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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. Lets update the ol' checklist: Going into the off-season we needed to strengthen the following (according to me) - - -Defensive End - - -Tight End - - -Center - - -Back-up Quarterback - - -Linebacker - - -#2 WR, DT, Offensive line help*** ***Not as important as the other needs but cool if you can do it. As you know, some unexpected cuts were made and unfortunately, laws were broken by some fools on the team so some things have changed. Gotta fill the hole you created by cutting Dockery. Also gotta plan for a potential suspension of Lynch which they've done. OF those needs, we have addressed Center, Back-up QB, CB (basically replacing Greer) and WR. Along the way we have re-signed some guys like Jenkins, Chambers, McIntyre and DiGorgio (who will provide real depth at LB). That leaves us with: - - -Defensive End - - -Tight End - - -Linebacker - - -DT, RB (for the short-term), Offensive line help*** IF we sign one of the running backs who came in town for a visit and Cato June, that would immediately knock 2 more things off that last, leaving the draft to fill the void for DE, TE, DT and offensive line help. Other things to watch: Trade for that guy everyone keeps mentioning (Waters) from KC? Figure out Jason Peters contract.. That's it folks. We're not too far off from at least addressing our most pressing needs. Get 'er done Russ!
  2. I still cant believe Terrell Owens will be a BUFFALO BILL. Holy crap
  3. we've already got one and his name is trent edwards. just gotta hope it's the 5-1 version!
  4. lol yes we already have 24 threads on this
  5. For those as obsessed as I am about this, every now and then John Clayton keeps mentioning the rumor about TO being in Buffalo and he's trying to get confirmation. This is on WGR550 right now (ESPN radio). He's talking to some tight end and mentioned Buffalo again.
  6. for once, our post game interviews/press conferences could be interesting. and we might be on espn a hell of a lot more.
  7. incredibly, yes it is. wow, im stunned. never thought in a million years the front office would attempt to bring in TO
  8. first of all, that deal wouldn't land anyone of note. secondly, it's never going to happen. the bills are happy with trent.
  9. BTW, for those complaining - Tim Graham was just on and had a ton of good information and analysis.
  10. i think we're just desperate to sign ANYONE with a name
  11. wonder if he's inspected the restrooms yet. hope chris brown informs us if he approves
  12. Hmm, I don't know how to say this without sounding like a jerk but the majority of people in this area could care less about local college basketball. People want to hear about free agency and guys visiting the Bills, and even that "average hockey team" you refer to. It's just a shame Bulldog has the job talking about this kind of stuff. He's probably a nice guy and all but not the best for the position. As for any local experts (possible former coach) who break down game tapes who are available to do the job, keep dreaming. There isn't enough money in radio.
  13. They readily admit the Bills don't like the station much, hence them not having any sources for that team. Schopp is off and you're counting on the Bulldog to excite you with updates and analysis. Seriously? What do you expect? I personally think people complain too much. Just turn off the station
  14. Just wanted to add to this; I was a bit emotional for the ending, I have to admit. It was a small consolation for a big tragedy, perhaps a little reprieve for those who needed a moment to escape the real horror from the crash. The only thing I felt as we won that game was 'god bless the families of those involved in the accident and god bless this city.' Incredible game
  15. Thankfully, he's just the D-line coach, not our defensive coordinator.
  16. They are not the same age. Greer is 2 years younger, which actually matters in the NFL. As for his returning kicks, we don't necessarily need that. We have a few of those guys on the roster as it is. Playing corner, Greer has better instincts than McGee, in my opinion. And they will not command the same amount of money. McGee has a far bigger reputation than Greer at this point. McGee was a starter from day 1, has 16 career interceptions. Greer only got a chance because of injury. McGee will command a big buck (especially considering his kick return skills). Greer can be had for $4 or $5 million a year. And I truly believe Greer is just as good.
  17. I watched Fedor destroy Arlovski last night in the first round for the Affliction promotion. Boxing blows. No true organization. Too many titles. High priced pay per views for low quality matches. Worst heavyweight division ever. If it wasn't for Oscar De La Hoya, boxing would be the lowest drawing sport on pay per view. And his days are numbered. UFC just drew a pair of one million buy shows on pay per view (Brock freakin' Lesnar vs. Randy Couture and Forrest Griffin vs Niagara Falls native Rashad Evans). Not that numbers matter but UFC has taken over the pay per view business. I've become a huge mixed martial arts fan for a number of reasons. Most of all, you can watch a great title match in UFC almost every month (BJ Penn vs GSP next week), while in boxing there's only the possibility for a great, star-studded match once or twice a year, if that. I understand the old school philosophy of growing up on boxing and standing by the sport, but the promoters have ruined the sport.
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