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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. For better or worse (usually the latter), this is my team and that's how it's going to be until they die (move) or I do. Things can turn around quickly, even if we haven't been proof of that (9 years of hell). I could never support or get into another team like I do with the Bills. The only time I've ever cared about another team is when I had a few bucks on a game. And even that is just different. I'm still looking forward to the draft and free agency.
  2. I think we'll find out how serious this team is about improving when free agency starts and after the draft. It's not difficult to please Bills fans and all it will take is bringing in a few decent names and we'll be as excited as ever for the opening kick off of the next season. If they really address the following needs, people will have hope: DE, C, TE, LB, Veteran QB. It doesn't seem like the most difficult thing to do.
  3. Just like every other piece of footage you'll see on an athlete. Considering there's nothing that's interesting about the CFL, TSN did a fine job.
  4. That's the problem. It's just not as easy as saying give him a shot because he'll have plenty of teams interested in him. And that's where my pessimism takes over. There is no reason to not give the kid a shot, which is probably the mindset of at least 10 other GMs around the league. It would be up to him choosing the Bills which I don't see happening. Or he might just go with whoever offers him the most money.
  5. That piece of footage is good. In terms of appearance alone, the dude is a freak. I'm not sure I'm buying the part about no TV, no internet and no partying but he sure seems to put in the work. Maybe the Bills do have a shot considering the need for an end. They could've easily told him, you have a good shot of making this team because we desperately need help from our ends. If we drafted an end, and got this guy, I'd immediately cut Kelsay and feel pretty excited about our ends.
  6. Is he really any good or just another Copeland Bryan? Those stats sound impressive but.. in the CFL?
  7. Vegas really has an impact on you. Gruden takes team "FAVORED TO WIN SB BEFORE HE ARRIVES," as if that's his fault. And you also claim he took over the "best team in football that year..." but you refuse to mention the guy that replaced him in Oakland, isn't even in the league now. In fact, in Grudens' last year in Oakland, the game he couldn't get to as you reference was single handledly because of the "tuck rule." C'mon man, you're trying too hard. For a guy who claims to have played Pac-10 football, you are acting like some lifelong Dick Jauron fan. Give it up...
  8. Can I ask you a question? No, I'm not going to ask why you keep creating threads about Jon Gruden. What I want to ask you is, if you were a head coach and your team was 7-3 (2 months ago to this day), would you even consider an offer to coach a college team? Seriously, think about your ridiculously strange thought. Also, Andy Reid is in no danger of losing his job.
  9. If only DJ had a "first year SB run" with Buffalo. Maybe then, your point would have some substance.
  10. Yeah, let's follow the Matt Millen formula of drafting... worked out great for him.
  11. Magox, are you high? Review this thread. I haven't said anything negative about Trent. Nor have I have been on an anti-Trent tirade like some people on this board. To be fair, I've kept my opinion to myself about Trent. I have no idea if he's the answer. I'm really rooting for him because I'm a Bills fan, and you need a good quarterback to win in this league. I don't want to wait another 3 years watching another quarterback develop.
  12. On the flip side, someone could just as easily call you "Another Trent Apologist." You seem to be sensitive about this issue. Instead of calling people haters, you should bring up facts that defend your case.
  13. Long story. Started here if you care to go through it all. He's edited a lot of his foolish statements but the only thing you need to see is: It's been the running joke here for several weeks. To make sense of my avatar, you have to see his avatar. Safe to say, when you say something so arrogant like that, you won't make many friends.
  14. LOL. Excellent work. The only thing I would correct is the high motor part, I think Dick would call them quality guys to have on your team. When Chris Brown mentions those 2 receivers having steady hands, what does that exactly mean? Is anyone really covering them when Hamdan is throwing Hail Mary's in practice?
  15. From Chris Brown: Give it up for continuity. The Bills decided to sign 7 from their practice squad: OL Chris Denman, LB Vince Hall, WR C.J. Hawthorne, WR Felton Huggins, WR Mike Jefferson, OL Brandon Rodd and DL Marcus Smith. Just kidding about the idea of a practice squad receiver making a difference on this team next year. Maybe one of these offensive lineman will work out. Don't know much about them... anyone???
  16. I really want to give Dick Jauron the benefit of the doubt and hope he can make a Tom Coughlin-like turnaround as a coach, but do you really believe there's a circle of people (who are successful) who think he is a good coach? Do they even watch Bills games? Is this circle of people led by Marv Levy? Seriously, don't fool yourself. Do you honestly believe some of the best in the game, like Bill Belichick, think he's a good coach? He's kicked the living hell out of Dick since he arrived in Buffalo. And it hasn't been close. I could care less when people like John Clayton praise Dick. It means nothing because he doesn't watch Bills games like we do. I'm not even sure that guy watches Bills games.
  17. London Fletcher would be welcomed on most teams, I'd think. Prioleau, not so much. Some things are just a natural fit, my friend.
  18. Somewhere Pierson Prioleau is smiling because he knows if Jacksonville doesn't want him anymore, he'll have a job waiting for him in New Orleans.
  19. Good article in the Buffalo News about the Steelers being almost completely healthy and the Ravens dealing with plenty of injuries. Same deal with ARI/PHILLY, as Arizona only has 3 guys on the injury list and Philly has 8 or 9. If injuries mean anything, the picks seem obvious. But as we all know, nothing is ever as easy as it sounds. Should be some good games...
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