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Everything posted by granitestatebillsbackers

  1. Um...wow. I was going to abandon the notion of meeting at a sports bar in New Hampshire that's mostly full of Patriots fans to watch the Bills on Sunday Ticket, or listening to the games on Sirius. I was thinking about season tickets for the 2006 season. After reading all this, standing in a room with a bunch of Bruschi and Roesthelishsithberger jerseys isn't looking so bad. At least nobody pukes on my back or kicks me in the head. And I save about 470 miles of driving one way. (The Patriots fans do drool a lot, though, and make noises that sound like "nyargh" and "buhh.") Go Bills! (Oh, sorry...I was standing when I typed that.)
  2. I love what Kelly did for this franchise and admire him as an athlete and a philanthropist, but COME ON! Oh wait...you voted Hilarity Clinton into office, so maybe this isn't so far-fetched.
  3. He'll be throwing to T.O. in Baton Rouge or wherever the hell they can find a dry spot. Brees isn't going anywhere.
  4. Look at it this way: 2006 is a rough year either way. Even if JP started this weekend, the surrounding cast of characters (read: o-line) is going to impede his development until they get their act together. So, whether he starts in week 10 or starts in week 13 doesn't matter. He still needs a healthy chunk of the 2006 season to get comfortable playing NFL football. Write it off. But, 2006 gives the D a chance to get back on track and JP, Evans, McGahee, et al to turn into the kind of scoring machine we had way back when. In the meantime, hopefully, they are adding talent to the lines to strengthen them. The '07 season should be when we start seeing results. Moulds and all the WIN IT NOW! fans are not going to like this, but if you look at the length of time it takes most NFL QBs to develop, it's the truth. Are TD and Mularkey mortgaging the future for short-term gratification? Probably. Both their asses are on the line if they don't start producing results. Or, if RCW heads to the sideline club in the sky, a new ownership group is going to sack both of them anyway. They might be trying to polish their football resumes (with a few Ws) to set themselves up for their next stops in the league. That leaves you and me OUT of the picture. They are not trying to win now for the fans, or for the veteran players like Moulds. They certainly are NOT acting like guys who have a long-term commitment to this franchise.
  5. Count on it. They were probably weeping that they didn't have the opportunity to showcase St. Bruschi (We're not worthy!)--and now he's been named DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE WEEK! *vomit* So, ABC's KissAssCam will be fired up.
  6. That's really all I have to say. GO COLTS!
  7. Time for a miracle. Put in JP. Throw it deep three times.
  8. Welcome to the JP Losman era, folks. Holcomb just sealed his fate with that STUPID decision. Force the goddamned ball downfield if you have to--but don't leave the receiver with 7 yards after catch for a first!! Let's get on with developing our new QB.
  9. At least they're running Willis.
  10. It's McGahee time.
  11. They just gave NE the game.
  12. WHAT THE F!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????
  13. That ball was underneath him. Theisman is blowing Belechik again. Shut up, moron.
  14. GOOD challenge by MM. GOOD CHALLENGE!!!
  15. Lindell really slipped on that kickoff. Kraft spends a bazillion dollars on that stadium, but can't manage decent turf. ESPN crew is really boning it tonight. It's like they have nothing to say if it isn't about Teddie. Sheesh.
  16. Williams might have just WON us the game! Key first down. I really like that guy!
  17. "Patriots have hurt themselves." So, we haven't had anything to do with it? What a bunch of crap.
  18. Tedy looks tired. Someone should put a helmet on his spleen. Blah blah blah, doctors opinions, blah blah blah. they are rehashing two week old news. BUFFALO RECOVERS!!! While that bee-yatch is blathering about Teddie. HEY GUYS!! WE RECOVERED A FUMBLE, YOU MORONS
  19. Defense is looking ok tonight. Another couple tough sacks against Brady and we should be in great shape. ^ ^ ^ ^ D - ||-||-||-|| !!!! ----------
  20. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Damn. Kelly laid it right in there. Nice catch, Reed.
  21. Nice body-slam, Colvin--you cheap-shot SOB.
  22. Those Brooski ass-kissers in the booth are all about the Bills now! BILLIEVE!!
  23. So much for that.
  24. Nice play-calling! How about an 8 or 9 minute drive?
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