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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. Very mature. I don't need to resort to name calling or accusations about your height. I can make my own judgments on you by this post alone. In fact, I think it proves my point. Thanks! I'll stand by what I said, that was the overstatement of the year. Repeat after me, Jabari Greer is not going to become the best cornerback of all time. You keep saying, he COULD become one of the best. Well, using that logic, he COULD become average on another team. I think he could be really, really good, just not likely he'll be thought of as the best ever. Simple clarification.
  2. COULD happen? No. He's a good defensive back, not the best in the game. Dean summed it up but I'd like to add, "He has potential to be a pro bowler" is a far cry from "and could be one of the best CBs ever." You should be held accountable for what you say and what has to be the overstatement of the year. Now that, we can agree on.
  3. Your post, your accusations... just wrong, dude.
  4. I don't think they've been fazing him out, he just got injured. Before injury, he was starting.
  5. Let's not exaggerate. He's not going to be one of the best CBs ever. He's a good player that could've been had at a decent rate.
  6. Good point about the franchise tag possibility but I suppose the only problem with that is, much like Fred Jackson, Greer is a low profile type of guy who doesn't celebrate like a clown after he does something good and doesn't speak out in a way where he'd get noticed around the league. No doubt, some GMs have to be eying him up, but what are the chances someone would want to trade for him if he was franchised (establishing him at a top salary)? That would be the ideal situation (Franchising, trading and acquiring some picks) for the Bills (assuming he won't take a reasonable deal at this point).
  7. My point there was the Bills found a really talented guy in Fred Jackson (like Greer) and it rarely happens. Nothing about his contract, but yeah, I'd like if we signed him as well because someone could offer a big deal for him and it's unlikely we'd match it.
  8. I agree 100%, the whole point of my original post but you were able to articulate it very well.
  9. If they were really planning ahead, why didn't they just re-sign Greer? Remember, before this season Greer's stock wasn't soaring as much as it is now, not even close. He could've been re-signed at a very, very reasonable deal that would've given us a really good cornerback for many years. Instead, we have to go through the process of watching young cornerbacks develop again. I understand they love to draft cornerbacks, groom them and let them go and make a killing in free agency, but I don't think they were planning ahead in the way you mentioned. Maybe they didn't think Greer was very good and they decided they could pick a better guy in the draft. Maybe I'm overreacting, but it's just a shame that this guy isn't signed, will likely leave and we get nothing for it. RARELY (so it seems) do the Bills find such a gem like Jabari Greer. Fred Jackson is another.
  10. If I remember correctly, Jabari Greer is a free agent after this season. Because of the emergence of Leodis McKelvin and Reggie Corner, does this make Greer dispensable? For some reason, this really ticks me off that the Bills didn't give this guy another deal at some point. We could've had him at a very modest rate before this season and I know, hindsight is 20/20, but this guy is really good. I think he's better than McGee. I hate the idea of the Bills grooming him for so long and just letting the deal run out. I don't think we should throw a lot of money at him either because of the young guys coming on strong. Or is there a chance that Greer would want to stay here? Just imagine a secondary with REAL depth: McGee, McKelvin, YOUBOTY, Corner, and Greer. Now if we could only shore up other positions on the defensive side (DE, LB).... One other question: Does his injury affect his value at all??
  11. He got called for a holding penalty but other than that, I can't recall him getting beat much. Maybe in the first few series when they were blitzing like hell. I think he's a keeper, but isn't he a free agent after this season?
  12. Lynch was hurt. Jackson just caught a pass for a long gain and was gassed. Who else do you want to run the ball? McIntyre???? We drafted the kid, why not give him a chance? I don't get Bills fans. If we had passed either down, I guarantee you plenty of people would've said "HOW COME WE DIDN'T SMASH THE BALL DOWN THEIR THROATS AND RUN THE BALL 3 TIMES!"
  13. People have a lot of complaints about our coaching staff, but what about the point you bring up? Player recognition. It's an important thing. And it takes an injury for our coaching staff to realize the talent we have. I have an issue with that.
  14. Don't forget about Jabari Greer. Great pre-season, but only got a chance when injuries became an issue. Stevie Johnson is the latest guy who appears to be good enough to start but because our coaching staff doesn't recognize it until the players force them to.
  15. You're the idiot who started this thread. Sorry but it stinks.
  16. 1) Knew. 2) Bellicheat wasn't an option and won't be. Why would you even bring up his name???
  17. Hey, you showed up. Where'd you go in the gameday thread?!??!?! I thought you were hiding or something..
  18. And it appears that Trent Edwards is back. He got KILLED in that first quarter and he still responded...
  19. That was a huge play. Cutler overthrew it AGAIN. Here's the game..
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