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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. while we're on the topic of the draft, does anyone know what time it begins tomorrow? hopefully before 4
  2. I hope Al Davis keeps drafting like this for the next 10 years. Only helps the Bills odds of picking someone decent.
  3. they drafted a blocking tight end, his stats are freakin' awful. doesn't mean they're going to trade scheffler
  4. If you feel that way, you should just quit being a fan. You sure sound like you've given up.
  5. Prime example #1 of why I hate this board sometimes, fans like you. Love how you KNOW Maybin is a 2nd tier DE and Orakpo isn't. And then you hate the CB pick despite not waiting to find out he may actually play safety. But you like the Eric Wood pick. Just quit being a Bills fan.
  6. y r u so mad?! 17 picks in the last 3 seasons. will likely play safety anyways... so...
  7. some people think you can just pick guys without thinking about guys on your own team
  8. Do you expect the same from 98% of the posters here? How about the other columnist who've spouted negativity regarding the Bills? While we're at it, maybe you can ask the radio guys to retract everything they've said negatively about this team. And yes, if some dude who writes for the news didn't 'incite such gloom,' maybe just maybe that would have helped the Bills win a freakin' Super Bowl. I didn't know it was that easy!
  9. This post made me laugh the most. You expect him to write from a position of optimism with this team?! Sounds like you're one of those guys who has to be told how great life is every single day and can't handle any criticism whatsoever. This team has been an embarrassment for 9 years and counting. Do you just accept that or do you think these guys should be accountable for their terrible decisions? As a fan, I appreciate when Jerry Sullivan has an opinion when things aren't going well. And for heavens sake, the guy is just as much of a homer as we are when things are going good. I remember many optimistic columns about JP Losman (before the season began a few years back) and this past year regarding the development of Trent Edwards. I just can't seem to understand the difference between Jerry Sullivan writing about Dick Jauron's many flaws as a coach and when there's like 30 threads on this site about the same thing and what's wrong with either thing. If you don't like him as a person, or if you think he comes off like an arrogant prick on the radio, just say that. But as a writer and a columnist, he does his job pretty well, in my opinion.
  10. Incorrect in every conceivable way. His job is not to cover on the Bills as mentioned by others in this thread, nor has he ever claimed to be the voice of the fan. Chris Brown touts the company line, so if you want to hear what the Bills want you to hear, so be it.
  11. Do you also have the lotto numbers for tonight?
  12. I agree, that's a no-brainer from our standpoint. We'd be addressing one of serious needs without using a high draft pick. Then you can focus on defensive end or linebacker in the draft.
  13. He's got a point. Add everything up and it's not hard to figure out that Scheffler is the most likely candidate to be traded to Buffalo. Edwards is tight with everyone in the front office and they still believe in the guy. I know, I know, it's a business but don't fall for it. As much as you want Cutler, it's not going to happen. The Bills already did the unthinkable and landed T.O. What's the likelihood of lightning striking twice? Don't get your hopes up...
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