs. See ya fag.
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