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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. There's no reason to blow up this team. Perhaps the front office. Just look at the Dolphins, look how quickly they turned things around in ONE YEAR!!!!
  2. I'll agree with you that the Giants, Steelers, Cowboys, Ravens and don't forget the Titans all look like world beaters compared to our team, but what about the man you referenced? What team does he play for? The Colts. Not exactly recognized as having a great defense. Peyton is the main reason that team has been so successful despite plenty of turnover throughout the years. Another thing we can agree about is the talent on the defense isn't great, but if you add all of the names I mentioned, and consider how our defense has played, I think it's far from being the worst defense this team has had in a long time. Our record could be dramatically different if we had a real quarterback, like Peyton Manning, as you mentioned. Now do you see my point? I can go through the games (we could've won with any semblance of a competent quarterback) if you'd like...
  3. No guarantees bro, lots of suites up for renewal. There are plenty of folks out there threatening their season tickets if this man coaches this team next year. We may fall for it (the hype) every year but we aren't going to fall for another year of Dick Jauron.
  4. And by the way, we'd win plenty of games with either Manning. Just reference the first batch of games. When Trent had his head on straight and was making plays, our team was totally different. Granted the competition was weaker but when the quarterback is competent, you have a much greater chance of winning. Even with one of the worst possible options yesterday (JP), we still almost won. Don't tell me Manning wouldn't have won that game.
  5. Considering we are down our TOP defensive end, one of our projected starting linebackers (Crowell), a DT who turned out to be a complete bust (McCargo), a cornerback who showed up in a big way (Youboty), and another cornerback who is arguably our best (Greer), our defense is NOT the most pitiful you've ever seen. Defense isn't the problem.
  6. Jerry doesn't know one way or another, by the way. Dick signed the deal.
  7. Huh? Not quite sure what that means but I do understand your points. We've got overpaid, soft guys on both sides of the ball. No doubt about that.
  8. I agree. You shouldn't make assumptions on limited information. Chances are that's not Roger's e-mail address and if it is, he'll have a good ol' laugh at the notion of re-hiring the people that were canned at higher salaries. Listen closely, it..will...never....happen.
  9. It's pretty sad that some players came out and admitted they'd rather play in a dome than their own home turf. I mean it's one thing if I say it, cause sure I'm a wimp and I'd rather be comfortable than cold but these guys are supposed to be some of the toughest guys in the world and they are paid handsomely for it. Wimps. Could you imagine anyone on that Pittsburgh Steelers squad saying that? How about the Giants? I couldn't. As for your original post, I laughed when I hypothetically thought about reading that after we were 5-1. Man, how things have quickly changed. To think, after suffering a horrible loss in Arizona, then coming back thinking we were playing some elite team in San Diego and winning, I really believed this was the year we'd make the playoffs and Trent WAS THE MAN. How cruel.
  10. Ahahaha, you're still defending dick, no wonder why you get no kitty. Why would we be at arms over the players making more money than our coach? Do you think anyone gives a sh--? There are a ton of players that make 2-3 times as much money as their head coach. The point doesn't matter. Dick's gotta go and so do you..
  11. Weren't you the guy defending DJ last week? Do you have anything to say for yourself?
  12. Defending Super Bowl champions. What's their record again?
  13. Oscar didn't have a chance from the start. Pac was too quick and the game plan installed by Freddie Roach was too good. Time for Oscar to hang them up because besides beating Steve Forbes (a joke, pretty much) he hasn't beaten anyone significant in many years. As for Pac, I wouldn't mind seeing Pac vs Hatton or Pac vs Mayweather Jr (you just know he'll be back when the right opponent is available)
  14. So, according to the text in bold, Schonert "saved his money plays" at the risk of missing the playoffs? Surely we could've used some of those money plays last week with all of those red zone trips, and the Cleveland game as well, and you can throw in a few others. We all know how important the business side of the game is but to imply that Turk saved some plays JUST for this game is silly. Because the playoffs bring in good money too, something we won't likely see unless we run the table and get a little help. I don't disagree with your opinion about Bobby April being highly respected but imagine the reaction that would get. "Ralph is so cheap," "We hired a special teams coach with no experience," and so forth..
  15. That's when my playoff hopes for this team vanished, as soon as Cleveland beat us. To me, it wasn't even about missing the kick. I really believed Trent threw his best pass of the night and had a few more throws in him to drive us closer for Lindell. It was Trent's opportunity for redemption and he didn't get to complete it (leaving the rest of that game in his mind for weeks).
  16. At this point, he has to. He better have a sense of urgency, considering his head coaching job is on the line in the last 4 weeks here. He knows he stands a decent chance of keeping his job if goes 9-7 this season (even if he misses the playoffs) because then the Bills will have an excuse (improvement) to keep him around (if he's got that contract extension). And there IS something to be said about continuity. I've been really tough on DJ this season, but there really is a TON of talk from a lot of media types saying "The Bills can't keep changing coaches every 3 years" and there is some truth to that. But I still think if we had a better coach, our record would be much different right now. And that's considering Trent's lousy play in the 2nd half of the schedule. I think Dikta said a team usually goes through 3 dramatic swings in the course of a regular season. Well, we've had 2 up until this point (5-1, 1-5), is it time to win 4 straight? Hah, only in our wildest of dreams, right?
  17. No doubt, it's the NFL. Anything can happen. I still love the Bills despite how this season has turned out and am looking forward to the game tomorrow. I just hope it's not as boring as last week's snoozer..
  18. Wrong game, wrong time. I think most have settled with the fact that the Bills would have to win out to make the playoffs, because otherwise who cares about a win if nothing is on the line?! If we couldn't beat Cleveland or San Francisco at home, how are we going to win the rest of our games against teams with winning records? I really do think we'll win but as for the significance of the victory, it only matters if we win out.
  19. I love it. I've been following this team pretty close this season and I couldn't watch the game (at a bar with no tvs), but I kept getting updates on the game and I couldn't believe it. With the Vegas spread being so high, I was convinced it would be an extremely tough task to beat these guys and we did it. I officially love Turner Gill. I remember telling some people that Drew Willy has a really good chance of being drafted and someone told me the quarterback (who plays for Ball State) was SO far ahead of Willy and would be drafted first. Now what? He's got the size, the arm, and some good coaching....
  20. Yet another opportunity for JP to show what he's got. To his defense, if you are picking on the guy because of his performance this year than you are a fool. Wait until after this game, at the very least. He's had reps with the first team all week which is more fair to the guy than just coming off the bench when you least expect it. No excuses for the guy if he flat out sucks this week. Let's see if the guy has learned anything...
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