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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. I could definitely see Schobel in a Redskins jersey, but I'm afraid we're stuck with him. If we're lucky, maybe they'll do something about Chris freakin' Kelsay. And if we get REALLY lucky, Schobel recovers completely from this nagging foot injury, we draft the next great defensive end, and both have 11 sack seasons. One can dream, right? Which is more likely; Schobel getting 10 sacks next season or Dick Jauron winning 10 games?
  2. It's a shame we couldn't get our hands on some games from the 1995 regular season. I'd love to see Kelly with that wide receiver line-up. I remember very little about that season, only the playoff game against the Jaguars. Of course with copyright laws there isn't much footage out there on Youtube or any other site that I'm aware of. I went to the Bills store and they don't sell any DVD's. I went to NFL.com and the only DVD available of the Bills is the comeback game which I've seen 10 million times. I like the format of the 'game of the week' on the NFL network where they cut all of the garbage out and the plays are one after another. Too bad they don't do this for old games. Not that there's a huge market out there for Buffalo Bills games in the 95' regular season, but I for one, would love to have access to some games. Why doesn't the NFL do more with old footage?
  3. Oh please. I spoke for 99% of the board. There was probably 1 or 2 true fans (family members) of his who were upset by him leaving but don't pretend like you knew how good he'd be on another team. It's too easy. I love when a player leaves, succeeds in another system and suddenly threads pop up asking the obvious, "How did we let ____ go?"
  4. Easy to say now. Nobody gave a damn when he left.
  5. Just another quick thought: You want to know why Ralph won't bring in a real GM? Because he'd likely use ALL of his cap room and Ralph doesn't want to spend that kind of money. Pretty sad, if you ask me.
  6. Franchising Cassel was going to happen no matter what. Depending on the latest report by NBC, which indicated that Brady's rehab has been slower than expected, the Patriots will have to decide if they should deal the kid for picks or keep him because they think Brady may need more time to rehab. Normally I would say that's great about the cap moving up but in our situation, it doesn't mean much. It seems very unlikely that the Bills would be willing to spend that much. I'd be ecstatic if they did, because that would mean they'd be doing everything in their power to build this team. But if this year is an indicator, where we were nearly 20 million under the cap, then I doubt the team will be spending that much.
  7. Small backs can be successful in this league. Bring back Shaud Williams.
  8. The Eagles beat the Giants 20-14 on the 7th of December and lost to the Giants 36-31 in early November. I think they match up well against the Giants.
  9. Stupidity? I think that's harsh. People don't remember Matt Millen for his playing days and the Super Bowl rings he has, people remember him for the debacle he's responsible for in Detroit. People remember guys like Emmitt Smith and Jarome Bettis for their playing days and both have Super Bowl rings as well. There's a difference.
  10. The skill set is different. That's obvious. That's not the point. It's about credibility. The fact that "numerous HOF player/coach analysts who never have anything interesting to say" means nothing. As I mentioned, credibility plays a role in this. Nobody watching the show cares about what Millen has to say. Unless you do. And if you do, you seriously have low standards. Most people watching the show are likely asking themselves, what is this man doing in this position, even if he has done it before and has the ability to communicate effectively. Quite simply, he's a joke.
  11. Maybe he learned from his mistakes during his time with Buffalo. Ya know, there's a reason you refer to him as killdrive.
  12. I suppose, but what could Matt Millen possibly offer at his position? NBC and the execs have to know the mans credibility is at an all time low. Even the most casual football fan would know the man is a joke in most football circles.
  13. The thing about the Colts is, when Bob Sanders is healthy, they win. I have a feeling this game will be a good one. As for the Eagles, I think they have a lot of talent with a quarterback who can get the job done. I really like that team but it seems like they always come up short in the big moments. They should handle the Vikings with ease.
  14. That probably played a part in it but most football fans, the many millions of people watching the show, think of Millen as one of the worst GMs of all time. He turned the Lions into an absolute laughing stock. It's hard to take anything he says seriously.
  15. I can't explain the Mike Gandy situation. He looked good today but during his time with the Bills, he was absolutely not getting the job done. Maybe the change of scenery worked for him.
  16. It didn't offend me but made me think life is all about who you know and who you blow. How else could you justify Matt Millen being called for the job? Seriously, think of the many coaches who were just eliminated from the playoffs. I could think of 5 that would be interesting to hear. Oh well.
  17. I was really rooting for Matt Ryan there but despite having one of the most successful season for a rookie ever, the playoffs are a different type of animal. I predict Arizona won't get past the next round. Warner didn't even know if his teammates have the confidence to win a road game in the playoffs (in the interview after the game with TIKI). Now it's time to root for the Colts. I dislike the Chargers. Tomlinson comes off like a crybaby.
  18. Yet he still gets a high quality, well paying job as a football analyst on NBC. Who does he have dirty pictures of?
  19. I don't have a lot of faith in Arizona on the road against Carolina or the Giants.
  20. By the way, I have to add that Coy Wire was never overrated. I think people recognized him for who he was, a special teams ace.
  21. What about Lawyer Milloy? He lost. And Mike Mularkey? Yeah, kind of lost. What's your point?
  22. Peters will still hold out. The Pro Bowl selection (as bogus as it is) is enough leverage for him.
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