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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. In this day and age of parity, the difference should be coaching. But here's the problem, the Bills were $20 million under the cap this past season. What if it happens again? That isn't parity for us. That's a disadvantage because we supposedly can't afford to sign free agents. And here's another problem, the players love Dick Jauron but he doesn't put them in the best position to win games. If he did, folks wouldn't be complaining about him returning. Right? That kind of screws up your plan.
  2. Lets go back to your original post, it's about coaching, right?
  3. Listen, I like you because you've got that old man wisdom but look at his avatar a little closer and you'll notice a penis in the Patriots' logo (above the "Patriots Suck" text). That would make him not much a Patriots fan...
  4. Alright brother, since you want to argue this, let's do it. You want to know why he was a nothing until he played? Because he played behind one of the best quarterbacks ever, Tom Brady. He was only going to get his chance to shine because of an injury, unlike Hamdan who can't beat out JP Losman at his worst and Trent Edwards with a "sore groin." How many teams has Hamdan been on? How many teams has Cassel been on? One can't keep their job and one can. Lets not bring up the Cassel hasn't started since HS argument because that's been over since September. He got a chance. Whether it's fair or not, Hamdan isn't an option for a back-up quarterback. He's only good for being Trent Edwards buddy. Listen, I want to believe that Gibran Hamdan is good but the reality is... HE WAS BORN IN CALIFORNIA!!!
  5. And how'd he do in that critical final game of the season with the playoffs on the line? How many playoff games has he won?
  6. Oh I understand, no apology needed. I just think your logic has some flaws. The difference between Cassel and Hamdan is HILARIOUS. Don't even go there...
  7. Travis Brown would still be on this roster with that logic.
  8. Super lightweight? James Harrison at 242 (with 16 sacks in the regular season), going to the Super Bowl would disagree. You just lost this argument, bud.
  9. I'd like to play this Convenant team. Thing is, I wouldn't really play them..
  10. I'll let you in on a little secret - there wasn't a Wide Receiver drafted in the first round last year. That's the ONLY reason Malcolm Kelly's name was even mentioned among the best receivers in the draft. Lets be realistic here, Crabtree is going high. Especially if there is as much as "Fitzgerald" talk around the league as there is here.
  11. Debbie downer. I'd hammer her. <--- And maybe do that
  12. If we draft a WR or CB, I'll riot. Let's stick to the game-plan: DE, C, TE, LB
  13. Me too. I loved reading that article. Thanks for the link, Lurker.
  14. You're right. We should ignore the need for a DE, C, TE, and LB. Let's keep drafting best position available, even if they are all wide receivers.
  15. Yes, yes, then we can acquire a few more Kennard Cox's.
  16. No trading up either. Doesn't seem to work out for us. Other than that, you're golden.
  17. Yes. and Yes. Just as long as he isn't from California, it's all good.
  18. I'm not sure the Raiders trying to hire him is a ringing endorsement.
  19. Listen, the Bills didn't draft Palmer or Cassel so they don't count. When the Bills draft a California quarterback, it's bad news man and Sanchez is BAD NEWS if the Bills draft him. Seriously, and you live there so you should know this, he isn't worth a 1st round pick. Please tell me you agree with me on this? The funny thing about Cutler is, we were GOING to draft him if he fell to us. Just like we were GOING to draft BIG BEN. I'm sure we were GOING to draft Brady when he fell to the 7th round...
  20. Guys - maybe he is right. We should just stick with Fowler. Dude can play chess like a mofo' I found this Wikipedia quote to be amusing on Fowler: "Over his 40-game career, Fowler has 5.0 tackles and a fumble." Oh wait, he was talking about keeping Preston.
  21. I'll repeat.. NOT ANOTHER CALIFORNIA QUARTERBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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