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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. I'm with ya. No matter how much they disappoint me, break my heart, or depress me, I always find myself looking forward to Sunday more than anything. GO BILLS. Bills 31 KC 17
  2. Ah, you've admitted you haven't seen him play much except on a very limited basis, and you've never heard his name (me wonders where would you hear his name outside of this board considering the lack of attention UB gets on any sports show)... so you must be right. That's pretty silly, if you ask me. I think you should do a little homework before you assume LeFevour and Davis are "by far" the two best quarterbacks in the MAC. That isn't the point, the point is, this man stands a very good chance of being drafted in a pretty good position considering the turn-around for UB. The amount of "NFL arm" and "NFL throw" references tonight were sickening. He'll only help his chances if he continues to play this well. He looked like a stud out there, in the clutch moments of the game.
  3. LOL @ you. You must not watch much UB football, eh?
  4. Unreal game guys. I really thought they were going to get slaughtered with the way the defense was playing. Drew Willy stepped up big. If he keeps up the good play, he'll go in the 2nd, at the least. How many NFL-arm references did you hear on the Time Warner feed? Too many to keep track of. He looked awesome in the clutch. Can't wait for the next UB game!
  5. just watched the game on time warner (horrendous quality but oh well). UNREAL! what a comeback. turned the game off after they failed to convert on 4th down with 5 minutes to go, down 2 touchdowns. next thing i know, i turn the game back on and they somehow have the ball about to score with 2:35 left. then they convert an f'n onside kick! drew willy stepped up huge! definitely going to be drafted, in my opinion..
  6. But what about the end of the game when he actually threw with confidence and hit Royal with a perfect strike, only to be forced into 3 consecutive runs for a game losing field goal attempt? He's won games before on the last drive, why couldn't he have done it this time? The coaching staff had the balls to keep him in the game but they didn't have the balls to let him try to win it. No doubt, Trent was horrible tonight, but at least give the man the chance to drive the team closer. It would've been a chance for redemption for the kid. Instead, he looks like a really, really bad quarterback on national tv.
  7. I agree, it is perplexing. I have no idea what the hell happened to the kid.
  8. When I refer to carving up a defense, I don't mean throwing for more than 2 touchdowns. He carved up San Diego's defense, would you agree? He was absolute garbage tonight, no doubt about it. But after hearing several people talk about Lee Evans (and even James Hardy on a few occasions) being open all night, you have to ask yourself if Trent played like he did in that San Diego game, or the Jacksonville game, or the Seattle game, would his night be dramatically different? I think so. But it wasn't. He looks completely different than he did earlier in the season. You cannot deny the fact that he looked absolutely terrified out there after the 3rd INT. He checked down to Lynch at every possible opportunity. That is not the Trent we saw at the beginning of the season. And that was my point. He has never carved up many defenses with touchdowns galore, but he has methodically worn some out.
  9. I heard this. I feel like crying. Edwards is so much better than tonight. Earlier in the season if he had these opportunities, he would've carved this defense up but the 3 interceptions killed any bit of confidence he had.
  10. STFU with this talk. We just lost 4 games in a row. We aren't winning out, dude. I don't mind being optimistic, but I do mind you being ridiculous. Of all the dumb threads started tonight, this has to be up there.
  11. No offense but winning the next 4 games as you casually mention in your first sentence isn't likely if the pathetic play from the past few weeks continue. One game at a time, dude. I just can't possibly see us winning 4 games in a row at the moment, even if our competition in the next 4 weeks isn't considered among the elite.
  12. Just as long as Leodis McKelvin doesn't take on that responsibility, it's all good. Although that could be quite amusing.
  13. Signing big name free agents isn't the way to win football games. I'd rather having good coaching and better drafting.
  14. Are you kidding me? As long as Trent is healthy, JP will not be playing. End of story
  15. I'd love for Stevie Johnson to get a few more looks. I liked what I saw in the preseason (hey, Greer and F. Jackson were preseason stand-outs) from the rookie.
  16. You don't think DJ loves the game? Just because he has decided to keep his emotions in check during the course of a football game and press conference doesn't mean this man loves the game any less than Tomlin. I also find it classy that no matter the end result, Dick Jauron is always looking to shake the competitor's hand after a game, unlike some coaches (where was Jack Del Rio when Jacksonville lost?) Don't get me wrong, it's fun watching Tomlin get all emotional and worked up over penalties but it doesn't help them win anymore games and it doesn't automatically make him a great coach, in my opinion.
  17. I'd be embarrassed too if I started threads like this. Don't hop back on this bandwagon when we beat the Patsies.
  18. I agree. This guy has no clue. Down and distance don't matter?
  19. Oh my. Dude, there was 19 seconds left. We didn't throw one long ball the entire game. Do you think they could've done anything other than turn the ball over in that spot?!?!? You can rip on DJ for a lot of things but calling him out for not having a sense of urgency with 19 seconds left in the half when you know you get the ball back after the half is dumb.
  20. I say turnovers as well. Favre has 7 INT's in the past 3 weeks, meanwhile the Bills gave up 4 in the 2nd half of last week's game. Obviously both teams will be stressing the importance of holding onto the ball which could lead to an emphasis on the run game as you mentioned.
  21. He's not a pro-bowler or an elite player but I feel more comfortable with our line when he's in there.
  22. You were still surprised at this point? I had given up all hope on the kid since the attempted trade to the Colts.
  23. That sucks. Who would've thought Ashton Youboty would have meant so much to this team this year...
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