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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. I think they're just playing games with us and laughing their balls off at the reaction it's getting.
  2. What is the main reason people attribute to the Giants Superbowl win? PASS RUSH. They had ends. I don't care what anyone says, but Schobel and Kelsay aren't getting it done when it comes to rushing the passer. It's not Stroud or Williams job to rack up huge sack numbers. That job is designed for the ends and both of our guys aren't doing much of that lately. I just don't think that will change unless Schobel wakes up in dramatic fashion. Warner had all day and when he does, he can carve up any defense.
  3. Holy crap Brad! First time listening to this show and I have to say, it's the best radio show in town. Ruben is freakin' awesome.. dude's analysis is fantastic and he's pretty funny. I'll be tuning in more often.
  4. It all depends on injuries. Lost in the middle of all of this winning, we've had 2 injuries to key positions. Losing Rosco for 2 months sucks as he's a key role player and a sometimes significant contributor on offense. Possibly losing McGee for some time sucks because he's had a really good start. But at the same time, these injuries have opened the door for guys like James Hardy and McKelvin which could really help us later in the season. Yes, it could be worse but I don't like the idea of losing guys like Roscoe and McGee considering the role they've played in some of our wins already. One game at a time, my man. We'll find out how good they are next Sunday against the Cardinals. That's no easy task, even if Boldin is out. And then, after our bye, we play an extremely talented Chargers team. Despite their slow start, they are a team who can battle with any top team in this league.
  5. But I really don't want them to lose a game, dammit! The general feeling I get regarding the amount of attention we're getting among the undefeated teams is, The Giants are the best of the bunch, with Tennessee being a close second (if not even better than NY but because NY are the defending champs, you have to give them the nod until they are beaten) because of their excellent, stingy defense. And the Bills still get props for being undefeated and a team "on the rise" but have benefited from an easier schedule. That's not my opinion, just what I tend to hear when I'm watching any sports telecast. Every now and then I'll hear someone (Cowher) talking us up as one of the better teams in the league. As for Baltimore, the Monday Night game will tell us more as they've only played 2 games so it's early yet to discuss how good they are. Just to make sure I didn't leave anyone out, I went to ESPN's NFL standings page and clicked on the League link (so I could see every undefeated team at the top) and I have to tell you how cool it is to see the Buffalo Bills as the 2nd highest team in the league. I want 5-0!! GO BILLS!!
  6. I disagree. Jacksonville is a far more complete team than Arizona, imho. One game doesn't tell it all but I watched Arizona today against the Jets, and they hardly looked like world beaters. I'll give them credit on this though, when Warner's got time, he can air it out. But if he's pressured, it can get ugly quick. Arizona does play well at home so it won't be an easy game (how many are in the regular season?) but I think Jacksonville was just as tough of a challenge. And if Boldin is out, that significantly helps us out considering how much of a threat he can be.
  7. Just a few things about the game: - Anyone notice how "on edge" Donte Whitner appeared to be? He seemed to hover over anyone he'd tackle for a few seconds extra almost to let them know what's up. I saw the highlight of McGee's interception and Donte pretty much tossed the opposing receiver off McGee. Besides that, I think his leadership is really starting to show more than ever. He brings an attitude to the D that I haven't seen in a while. - We escaped this game without any significant injuries (maybe even no injuries at all). That's a huge plus considering Jacksonville is one of the more physical teams in the NFL. - Jack Del Rio really annoyed me today. I understand being into the game and really getting excited over some plays but he seemed to be a bit over the top today with his celebrations. The exact opposite of Jauron. - Ashton Youboty is the season's biggest surprise thus far. This kid made some gigantic tackles today. - I just get the sense that Fred Jackson is still under appreciated in some circles. Not here or anything because I think mostly everyone has noticed his good play but because he's not a flashy, big talker, he doesn't get that spotlight which is totally fine with me. In a way, his identity is very similar to that of the entire team. He shows up and gets the job done. I'm just happy the guy got a real chance last year. Like Greer, I loved his play in pre-season (last year) and thought he could add to the team. His responsibility has definitely grown since last year. - Can't wait for Marshawn's break out performance of the season. Maybe it happens at the Ralph this Sunday? Despite not putting up gaudy numbers, he's still produced touchdowns in both games. - The 2 biggest problems I had with the D today was the tackling problem and the lack of pressure from our ends. You can correct one of those problems, not sure about the other one. - And just one last note about how quickly my depression went away during the game. During the 3rd quarter, when it seemed like we'd never get the ball back again, I just couldn't shake the feeling of "Oh boy, here we go again," especially after that onside kick. And then, when Trent stepped up and threw that 35 yard strike to Lee, I knew this team was just different than the teams of the last few years. I was so damn excited, I can't explain it nor will I even try. Winning a road game isn't easy in the NFL, especially against a pretty good team like Jacksonville (that's 2 playoff teams from last year we've beaten). I can't wait for next Sunday. I'm happy the game is at the Ralph. I'm not looking ahead like a lot of folks are (the 5-0 talk), because this league is so damn unpredictable, anything can happen on any given week. I'm hoping for 3-0 at this point. As corny as it sounds, I'm just taking it week to week with my excitement. I don't want to think about playoffs even though the thought is creeping in my mind as each day passes. GO BILLS!
  8. he meant to say good and yes folks, we played a pretty good defense. it'll come around, just be patient.
  9. this really got me going. i can understand them predicting jacksonville beating us, but by that much?! i can't wait for sunday!!!! i hope we smash those jags and i'm fairly confident we will. GO BILLS!!!!!
  10. here are my rankings... oh nevermind. bills belong somewhere in the middle.
  11. Weeks ago. You beat me to it. God forbid if I only submitted my post, Kelly the fair and balanced dog would've been all over me for not quickly reloading my browser before I posted even though I was about to reply at the same exact moment! Sorry, had to do it. Seriously "The U", answer me this: Was Norv Turner ever an option as a fuggen QB coach? EVER?!? He wasn't going to take that much of a demotion. It was either offensive coordinator or sit out a year and everyone forgets your misfortunes and you suddenly become a hot coaching commodity again. Nevermind
  12. Don't tell me you forgot about the Magic Man Dorenbos getting cut for this guy. Schneck is also responsible for the infamous "What would you get for me in a trade? A Snickers bar?" quote. OKAY not so infamous, but I thought it was funny at the time.
  13. All you need to know is his nickname (or middle name, for that matter) isn't "Master" and he can run a hell of a defense.
  14. Maybe Gray can go to the Skins' and be Williams' B word again when Gibbs retires. Worked well for him here for a few years.
  15. Did you take the time to start a "Sure doesn't look like Caldwell will be the OC!, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" thread as well? Just checking. Soprano's threads' need more attention.
  16. I don't know where people come up with these ideas. And maybe after Dick LeBeau leaves the Steelers for the Bills.. maybe he can convince Ben Roethlisberger to join him. C'mon Tipster. Why the hell would he want to come back here after he jolted to the Steelers when we clearly let him know we wanted him as our defensive coordinator? He's still under contract as well.
  18. Soprano could have easily posted this as news from his source. No time announced yet? Groundbreaking news for Channel 7. As if anyone doubted there'd be a press conference coming soon.
  19. even worse is someone pointing out how many views a poster has in 11 minutes. really - who cares? who's the one with no life?
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