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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. Yeah, I caught a Giants game and Carr came in for Manning (not sure which game, maybe the one where he hurt his foot) but he took sack after sack and seemed like the same ol' David Carr. No thanks.
  2. This thread made me laugh so much. For all of the wrong reasons.. Anyways, Colt is a joke. I will cry many tears if we draft this guy. Gonna be a poor mans Kyle Boller, which isn't saying much for his NFL career.
  3. And he just threw his 2nd Touchdown. He's looked really good this "season" so far. I'm not sure who to credit; Jay Gruden, the UFL weak competition or Brooks Bollinger himself. Mike McMahon, on the hand, looks pathetic. He has a good looking long ball though
  4. Legendary QB battle on Versus now. UFL, of course.
  5. was he really on the field much today? i saw him once or twice..
  6. he's better than mccoy and won't be injured as much as bradford
  7. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-b...p&type=lgns Just want to point out that as of right now, at 11:28PM, on the front page of Yahoo is the story about the kid who rented out the billboard about firing Jauron, Modrak and Guy, with a picture of 2 bills fans with bags over their head. That is a huge website for that story to be featured on, which could potentially get the word around even more about this. Maybe even Ralph will hear about it, which the 2 radio guys doubted. I'm happy Modrak & Guy's name were thrown in there. Wouldn't surprise me if this story ends up on ESPN soon..
  8. Doesn't seem like a legitimate site though, more like a rumor site.
  9. I found the right link: http://hardknoxsports.com/nfl/buffalo-bill...holmgren-bills/
  10. There is no chance of Jauron accepting a settlement. He's got $9 million dollars guaranteed coming his way, whether he sucks as a coach or not. He'll get fired soon enough and he knows it..
  11. On a day where everyone will be checking this forum out for news about Jauron's status, I would say that the subject of this thread is misleading
  12. Watched the game at a bar with a few friends and here some quick thoughts: I want to know whose idea it was for both teams to wear light colored jerseys? Awful decision. Awful color schemes. Tough to watch. Hope they correct this problem by game 2. I would definitely watch another game, especially on Thursday nights, but it helps that JP is playing. Not sure if I'd watch otherwise unless there's a few names I recognize (especially at the QB position) People were laughing at the jerseys when they first came out. How hard is it to design a cool looking jersey? I know they likely have a low budget but c'mon.. The lack of people in the stands also caused some laughter but I can't blame the UFL for this. It's a tough sell at this point. It's amazing to me that 14,000 people actually attended this game (and some paid!). Why were the coaches wearing bowling shirts? Looked a bit silly. I would say that the refs wearing red was only slightly cooler. I'm not sure what JP will get out of this but he can succeed at this level, which isn't saying much but at least he can hope to correct some of his issues under Fassel. Looking forward to the Nielsen rating for the game. I'm predicting 0.8 which may be a generous prediction.
  13. Tim, After today's performance, how do you feel about Trent's future as Bills QB?
  14. I agree. I hate this team right now. This is supposed to be fun. Some of us pay for this crap. Thankfully I enjoy watching other games, aside from the other jokes in the league.
  15. Yes he is and yes he is funny. Whitey isn't funny, doesn't try to be. Howard is the gold standard? LOL. He used to be good until he decided he wanted to be a character (the guy you make fun of). And Nick Mendola is the worst. Ive heard from a few close to him that they are forced to do those awful skits (super directional mic or whatever), but either way, those are just awful compared to the stuff "Greg Buck" does. Mendola has even ripped him off on occasion.
  16. ESPN was hyping up Trent big last year, even calling him a candidate for MVP early in the season until the wheels fell off. I think they are waiting just a little bit before they start the hype machine again. If they beat the Saints, and do so while putting up some numbers, there's a good chance that Trent gets some love. To me, it's annoying how much they discuss Romo, so I'm cool with the limited attention Trent gets now. Think about it, even an established starter like Hasselback rarely gets love from ESPN.
  17. Street - I don't follow the Saints that closely but I'm sure Brees had to have some bad games last year. Any idea what style of defense worked against him then, or if there was a reason why he looked bad? Brees is on fire now but that eventually will end and I'm wondering what worked the best against him last year. Have you heard anything over there (articles or radio) about Brees' friendship with Trent?
  18. Great may be a slight exaggeration there. Good, not great... yet.
  19. Good performance by him Sunday but this opens up the door for Nelson & Fine, who I believe can be just as productive.
  20. I've been thinking about yesterdays game and had to give some random thoughts on the team: -- I think most Bills fans are expecting a loss this Sunday against one of the hottest teams in the league, and that's probably not a bad thing for your expectations because there's a good chance of it happening if New Orleans offense is still on fire. IF. Listen, I'm not calling for an upset, but this is the NFL, where the Bengals can upset the Packers, where the Texans can upset the Titans in their own backyard and where the Jets can beat the Patsies with a rookie QB & head coach. Brees can't keep this pace up. Eventually he will have a rough game. Maybe, just maybe, the Bills get lucky and he finally decides to play like a normal quarterback and throws a few bad passes. The key to the game for the Bills is obvious; ball control. If we can't kill the clock, there's a good chance we get killed. -- I sure hope Shawn Nelson is OKAY. I love the idea of the Bills getting him involved early. All of the talk of him being a project and not getting any reps early led me to believe we wouldn't see much of him this year, but thankfully the Bills have figured out a way to get him involved. I don't know why, but whenever he gets a completion, I get excited. I just get the feeling he has a lot to offer this team in terms of YAC. -- Maybe I'm dead wrong on this but I've always felt that Stevie Johnson was the next Greer/F.Jackson. If given the opportunity, I think he can contribute. I thought he was getting that chance at the end of last season but he's been deactivated both games so far. Maybe with Roscoe on the trade block, he'll get a shot soon. -- Speaking of Roscoe, maybe the Bills decided they could save even more money by getting rid of him. They know they have James Hardy coming back somewhere around week 6, and will likely have to get rid of someone. I like Roscoe's punt return skills but he hasn't impressed me as a receiver. Certainly not enough to justify that 4-5 million dollar price tag. That money could be used elsewhere, but unfortunately for us, we won't see that until next season. Just add up Evans, Owens and Roscoe's salaries for this year alone and that should be enough proof they've invested too much money in wide receivers. -- Somewhere in that 3rd quarter I thought the entire stadium fell asleep. There was just an incredibly boring stretch of football there. During that stretch, Trent didn't look good either. But prior to that, and after that, Trent looked awesome. I don't like the amount of punishment he took though. The really good quarterbacks don't get hit that often, unless your name is Ben Roethlisberger. -- Signing TO was good in many ways but maybe the most important is his impact on Trent. Lee wasn't getting the job done by himself, as far as pushing Trent was concerned. I think TO has the perfect type of attitude to step up to Trent and tell him throw me or Lee the damn ball deep when the coverage is right. Now that has to come back and bite him in the you-know-what when he drops such an easy ball as he did, but still, I think his affect on Trent is important. -- Too early to call him out but I'm still waiting for Maybin to make a play. It's just weird that our other draft picks are contributing so much more. Then again, he arrived late, is still incredibly young and not the biggest guy out there. I'm not down on him, just hoping for a little bit more from him soon. -- It's easy to be upset over losing Brad Butler for the season considering he was the only guy on the starting line who played a game at Ralph Wilson Stadium prior to this season. To be honest, it doesn't bother me that much. Butler is solid, not spectacular. He gets the job done and I like him and hope he comes back strong next year but I think we can get by without him. Call me crazy, but he's actually the guy who I think we could afford to lose on the line. Here's why; our center is actually playing really well and it'd be devastating to lose him considering the depth there, Wood & Levitre need this season to continue to grow and gain experience and they're both doing a good job so far as rookies, and D Bell is playing the more important tackle spot and doing pretty well (aside from the penalties). Scott did well when he came in and may be a legit option as Butlers replacement. If not, there's always guys like Runyan out there. I don't mean to diss Butler at all, but I just think there's guys out there who can adequately fill in for him until next year. Losing any of the other guys I mentioned would have upset me more. Even Levitre, who is probably the best candidate for guy you can afford to lose on the line, I'd just rather see him in there and continue to grow with fellow draft pick Wood.
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