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Posts posted by BillsObserver

  1. Fitzpatrick over HENNE any freakin' day of the week. Also Fitzmagic over Sanchez but I can also admit Sanchez has had his days where he looked pretty damn good so this probably isn't as obvious as Fitzy over Henne. But I bet most Jets fans would take Fitzys production over the "Sanchize."


    Brady over everybody in the world, btw.

  2. I watched the game with some friends and someone said the same thing as Promo. At the time I thought "But it's... T JACKSON.. HE SUCKS" and then when Florence picked him off for 6, I felt like it was going to be a good day. But he was right. The Vikings stepped their game up. Elusive QBs give the Bills a tough time.


    With Favre in there, you know he wasn't going to scramble for a few first downs like T Jackson did. Props to Sidney Rice who flat out MADE plays when there wasn't one to be made. Dude is a heck of a receiver.


    Leodis McKelvin screwing the momentum up big time in the first half didn't help either. Neither did losing half of our offensive line.

  3. I'd like to see a quarterback, any quarterback in the world, do much better with this patchwork offensive line.


    Words cannot describe how bad our offensive line was at many points in this game. He couldn't even get passes off without pressure. Just consider the injuries and who was playing before you throw Fitz under the bus for this loss. Not saying you did but I know some are thinking this was Fitz's fault.

  4. Yeah 2 wins and three overtimes which were losses plus one other loss which went down to the final play all of which we went down by 3 points, plus a hard fought loss against the Pats*. Babies take time to grow before they are born

    You are so freaking boring, go watch recordings of last years games since we were so much better then (or at least had more wins).


    Haha agree with bowery here. If he can't see the difference between last year and this year, that's his fault.

  5. I watched some Bills videos last night and I think he explained it well in the final video discussing the game against the Vikings. It's a one on one interview with the bald eagle Chris Brown. He said that instead of watching tape of a player, they wanted to pick up 2 of the best tight ends available and evaluate them up close and personal and said they won't be short term fixes but rather long term projects.


    And if they don't develop or aren't worth keeping, they won't be around long.


    I hope Chandler makes the most of his opportunity. BIG dude! Don't know much about the other guy they picked up.

  6. The OP is trying to jinx it, right? I hate these kind of threads.


    Grow a set, bro. One dude posting on a random Bills message board won't affect the outcome of the game.


    I am superstitious too but not enough to think that I can't post a few lighthearted predictions. I love this team and I want them to do well every game so my predictions would be similar from game to game.


    • Fitz loses his magic and tosses 4 INTS, 0 TDS
    • Spiller stumbles for 14 yards on 10 carries
    • VIKINGS - 85 BILLS - 0


    There. Do you feel better now?

  7. Let's do this. What are your predictions for tomorrow's game.


    ANYONE else FREAKIN' READY for this game tomorrow? I am. Can't wait. Unusually excited for the last few games. I love watching this offense.


    Let's hear it - scores, predictions, whatever you got. Here we go:


    • The Bills finally break that bad habit of starting super slow in the first half. OK - maybe a bad first quarter but we damn sure better pick it up in the second.
    • STEVIE JOHNSON #13 rebounds and has a good game including a touchdown reception.
    • MAYBIN gets his first sack against one of the greats in the game, #4.
    • Spiller gets loose a few times and finally gives us Bills fans what we expected when we drafted him so high.
    • Kyle Williams follows his best game as a pro with another good one. One sack at least. I hope Carrington does the same!
    • FITZMAGIC lights it up with 3 touchdowns.



    BILLS - 35

    VIKINGS - 21

  8. I don't watch CFL but here's what ya need to know:


    • Phillip Hunt had 16 Sacks. 53 Tackles too. He's a defensive end for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. 6'1 248lbs
    • John Bowman had 12 Sacks. 32 Tackles. He had 12 sacks last year as well. Plays for Montreal Alouettes. Just played his 5th season, while Hunt has only played 2 in the CFL.

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