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Posts posted by BillsObserver

  1. Ryan Fitzpatrick looked devastated in his post game presser. "I really hurt our football team today" was a quote that stood out. This is notable because he normally doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve like he did today.


    There's only one line of defense thats acceptable when drafting CJ Spiller as high as the Bills did and that's if you thought he was going to be the next Chris Johnson. I hated hearing so many people give up on the guy early in the season and I still don't think it's over or anything for the kid but today was really disappointing. He's still tentative and has issues with handling the ball. Best case scenario for Bills fans is if he learns from this disappointment of a season and tears it up next year with a year of experience under his belt.


    At some point I saw an offensive lineman named PEARS in place of Mansfield Wrotto. Yep, PEARS. Just remember that, folks. This offensive line is a joke. I'm not quite sure how Gailey has gotten as much as he has out of this group up until now. Draft a guy high and sign a good enough free agent and we can start talking about a better offense. We really need some freakin' talent on this team.


    First game in a bit where there was nothing positive to say about Moats.


    Check the Fitzmagic tracker. Fitzy hit 3,000 yards today. At first I thought that was impressive. Then I learned 20 quarterbacks total have 3,000+ yards including the likes of Chad Henne, Mark Sanchez, Sam Bradford, Matt Cassel and Matt Hasselbeck. I'm less impressed after reading that. 4 quarterbacks are in the elite 4,000+ yards club. I'm still a huge fan of Fitzy. He has done so much with SO little and don't forget that he didn't start the first 2 games. I still say surround him with better talent next year (specifically the offensive line and a real tight end) and lets see how it works out.


    I was at the stadium today and damn was it cold. I did not enjoy my experience today. Sorry but it was a bad idea on my part to go. I thought I would support the team for its resilient play and lovable cast of characters but I learned a lot about the stadium experience today. Judge me as you want but sign me up as someone who genuinely enjoys watching the games in front of my big TV. Thank you to those who still buy tickets and go to the game because it allows guys like me to watch the game in the comfortable confines of my living room (when the game is sold out). That's just my take. I know many of you love to go for the tailgating experience and stadium atmosphere and that's cool with me but it's just not my thing.


    One other thing to consider - the Wide Receivers group at one point (after D Nelson's injury): Stevie Johnson, Donald Jones and Naaman Roosevelt. Yikes. I like those guys but that's not good enough to win games against elite teams. I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Lee Evans. Steve is a perfect #2 receiver, in my opinion. Still too many drops to be considered a true #1.


    At the end of the day, I'm not too hurt by this loss because we got beat by one of the best quarterbacks in the game. And we turned the ball over 7 times! 7 TIMES! Expectations were ridiculously high for this game. People were tossing around "measuring stick game" way too much. Please put things in perspective - we beat a few scrub teams and a decent team. We also battled some very good teams but that was before some big injuries occurred. Look at our offensive line. Look at our wide receiver group. Look at our defense. Lets get healthy next year, add as many pieces as possible and try again next year.


    As for next week - super disappointing if we end up playing the Jets b squad. Interesting to think about how we could go from having the 2nd or 3rd pick to the 9th or 10th pick depending on the outcome of this game.

  2. While I agree we need to hire a head coach who gets fired, I don't like Singletary. He's a motivator. Kind of like Herm Edwards. We need to hire someone like Wade Phillips, someone who is a defensive mastermind. But not Wade Phillips because there's no chance he's coming back here considering his relationship with Ralph.

  3. In some cases, you may be right. But the four attempts were LONG ones -- 61, 53, 48, 48. At least one of those 48 yard kicks was into the wind as well - can't remember about the second one. Those are very difficult kicks to make. If they missed a few 30-40 yarders, you might have a point.


    That's all that needs to be said.

  4. I would like to consider myself a betting man, and I generally am 5 or 6 out of 7 on every NFL Sunday (of course picking the games I like the best). I must state that ever saying the Bills at 3-10 are a gimme would be as ridiculous as taking Matt Flynn to outplay Tom Brady this Sunday night. Its just not going to happen. The Fins have a pretty tough defense, not to mention a top 2 or 3 offensive line in football. Couple that with our pass rush, and I really see no way for us to win this game. Henne is a complete NOTHING in this league, however that line can make any QB look like a star. I'll be praying for a win this Sunday, but in my opinion we are EXTREMELY LUCKY if the Dolphins don't cover this spread. Although, we did not look great vs Cleveland, we pulled out a tough game in real cold weather. The weather will not be an issue this week in Miami. I look for the Bills to get one lucky sack this week, and Cameron Wake alone to have 3 of them. Dont forget we were getting blown out by a rough Vikings team two weeks ago with their backup QB in the whole game. STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME unless you take the over/under! If you have to bet, I say take the Falcons as the easiest game of the week, or the Pats depending on what their spread comes out at. I don't think its being released yet due to the status of Aaron Rogers



    • Chad Rinehart - Rinehart played well last week. Much better than Chan Gailey expected. This guy is a former 3rd rounder who claims that this is the first time he's felt good since his injury. It would be a pleasant surprise if this guy turned out to be someone who could start for us and make a difference on the offensive line. He's listed at 6'5, 307 lbs (looks a bit heavier than that). Gailey has mentioned wanting a more physical offensive line (who doesn't?) and Rinehart fits that mold.
    • Fitzmagic - 5 more TD passes in last 3 games would put Ryan Fitzpatrick in tie with Joe Ferguson for second-most in team history (26). You know what happens if he hits 30 Touchdowns which seems like a really difficult challenge at this point.
    • Fred Jackson - The Bills are 3-0 when a running back goes for at least 100 yards. Fred had a strong game last week and the offense closed the game out by running the ball and killing the clock. The weather conditions last week forced that style of a game plan. With the weather looking good for tomorrow, we'll see if they lean toward a pass oriented offense.
    • Arthur Moats - He didn't win rookie of the week but it's been a good few weeks for Moats. Will he continue to disrupt the quarterback and cause turnovers? Henne seems like a good target right now as he's struggled mightily the last few outings. And yes, I know they beat the Jets but I thought both quarterbacks looked awful. Henne has lost his last 6 starts at Sun Life Stadium.
      Other notables:
    • Eric Wood - Had a really good game at Center last week. I'm excited to see if he follows up last weeks game with another strong outing against a good defensive front.
    • Namaan Roosevelt - He gets his first real good opportunity tomorrow and Fitz discussed earlier this week how much he likes Roosevelt. He called him a "playmaker." He said he loves to go to Namaan because he knows he will come down with the ball. Gailey also said Namaan has played every WR position in practice and considers him an intelligent guy who shouldn't have a problem with whatever they ask of him tomorrow.


    Feel free to add to this if you feel so inclined.


    I'm pretty excited about this game even though nothing is on the line for the Bills. Hoping we get our first division win! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Fresh off the news of McNabb being benched in favor of Rex Grossman (lol) and the possibility of him being released this off-season, I thought I'd throw up a poll asking who should be the Bills QB next season.


    I was going to put "Fitzpatrick/Drafted QB" as an option, meaning the drafted guy would sit a year or two behind Fitzy but I didn't want to confuse anybody. If that's what you'd do, just select Fitzy and give your opinion on who should learn behind him for a year.


    For the record, I think McNabb is shot and I wouldn't even consider that option but there are people out there who think he's got some gas left in the tank. My vote goes for Fitzpatrick. Give him the mini-camp, training camp, pre-season and regular season as the starter and figure out if he can get the job done with more talent around him.

  6. You forgot the part about how he says you could be a Bills fan and be out of the playoffs.


    Which is 100% correct. He was making a point, not taking a shot.


    Oh I love it when this happens.


    Tell me where I said he took a shot? I merely posted his quote. I didn't even post an opinion. I was just passing along information as I acquired it, Truth.


    As for his point and what he said, I have to be real with you - I don't watch Ravens pressers. I was posting information I got from some guy named "RavensInsider" on twitter who seems to be a stand up guy who reports bits of news from around the NFL. The information I posted was what I got from him.


    But thank you for posting the rest of the quote. Glad to read that Derrick Mason isn't a complete idiot.

  7. Wow it's like someone hired a new GM in the past year or so and he's actually doing stuff I like (except extend Kelsay!!).


    Seriously now, I have nothing against Whitner or where he was drafted or how much he makes - the bottom line is the guy doesn't produce enough. He hits hard but he has NO knack for the ball. He's got a great attitude and work ethic it seems but I just don't believe he's good enough to keep at 5 million a year or whatever he's asking.


    Bye bye Donte, I won't miss you much. STEP UP MR WILSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Would love to see 2 or 3 SOLID free agent acquisitions but I have my doubts as to whether this front office will do that. Harris would be a good pick-up.


    I really believe in order for us to make the playoffs next year we can't simply rely on our drafted/undrafted picks, we must pick up a few guys via free agency. Even if it's 2 guys who can start, that would help so much. Lord knows we will have the cap room (if there is a cap) and should have the money.


    I know we've been hit with a lot of injuries but we still need some serious help on defense.

  9. I always love reading your weekly opinions Rich.


    One thing though, if you watch any other game in the NFL, nearly every QB has the "Terrible Trio" every week. It's nearly impossible to be accruate with every single throw. This includes Brady and Manning too, actually, its been all too often with Manning this year.


    Loving reading Rich's weekly opinion as well.


    And I was going to make this same point last week. The terrible trio is commonplace among most QBs, even the elite ones. Maybe Fitz's are more obvious?

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