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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. That doesn't count because: 1) Trent played good (should say great but ieatcrayonz may reference his hair) and people don't remember when he played well this season. They only seem to mention the games he resembled dog crap. 2) SD didn't try until the last 3 weeks of the season when they had to. 3) Nobody saw the game cause half of it wasn't aired because of helium balloons.
  2. Did anyone honestly think Scott Pioli was going to keep Herm? Herm's a jiggidy-joke.
  3. The thing is, the front office knew JP was crap. That's why they drafted another quarterback. JP wasn't Marv's guy. Maybe you are right and they do the same thing but I'd rather not waste a draft pick when we have so many needs to address. If you're talking about a 6th or 7th rounder, fine but a 2nd rounder? Hell no. Did you hear the Bills aren't raising their season ticket prices which means they will likely spend the minimum in free agency, which in turn means we better draft like gods or we're going to suck yet again.
  4. The wonderful tag team of Preston & Fowler makes me miss Trey Teague (which is not a good thing).
  5. What, you're not happy with the team of Brandon, Modrak, Ralph, Guy, and Jauron? Dude, we have a dream team. If only we had Marv again. We could sign a few more Peerless Prices and Matt Bowens.
  6. He does this every day. To be honest, it annoys the hell out of me because it's like the guy doesn't even read the board. He must get his opinion out there and the only way he can do it is by starting a thread. Yasin's BILLS does the same thing. I don't get it. It annoys me because there are plenty of threads they could contribute to without having to start their own thread. That's why both have made my "fave 5" listed below. I'm glad somebody else noticed this.
  7. Marv Levy was on WGR550 this morning. I'm sure they have the audio segment in their "audio vault." He basically reaffirmed his support for Dick but also admitted that at the end of the day, you are judged by wins and losses and he believes this season is a critical one for Dick. He re-stated why they brought Dick in and after seeing him in action, Ralph and Marv agreed he was everything they thought he was and greater (as far as being a teacher, a leader, high character man, etc..). As for Trent, he believes he will be an excellent quarterback but he needs a defense and some wide receivers. Marv admitted he didn't watch every game, but caught the few he could on TV, attended a few, and watched the play-by-play on the internet for the games that weren't on TV. Apparently he doesn't have the NFL package on DirecTV. Nothing new basically but I thought you'd all like to hear that MARV STILL BELIEVES.
  8. Fred freakin' Jackson. He's going to be worth millions.
  9. Precisely what I've been waiting for - another LA thread!! I think I'd rather discuss Copeland Bryan's 1 sack. Yes, he actually had 1 sack this season. Only 1 less than Chris Kelsay though. Somehow we need to find some youtube footage of this. I won't believe it until I see it..
  10. Kind of like a major Cowboys fan on a Bills site.. it just doesn't feel right. But really, McNabb seems like a nice guy who gets picked on all of the time. Those Michael Jackson dance moves sure don't help his cause... Either way, it's a bad day when Arizona Cardinal fans are screwing with you.
  11. I know you enjoy Moorman, but I bet you'd like Jason's whittle secret... And if you don't, then go stick it up Jabari's Greer. Looks like we've officially killed this thread which is a good thing. I've had it with all of this Jason Peters talk.
  12. Nah, I prefer James' Hardy.. wait... I mean Steve's Johnson... no wait... JK LOL OMG WTF
  13. You guys are pretty obsessed with Jason's Peter.
  14. I understand Lynch isn't the premier back everyone was expecting him to be but there are many things the guy does that other teams would love to have. Besides running hard as you mention, he makes plays when there aren't any to be made. I can't count the number of times he broke tackles for a critical first down in certain games. Or when he pushed a pile for just a few extra yards. I think his blocking has improved. His catching ability has been a disappointment since arriving. A redo of Travis Henry minus the fumbles, the kids, and the drug problems isn't such a bad thing just as long as we have a complimentary back like Fred Jackson who does some of the other things that Lynch doesn't. I respect your opinion but I think he has more value that a pack of used gum and second string receiver.
  15. LOL He must have been REALLY EXCITED to post the news.. No other way you can explain that subject.
  16. I'm trying to make some sense out of the original post in this thread. How about we stick to coherent sentences with commas, periods and the English language?
  17. Your reality sucks. 1) Always good when an average player has durability. Then you find out how average he really is. But I'm sure he's gotten really good at giving speeches in the locker room. 2) ANYONE. Literally, anyone. That's really good money to be handing out to someone who contributes the bare minimum. Use that money towards our first round pick or a big free agent, aye? If you want some names, I'll find some but it's pointless. We tried acquiring Wake from the CFL, which indicates to me that we're looking to replace Kelsay with just about anyone. 3) It wouldn't make a difference. He's average. You'll find that out for the 7th year straight if he remains on the team. 4) HE WAS THE FIRST GUY TO SPEAK OUT FOR HIS COACH. HE LOVES DICK JAURON. He supports this "totally clueless" coach. If he had it his way, Dick would be his coach for life. Probably because he knows under any other coach he wouldn't be a starting defensive end.
  18. That kind of screws up the continuity plan.
  19. No, he literally stole $5,000,000 without the Bills even knowing it. Not only is he a "hard working player with little talent," he's also a thief. (let's continue this BOLD TEXT game, it's fun) Freakin' thief.
  20. I agree 10000000000000000000000% about Kelsay. He'll probably be a good coach one day because he sure acts like more of a leader than a dominant pass rusher. The guy made stole $5,000,000 this past year which is RIDICULOUS. If we bring in a few guys, this guy surely has to go and I don't care if he was one of our defensive captains. As for Schobel, we may be stuck with him because of his salary, the cap hit, and his tenure on the team. I think the front office believes he can still be a force if he's healthy. Big if, right? I don't think you can cut him. He should be here next year and if he doesn't perform up to his contract, then you part ways with him next year. Can't just cut everyone...
  21. I wouldn't get all up in arms over the assumption that people are happy the Bills tried to get this CFL'er. Truth is, I think some people have such little faith in our front office to bring anybody in, and it was somewhat refreshing to hear that the Bills were really in the running for a player. It's rare when it's revealed that the Bills are actively pursuing anyone because that stuff is usually kept quiet. The guy chose Miami over us. What can you do? Break the bank over someone who was a stud on a lower level? Wake chose Miami because their defense is better suited for him among other reasons (playoff team, warm weather, money, joey porter). This guy hasn't proven a thing other than he dominates the CFL level of talent which is considerably lower than starting NFL talent. It's really unlikely that we'll hear about the Bills pursuing many free agents because we just don't have access to that kind information with any sort of regularity. It would be pretty neat to find out who the Bills were going after.
  22. Well, I'm kind of disappointed but I won't lose any sleep over it. At least we tried. He certainly looked impressive in those videos but looks don't always translate into solid play in the NFL. I'll have to keep an eye on him to see if he makes any sort of difference when we play the Phins.
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