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Everything posted by BillsObserver

  1. Hey, I think we need some more Men's Wearhouse commercials
  2. interview notes with the commissioner: 2 more teams coming in next year in NON-NFL markets More quality players and coaches as well, although he'd say that no matter what..
  3. Given their attendance problems, I'd say their budget is very low.
  4. bwahahahahah this is freakin' embarrassing
  5. what in the world is this halftime show
  6. They just showed a clip of Losman and Fassel communicating, and basically Fassel schooling him about him misreading a play. Not saying Losman will ever be good but this is the type of coaching he needed years ago. Best part was when Fassel told him something about, you told me the X read was open but it was actually the Y read. Losman's response: "What was the original question again?"
  7. From the bizzaro world of Twitter and Adam Schefter's account: $10 mil per year is not close to offer. RT @ryanferreira2: how bad is Buffalo if 10 mil per year and control of the team may not be enough? The guy asking the question sounds like the guy who started a similar thread here...
  8. You can't have a team of all-stars. You just need a quarterback, and a damn good one at that.
  9. I agree, Big Cat. He is everything Jauron isn't, and I mean that in the most positive way.
  10. After one game? Considering all of the candidates??? I don't know man. I like his intensity but he'll have to show me a lot more before I even consider the idea of extending him an offer as our head coach.
  11. Maybe it's just me but I still question how good Cutler is. I know he doesn't have a lot to work with there in terms of receivers but he has made some extremely questionable throws in the last few games. Remember when we wanted him so badly? The results would have been even worse here.
  12. if if if if if iif fi fi fi fif if if ifi fi fi fiififififififif iif fifi fiif if IF
  13. Oh wait I get it. So, you need a quarterback to land Shanahan. Guess every team looking for a coach is screwed then.
  14. You really did defend Dick endlessly. And now you want Fewell after one game. I actually like Perry but I'm not sure if he's worthy of retaining the position. Let's see how the rest of the season plays out before we anoint him the next one.
  15. lol it's amazing people still bring up jeff georges name. dude hasnt played in ages, what makes you think he could cut it now?
  16. I agree but we need to put some points up, we won't completely shut them down!
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