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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. No doubt Kelsay and Ellison are just horrible players that wouldn't even be back-ups on New England or any decent team for that matter. But saying the whole D is filled with those type of players is a free pass for Fewell's soft schemes.
  2. Tired of this talent excuse. How about we give Perry Fewell some of the blame? His players are never in the right position to make a play. Fewell keeps his job because his D isn't terrible, and not good enough to stand out. Just kinda there.
  3. JP was cheap. $900,000. He knew "the system." They thought he could play respectable football. They were wrong. Yes, a real backup would've been nice. How often did Trent and JP communicate? No offense to Hamdan, but Trent spoke to the 3rd stringer more than he did with the backup and that's not really ideal. I'm not sure who would've been a good candidate but someone like Brian Griese sounds good to me.
  4. With better coaching I really believe we'd be 2-3 wins better. Possibly 4, but that may require a really good coach considering the quarterback situation.
  5. I read it but you responded in ULTRA QUICK FASHION. Just saw your post. I'm glad you acknowledged it. Thank you. I just can't stand when people jump on others for threads started when I see much worse on this board. Just asking for a little consistency, that's all. MY BAD.
  6. Dude... And you wonder why nobody likes you. I don't think there's anything wrong with pointing out what an incredible job Turner Gill has done and what a good coach can do to a struggling program. Yes, it's a simple concept but there's many threads created worse than this.
  7. Yep, sounds about right. Typical Dick Jauron. If JP starts, there's no reason to watch.
  8. So you're the GM?!? In all seriousness, if what you saw is ANY indication of Hamdan's ability, and he plays pretty well this Sunday, then why wouldn't Trent and Hamdan be your #1 & #2 next year? ESPECIALLY after the note Bob D. had in his column today, about JP's contract (only making $900,000, pretty cheap for a back-up). Hamdan would be as cheap as you could get. If he can't play for crap, he won't be here next year. Here's what I have a problem with; Jeremy White and Nick Mendola (WGR tards) didn't think this was even worthy of conversation. They said the notion of Hamdan playing ahead of JP was embarrassing. WAT. Seriously, how could you make any arguments for JP starting again? The guy is going to be gone and means NOTHING to this team. Besides that, he's awful. If Hamdan is that bad, why would he be on the roster? Don't tell me it's embarrassing to even discuss it because that's just foolish. Hamdan is on the roster and has never had a chance to play much in a regular season game. Don't just assume he's horrible because of his name. He could be terrible but at least lets find out for sure. Otherwise, who's signing these players and why is he still employed?
  9. I still can't believe there are people who think Trent is faking this. How embarrassing. The Bills couldn't risk that. If it EVER surfaced, the organization which has taken many beatings over the years, would be the laughing stock of the NFL. It's bad enough that we are close to that by missing the playoffs 9 years in a row. Besides all that, there's no way the Bills opt to play JP Losman over a healthy (if he was "faking" it) Trent Edwards. One of the announcers on Sunday also referenced that Trent was having a hard time walking around and was in noticeable pain. Maybe I'm wrong with this but before he got pulled against San Francisco, Trent didn't even TRY to go deep for several games, an indication that he couldn't step into that type of throw without hurting himself. Whether it's his groin or head, as Bills fans we have to hope it's something. You can't explain his rise at 5-1 and then his fall at 1-5. You can say competition and maybe even the 3-4 defense, but there was a pretty noticeable difference in his play. The last time we saw the long ball was when he hit Lee Evans in the 2nd half against Kansas City. Before that play, I can't remember when. I think when the season ends there has to be some sort of explanation and maybe they will clear it up with a press conference. I have many questions about this issue.
  10. Name me the last time we've had a quarterback throw for over 30 TDs? McNabb would be a welcomed addition to this team. Has he struggled in the past few years? Sure, but he's had some serious injuries and every quarterback goes through struggles during the course of a regular season. He's also won a lot of big games. McNabb has experience playing in cold weather, something we still have huge questions marks about Trent Edwards. Maybe he isn't the answer, but he's a hell of a lot better than anything we've had in many years.
  11. Daunte Culpepper?! There is literally no comparison between Daunte Culpepper and Donovan McNabb.
  12. I'd love if we got McNabb but what are the chances we'd be willing to pick up his 10 million dollar salary next year, as compared to sticking with Trent's less than million dollar deal? Keyshawn's got a point. We'd embrace the pick-up of McNabb.. for at least a few weeks I wonder what the hell provoked Keyshawn to even say such a thing. Buffalo on his mind?
  13. I really haven't seen much of either Center that you guys mentioned. I've only heard of this Alex Mack fella, but if you're asking me for my opinion, I think unless he is an absolute steal at the position we draft at, I'd MUCH rather draft a defensive end or a linebacker. You mention that our defense was half decent (in another thread), but 2 positions we lack real depth (and many would argue if they were NFL caliber starters) at are defensive end and linebacker. I watch teams (with much envy) like the Ravens, Giants, Titans, Cowboys and Steelers, and those guys are in every game because they play smash mouth defense that keeps the offense in the game. Yes, I do understand we need a real center, but can't we find one through free agency or even in another round of the draft instead of drafting him in the 1st round? As much as I've defended the defense for not being the worst in the league (which they aren't), I can acknowledge they are far from being an elite defense and I think we lack depth in key positions.
  14. Decent isn't much of a ringing endorsement. I'd rather it be a strong draft class. It's still too early to tell, we have to wait a few years to really tell what we have. If Hardy and Ellis don't pan out (like most suggest here), that's 2 early picks you whiffed on. A 2nd & 3rd rounder. Those picks should be solid contributors to your team. It's nice that Stevie Johnson could work out (though it seems like this coaching staff waits TOO long to let guys play). As for Fine and Corner, we've only seen a very limited amount of plays from these guys. Of all the picks in this year's class, Ellis has disappointed me the most. Yes, I expected more from Hardy, but receivers can take a few years to develop (see Josh Reed), so I'm willing to give him a little while longer. Ellis appears to be undersized, overwhelmed, and injury prone. I hope I'm wrong about him but it did not look good in his few appearances.
  15. Simply not true, from a statistical standpoint. We are ranked #13 in total defense. That means 19 teams are below us. The only game they looked pathetic was the Arizona game. Here are some scores from the opposing teams, and I'd like you to tell me how they are very close to being the worst defense in the league: 16, 10, 14, 14, 16, 10 and 20. All that being said, we need help on that side of the ball. Specifically some defensive ends would be nice. But don't tell me they are close to being the worst in the league.
  16. Just for the sake of argument, if he methodically looked at every facet of this organization, why does John Guy still have a job? Same can be asked about Modrak. Levy hired Dick. There's no need to call Levy up again.
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