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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. trent just txt'd me: r u guyz secretly hoping dis is true? i think he's onto something
  2. trent is nervously txting russ and dick: omg, wht iz happning? i thght we were bff?
  3. if anything, has to be talk for scheffler. wow is this a sign we have no faith in trent or what?
  4. What a dumb reason to start a thread. You just made more work for Lori or Simon.
  5. I can't believe you're still continuing this Steve Austin gimmick and not a single person has responded to it.
  6. For the record, you were the one who said "this award clearly has NOTHING to do with achievements on the field," which explains why guys like Travis Henry win it. Then again, in 2004 he only had about 5 kids, I'm guessing. Kelsay isn't good enough to justify what he makes. He has admitted he's not the guy who will tally up sacks, but rather the guy who stops the run. Are you really that upset that people can't stand the fact that this guy wins awards off the field when he makes enough money to justify some awards for on the field play? He's a good guy (like we even know), I'm sure, but he's not good enough on the field and will likely be replaced by a draft pick (all of this talk about drafting a defensive end, surely that means our beloved 9 million dollar defensive end Aaron Schobel won't be replaced). And that is why this award is so funny. They should have just given it to Derek Schouman and it would have meant the same.
  7. Yeah, cause Travis Henry is such an excellent human being. Seriously, you guys are crude.
  8. Alright, that just ends the legitimacy of this award. Kelsay is in good company here.
  9. C'mon guys, he has to win some award to justify that 5 million dollars he made last season.
  10. Bought myself a C.J. Hawthorne jersey on the 15th of January. Hope I'm not screwed.
  11. You aren't the only one. A close friend of mine tried convincing me this was the funniest thing ever. The only part that got me was the James Hardy reference. Also, I heard this concept (subtitles with hitler being mad about a big event) has been done before. That kinda ruins it for me.
  12. I didn't read the story. Just saw this title on Yahoo. That's all I needed to see....
  13. jason peters = long threads and who the hell suggested we franchise him, or is this guy just losing his mind?
  14. this guy has 441 posts and he still posts threads he creates with his name in it. you have to see the humor in this.
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